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Posts posted by nbat58

  1. oh dear - is all well now?

    All is good now thanks, gee, that turbo looks well and truly mangled if you're having the turbo fitted at a garage, make sure you take it to someone who knows what they're doing.

    If you're doing the job yourself, make sure you get all those bits of metal out before you replace the turbo, either take the sump off and clean properly or flush the engine out a few times with cheap oil before you fit the new turbo on.

    You need to take the oil feed pipe off and block off with a right size bolt and fit some cloth on the intake and exhaust where your turbo was to stop your engine sucking up any rubbish, fill with cheap oil and flush a few times.

    I would also replace the turbo oil feed and drain pipes to ensure everything is clean.

    This was how I did my Passat a couple of years ago after some advice from a member on another forum.

  2. My car was running fine for 5 days after an second hand turbo fitted with 70000 on the clock, without warning all of a sudden no boost whatsoever, no limp mode, just no boost at all.

    I have changed all the VAC lines with new original genuine hose, but still no boost.


    I have disconnected the actuator pipe N75 sensor end and cycled the N75 with VCDS while feeling for vacuum, vacuum was present but not sure whether it was high enough as I haven't got a mini vac.


    I didn't have time to mess about with it too much so I have taken it to my local indie and he reckons, it needs a new turbo as there was no boost at all and the turbine shaft may have broken.


    I was hoping for a sensor or electrical boost pipe fault as the turbo had no indication of any limp mode or anything prior to this.


    I have checked the MAF sensor with VCDS, not sure about the MAP sensor though, I have a spare that I can try to see if there are any changes but not sure where this is situated in the 1.9TDI ASV engine.


    I thought that a sensor or the turbo breaking would mean I get limp mode? I am not getting limp mode at all just no boost with VCDS code 17964.


    Many thanks for any suggestion on what to try next or whether it is worth taking to a vag garage, the indie today charged me £50.00 for his diagnosis.


  3. These TDI engines can last for ever (well almost) if well serviced.  I would push the garage to do an oil change and cambelt change as well.  That way you are starting with a "level" playing field.


    Finally, is your dash/ecu on fixed or variable servicing?  Eitherway, if you get the oil changed (or so that bit your self), remember to reset the service interval reminder.


    Make sure they replace (and don't reuse) the stretch engine mount bolts, otherwise your new engine might fall out :-(


    Thanks for that information, I thought of something else too today while pondering what else need to be done and realised that I had a remap on my old engine...can the ecu be transferred from my old engine to the "new" old engine? and is it an easy job, I imagine it to be a square box bolted on the side of the engine somewhere and is a king of a plugged in affair.

  4. A new engine, for £300 that sounds cheap - that can't include fitting.


    Have you you got an mechanically savvy mate who could come with you?  If nothing else pay by credit card, and you might be able to claim your money back in the future....  Basically ou gave the garage a car with a functional engine, with possible oil in the pipework, and they have changed the turbo and broken your engine.  Sounds like a garage best avoided in the future.


    I went down today to see them and they have offered me my money back, basically what I have paid for the turbo, take the car away with a broken engine, or they will source an engine from ebay with 3 to 6 months warranty price between £300.00 and £500.00, I will pay half and the garage will pay half and they would fit the engine for free.


    I have taken option 2, which they said will take about two weeks for the car to have the fitted engine, I have expressed my worry about the engine state and how many miles it had done and they said that the engine that they will purchase will have between 80000 to 100000on the clock, my other worry is I would have the timing belt kit to replace which I had just done a half a year ago on this engine.


    I was contemplating going the route of Trading Standard, but that will be no good for them or for me as it will take a while to get sorted and would probably damage their reputation and I thought that I would give them a chance to put it right first.


    Once the job is done I would take the car for a good drive to see whether the work was done right or not, after all it will be warranted for at least 3 months and this would give me a good chance to test it properly, I would definitely plug my VAGCOM on it for starters.

  5. What a joke, today I phoned the garage and they are saying now that I need a new engine at £300.00, the only thing I wanted is get my car on the road, now a week on and still without a car, they've asked me to go down and see them so we could discuss it, how I am suppose to do that if I haven't got a car? I will try and get a lift to go down and sort this mess out tomorrow.

