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Posts posted by HappyIdiotTalk

  1. Quick update.  I popped into Longbridge Tyres straight after work.  I explained what had happened and they agreed to have a look and removed the tyre.  They had a good look round but couldn't find anything obvious so popped it into a barrel of water to check for leaks.  Nothing, so they increased the pressure in the tyre up to 80psi and tried again, still nothing, so the only thing left was to take the tyre off and investigate inside.  Good thing they did too, there was a fair amount of debris (it looked like black foam or possibly the broken edge of polystyrene) all over the inside where the side wall of the tyre had been shredded when I drove it under inflated (so I was told).  It definitely couldn't go back on.


    They had a couple of choices of tyre in the shop that they offered (budget and mid-range), but I've ordered a couple of Continentals and have the emergency spare on that was in the boot.


    If you need a new tyre do get the exact same tyre as on the the other wheels - even if it means a days wait. Tyres perform differently and you are far better off using the same make/model tyres on all wheels. However, if there are already different tyres back and front then make sure you have the same make/model tyres on the same axles (same on front, same on back). 


    Good luck


    They said something similar so I asked them to order me in a couple of Continentals for the front.  This has been quite an expensive mistake.


    (1) You should have stopped and investigated as soon as you noticed the problem. 


    (2) Was this the Skoda product, or a third party one?


    (3) My Skoda kit comes with quite specific instructions on how to do it. If you have the Skoda kit why not use the electric pump? It is very good!


    (1) Noted for future reference.  I actually would have under normal circumstances, but I had to get to the school to pick up my daughter.


    (2) No, I used to work at MG Rover and acquired it there some years ago... its probably a very old can as I left there 6 years ago.


    (3) Dont think I have any of that in my Yeti, just an emergency wheel and tyre.


    I think that we should all remember that not everyone that frequents these pages is a vehicle expert (real or perceived...).

    Some, perhaps many, come here because they want advice.


    Thats me!  I love my Yeti and I like driving it, but I'm not an aficionado - and this incident was just poor judgement on my part.  


    On the bright side my last car was an MG ZTT with really wide low profile tyres that made it really difficult to drive when it snowed because the tyres just sat on top of the snow.  And to compound the issue it was an automatic so I had very little control over the spinning wheels. This has left me with a massive fear of driving in the snow and I never used to do it other than to get home if I was caught out in it.  My Yeti is the solution that that drama, and being a 4x4 I'm hoping it will be a lot easier and safer to drive in snowy conditions.  But even so I was slightly concerned about the crappy budget tyres it came with gripping in the snow, so I dont feel too bad about having to spend some money on the Continentals.

  2. Hi All, sorry for the delay replying.  I thought I'd subscribed to this topic, but haven't been getting any emails telling me about the updates.  


    OK to update.  I am still driving in the car with the same tyre on... Oops.  


    To clarify I wasn't aware of the flat when I got into the car after the service and started driving it.  But felt it as soon as I pulled out onto the road and started driving.  By the time I'd driven a little way down the road and gone round a couple of bends and a corner, I knew something was definitely wrong, and that it was most likely one of the tyres. But it didn't feel bad enough that I needed to stop immediately (and the school was only a mile away, so it seemed reasonable to carry on).  When I arrived and got out to look it was clearly very low and had a few wisps of steam coming off it.  10 minutes later when I returned and drove it (carefully) a few meters, it had clearly gotten a lot worse and was not drivable - so I tried the canned repair stuff.  Only a bit of it went in, maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of the can and it didn't seem to inflate the tyre at all (are they supposed too)? Having pumped it up with a foot pump and then the airline at the garage it seemed OK - and I thought that maybe... well I dont know what I thought, but since it didn't go down again I though the problem was solved - except for the vibration on the motorway - but I thought that must been the tracking or something because the tyre was properly inflated.  


    OK, so I'm an idiot.  I have definitely learned a lesson today.  I accept that I definitely should have checked back here sooner.  I was not ignoring it or taking a risk, in this case it was sheer ignorance - I certainly had not wanted to put anyone's, nor my own life at risk.