  6. Unlike they they would have replaced the internals, as it would need to be sent away and balanced for that....  a VAG turbo is more like £700 + labour (and a few gaskets - inlet, exhaust x 2, oil return), and that was the pricing a good few years ago from a Skoda dealer, sure things have increased since then




    You can definitely get them cheaper than that, it would be more expensive of course going to a skoda dealer.



  7. Think mannyo has summed this one up. Looking at the cost of £550 for the turbo was that a fitted including vat price? I assume it was a reman exchange part. If there was any destruction to the blade wheel of the turbo then the entire boost system must be removed inspected cleaned and likely the intercooler replaced. What does it state on your invoice? Otherwise any old piece of metal from the old turbo will sit in the charge air side and ruin your newly fitted turbo.


    The total price including VAT was £744.00, whether they tried to do the job on the cheap and just replace the turbo internals and hoped that this would work I don't know as I haven't had the chance to inspect the turbo when I had the car back, I will do a thourough check if/ when it's running again.

  8. I hope someone out there can offer some advice, Driving to work on Tuesday 30/09/14, my exhaust starting blowing loads of bluish smoke and I was only about a 3/4 of a mile from work so decided to nurse the car to work and call the AA.


    The AA got there only an hour after I called them and checked over the engine and checked the engine oil which was very low (only barely registering on the dipstick), the AA guy filled the car with oil to the correct level and asked me to start the car while he stood at the back, as soon as I started the engine he shouted me to turn it off.


    Just as I suspected the diagnosis was the turbo had gone and under no circumstance that the car is started until the turbo is replaced, so he stuck a massive sticker over the steering wheel which said in big letters something like do not start the engine blablabla, he also said that I was very lucky I could have damaged the engine if I drove it further, he towed me to my local garage.


    Later on that day I had a call from the garage saying that their diagnosis is the turbo and would I like to get them to quote me for the repair, I had decided to go ahead with the repair as I had a lot of things done to the car and I knew that it wouldn't need much after this (I was hoping), the work done this year on the car was replace the dual mass flywheel with a single flywheel, new brake discs and shoes all around, timing belt kit with water pump, new tyres, new from driver window electric mechanism, front nearside wheel bearing, I am sure other stuff but can't recall.


    I had the quote back from the garage, which was £550.00 for turbo and 40.00 for oil change and filter excluding VAT, I agreed to the repair, they estimated that the car would be ready on Wednesday 01/10/2014 PM, later on they called me and said that the turbo feed pipe had sheared off and needed a new one at 30.00 + VAT, I had agreed to this as I had fitted a turbo myself previously and knew that these pipes get corroded solid and could break very easily while removing.


    I had a call later in the afternoon informing me that the car was ready, it was taken for a test drive and is all good, I agreed to collect the car before they closed at 17:00 Hrs, I had a lift from a mate at work and paid and collected the car, on my way back to work about 500 meters from the garage a plume of bluish smoke was bellowing from the exhaust yet again, the same as previously, loads of it, so I decided to take the car back to the garage, I drove it very gently accelerating only when I had to and coasting.


    When I got to the Garage I immediately turned the ignition off, the garage of course was closed at this time, so I called the owner on his mobile whom told me that this was normal after a turbo repair and the car would be smoking for at least a couple of months, taking his advice (as he was the expert), I jumped back in the car and started for work smoke bellowing, people staring in disbelief, a woman pedestrian had even waved to me pointing to the back of the car as if I wasn't aware of it.


    Barely a mile from the garage and the car started revving very high with loads of smoke coming out of the exhaust, I put the clutch down as well as breaking to stop the car, the car cut off and I rolled to a house driveway, I went and knocked on the door and apologised for blocking the house driveway and told him that I would be calling the AA to come and tow me, the house owner said that this is ok as they weren't going out and asked whether I needed a phone to call the AA, I thanked him informing him that I had a mobile phone and would be calling straight away.


    The AA turned up just before 20:00 Hrs, towed me back to the garage at my request, then drove me to where I had broken down, I walked to work and got a lift home, the time was after 21:30 Hrs, I was hungry and very tired by this time.


    On the Wednesday morning I borrowed a car from work and took my keys back to the garage, after a longish conversation they had said they will look at the car and call me later.