    So, after reading these comments, I'm planning on taking it straight round to a local tyre shop tonight to get it sorted one way or another, even if it means getting a new tyre fitted.  If anyone see's this in the next hour (before 16:30) and has any further advice for when I get to the tyre shop, please post up - I clearly need all the help I can get.


    Thank you so far.

  3. I had Yeti serviced at Skoda Stourbridge last week.  They picked up the vehicle, did a major service and dropped it back.  First time I drove it a (couple of hours later to pick my little girl up from school) it was pulling to the right.  When I arrived at the school (its only a mile or two away) I checked the tyre and it was a lot worse than I was expecting.  Very flat and steaming, but obviously just driveable!  

    By the time I got back 10 minutes later it was totally flat and undriveable.  I had a can of that emergency tyre repair stuff in the boot so tried using that, but it did nothing.  Luckily just as I was about to change the tyre someone came out the house and let me use his foot pump.  I managed to get a bit of air in to get me to the nearest garage and inflate it properly.  It stayed up and has been OK since.
    However having now taken it for a drive up the motorway, there is a lot of vibration and it feels heavy when I hit the 70mph mark - it used to drive really nice and was effortless.  Now I feel like I'm almost fighting it.
    So my question is, do I have any recourse with Skoda?  They seem to have screwed up the tracking.  The tyre seems fine now, so I just want it to feel normal to drive again.  Especially on the motorway.
  4. Thanks guys, I dont have a manufacturer warranty, but Lex Autolease did say they provided 1 year of their own warranty.  I'll give them a call.  Its definitely the speaker, although not the one I thought it was, its the smaller one closer to the door hinges.   If I gently press the panel it completely cures the rattle.  

  5. Hi folks, the large speaker in the passenger side front door (just above the small red courtesy/warning lamp) is rattling when I play music.   Could anyone give me some guidance on how to fix it, its driving me nuts.  


    For a start, how does the panel the speaker is embedded in come away from the door?  Do I just carefully pry it off?  And once I've done that, will the speaker just be lose or have a stray wire touching the cone or something, whats likely to be causing the rattle?


    Or alternatively, since I have a few months left on the Lex Auto warranty that came with it, would it be better to contact them and ask them to have a look?


    Thanks in advance!

    • Like 1
  6. DSG is the auto version isn't is?  I made a mistake there and went with a manual because I missed the 'fun' element of having a manual.  Unfortunately I've discovered that I dont miss the fun element anymore and much prefer automatics... Might swop it in a few years for the DSG version.

  7. I'm looking at getting a remap from SuperChips for the increased response, power and hopefully improved economy. I've spoken to Privilege Insurance about this and its only going to add an extra £34 to my premium (although this its this low because I only have 4 months left).  


    SuperChips Quote


    Anyway, my question is, if I get this done and take it in for a service, will the change be overwritten by the techs who work on the vehicle.  The service page on Skoda's website includes this line in the service detail:

    • Vehicle & software enhancements from ŠKODA’s database

    This suggests to me that its possible any change made by SuperChips could be overwritten.  To get round this I could get the BlueFin device, but its another £150 to get this.  Are there any other considerations I've not thought of?






  8. The power button will be for the auto dimming feature. My guess is that you'll notice it more at night than during the day....


    What is auto dimming?  Does it physically move the mirror or something?  There are two little LED lights, does this imply it does the mirrors too?  



    ebay is usually a good place to look but a quick search myself has produced no results, so you might have to try a dealer.





    Thanks for looking, I'll keep checking.



    Skodadop! This any good


    Thanks, I'll use these guys as a last resort.

  9. The grill on my Yeti is slightly damaged.  Its not major, but I think I'm slightly OCD, and knowing the damage is there sticks in my mind.  I've been looking around for prices on a replacement, but all I can find is Fabia grills.  Does anyone know where I can get one for the 2011/2012 Yeti?


    Also, I've just noticed my rear view mirror has a button on the bottom.  What does it do?  I pressed it, but nothing seemed to happen.



  10. I dont do much of a commute in my diesel Yeti, so the sales guy told me that I should take it out on the motorway and drive up to the next junction and back once a month to ensure the soot gets burnt off.  I've done this a couple of times, but I'm unsure of what exactly I should be doing.  Do I need to get up to say 70 in 4th gear to get the revs up, or can I just do it in 6th gear?  