    I called the garage to find out on the progress and was told that the car started and is running and they'll make further diagnosis and let me know the outcome, I called again later during the afternoon and was told the car wouldn't start and they're performing further tests to find the fault.


    Today I had a call saying that they've changed the fuel filter and the glow plugs and where did I want to take it from here, I made it quite clear saying that I was not prepared to pay any more money as the fault was theirs as the turbo wasn't correctly fitted in the first place, the guy said that the car was running but they think that one of the injectors was blocked and would like to change it would I pay half for the injector, I had agreed to this as the only thing I want is get the car back on the road.


    Well the garage will have the car until Monday PM, where they will call me with the progress, by Monday 06/10/14, I would have to return the pool car to work and would either find a lift home, hire a car or walk if the car is not repaired.


    I had a wedding to go to this week end and ended up cancelling and not bothering to go as I am not in a good spirit to be with people.


    My question is, can a runaway engine be repaired, of course this depends on the extent of damage that has been caused to the engine and I fear for the worse, in my mind a new engine for sure but have no cash left to pay for another engine, I personally think that the garage should repair that car at their cost even if this means they need to get a refurb engine.


    I am pondering over getting the Ombudsman Services, trading standard or my solicitor involved over this and would like some advice, apologies for the long post, this will serve as a memory jogger if/when I need to take this further.

  9. I bought my regulator off eBay at a discount price of £25 delivered. I believe you should be able to pick 1 up for around £35 there is a guide on here somewhere. Tbh I did mine in under an hour with a friends help removing the glass.i wouldn't bother with repair kits alot of hassle. New regulator is the best way, google search it for guide and it should point you in the direction of the guide on here, it was a massive help to me :)

    Yes I agree, the kits look like a lot of hassle, seen some youtube vids and doesn't look easy, is the regulator riveted on or bolted?

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  10. Here I am again, had the Darkeside Developement uprated smf and clutch kit fitted and a cambelt kit put on, thanks Sreven89, top class work from your contact. Before having the new clutch kit I was nursing the car, however after the repair I started driving the car normally and because the car didn't feel that quick or fast, I decided to have a remap, never drove a non PD TDI before and thought the older engines were maybe slower than my last car a PD Passat.

    So off I go to the remap centre in my area and had the car remapped from 110 to 135 with a revo remap, prior to the remap the mechanic told me that the car had a fault code 17964 and that he was going to clear it and then upload the map and see how it drives, he took it for a test drive and said that the car had no acceleration and probably will need to be book it in with him to resolve the problem and only then will I feel the benefit of the remap, so paid for the remap and did not book in with the garage for the low boost issue as I didn't know anything about their work or when I was able to take the car in and most importantly how much it was going to cost.

    I thought that remapping centre would not remap the car until the under boost problem was resolved but they went ahead and flashed the software anyways.

    So drove the car home, changed the fuel filter and the air filter as soon as I got home to see whether this may make a difference and while doing that I had discovered not 1 but 2 vac pipes were disconnected, these pipes connect to a Y piece that go to the EGR and the other end one to the top of the N75 valve and the other to another thicker pip. So I reconnect the two vac pipes and took the car for a long drive, the next day I plugged VCDS in the car and blow and behold I am getting 17965 code now, but this is strange as my past experience with the 17965 code my previous car went into limp mode, this one however just takes longer to get to a higher speed.


    When I try to accelerate the accelerator only seems to work correctly when I ease off it a little, if I try to put my foot down nothing happens, wonder whether this is related and part of the problem.

    My thoughts are that the driver I bought the car from knew the car had maybe turbo problems (I am not sure at this stage that this is the problem) and disconnected the 2 pipes on purpose to carry on driving the car and waited for a sucker like me to sell the car to, or the pipes came off on their own without knowledge to the former keeper, regardless I need to get this issue resolved... any help is greatly appreciated..

  11. We don't have Revo remaps, because we are a competitor to them.


    We do offer a map for the TDI110 with gains of approx 25bhp. Our price is £249 inc VAT. I know the guys at Sports Tech really well and you won't go far wrong there if you choose to go with Revo.


    Thank you shark_90 for your honest reply, apologies, I was not aware Rivo are your competiotors, I must say that you have a very healthy and positive attitude to competition, usually this is demonstrated by a business whom are sure of the product and service they provide.

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