    Also, how do I determine when to take it in for an oil change or service?  Its was 3 years old when I bought it at 60,000 miles in October.





  11. Hi guys!

    I'm also trying to figure this out (to get the steering wheel to do prev/skip). This is my setup:


    BT module:

    5K0 035 730 E
    HW: H09
    SW: 2902
    Model: UHV
    HCD: SJA 45/11
    S/N: 7661135007
    Part no: 3T0035191A
    SW: 0357
    HW: H19


    I was quite surprised that it didn't work since I have a E version. But I read somewhere that you also need a SW version > 3000?


    I emailed this seller on eBay, and he said that I would need a 3C8...D to get it to work. 



    Have any of you tried this? Do you think that would need recoding?


    Note: I use Android 4.4.4 on a Nexus device. Also my wife's iPhone 5 doesn't work either.



    Did you manage to get yours working?  I've just received my E version of the BT module that I ordered from Turkey... but still no dice!  Very disappointed.  :swear:

  12. Thanks for the relies all.  



    First question  -  deactivates the interior ultrasonic detectors, use it all the time when my dog is left(for short periods) in the car - stops the wailing alarm, all other security 'stuff' continues to work!


    Ha! I thought it was some kind of internal wireless network for the car.  This makes more sense and will come in handy because one of my daughters isn't a great fan of walking around the supermarket with me and prefers to sit in the car playing Kingdom Rush.  



    It doesn't need recoding.


    As far as I can tell from researching the subject previously you are correct that you would need the E, F or later versions of the 5K0035730 to get AVRCP.  

    In summary: you could experiment by sourcing a used VW or Skoda bluetooth module of the correct version through eBay.  It's easy to install, and if it doesn't work, you should be able to sell it on to recoup most of the cost.


    Excellent, I'll start looking around for an E or F, thanks.  Its a bit steep, but I'm OK with paying £100 for this functionality.  I've just done a quick search on Google and my G3 seems to have AVRCP available according to this page.  :)



     but you will need to install a new Mic as the factory one won't work.




    You will also lose steering wheel control, Maxidot display and voice control. You may be able to add "autoleads" or "connects2" adaptors to restore some of this functionality but it's messy.


    Better to fit an upgraded OEM unit. What do you have currently? The Columbus is expensive and the only real advantages it has over the much cheaper Amundsen are a marginally bigger screen (but not an issue because NAV instructions appear on the maxidot anyway) and a built in hard drive - which if you have your tunes on your Android you really don't need anyway.


    Yikes.  Columbus it is then (I have a Bolero at the moment).  I think I can handle the Bluetooth unit, but I'm defiantly not up for faffing about with mics, or loosing other functions.


    The Columbus screen is not only bigger, it is also of HD quality with FAR better resolution than either the Amundson or especially the Bolero.


    This sold me on the Columbus, thanks.


    One last thing I just remembered.  My Yeti has the parking assist feature.  It works well on roads, but I cant make it switch over to 'parking bay' mode.  The manual says to press the button twice, but doing this turns it on and then off.  Any ideas?  I probably will never use it, but I would like to show off with it!  ;)

  13. Hi,


    Last weekend I part exchanged my ZTT for an Elegance 170 Yeti, which was a great decision because it does everything I wish my old car would have.  I love it, literally the only drawback is that its a manual!  Now I need some help and have a few questions.


    First, what does this button do, its on the pillar just behind the drivers seat.  Looks like some kind of wireless system:



    One of my favourite features is the bluetooth connection that allow me to play music from my Android through the car.  I cant use steering wheel controls or screen to move the track forward.  Doing some research I need an updated 5K0  035 730 bluetooth box, E or F series.  Could someone confirm this, and would it be a straight swop over, or do I need a garage to do it for the security code.  If anyone has a reliable link to buy one, please post.  Here is my current one:



    Double DIN.  I've like to upgrade the head unit at some point.  If I do this, will I break the integration with the phone, bluetooth and car?  Ie, do I need to get a Columbus or can I pop in any head unit I like?  And if the one I buy includes bluetooth, can I skip replace the bluetooth box above.


    Sorry for the long post, I dont know anything about cars other than how to drive them.





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