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Posts posted by Theman7

  1. We don't know the full story here. For all we know the Ferrari driver could have been driving like a kn*b for quite a while' date=' before you came on the scene. It’s not unlikely as people who drive cars like that generally do like show off and drive like idiots. Not saying all of them, but quite a lot.


    /rant mode on[/i]

    It just really bugs me when people see Police doing their job, without knowing all the details, give the Police flack.

    The amount of Police bashing that goes on in the UK is absolutely disgusting. They do a fantastic job, and get nothing in return other than abuse from the public who have no idea what the Police do for them. Makes my blood boil. :mad: They are one of the best Police forces in the world, unfortunately people don't seem to realise that. :(

    /rant mode off

    Time for bed now


    Ok i'm bias but....

    You have a group of people who are out there to help people, 24 /7. If you have any sort of problem, call them and they will turn up and help you, no questions asked, and they dont even want to be thanked.

    Most of the Police bashing that goes on, seems to assume that Police simply do things for a laugh, in reality its actually to HELP OTHER PEOPLE

    Two recent examples, Forest gate raid, just for a laugh or because they honestly thought that there was a chance that lives could be saved by a raid?

    Example two, the Daily Mail discussion about whether the 3000 police officers "caught" speeding in marked Police vehicles last year should be "let off" 3 points for each offence. In 99% of cases officers were "caught" speeding beacuse the public called and asked for urgent HELP. I wasnt speeding for a laugh it was

    A Because im trained to do it

    B Because I have a legal exemption

    C Because someone dialed 999 and said there was a burglar in their house

    "(sorry it took me so long to get here and they got away with your tv, but I didnt want to set off any Gatsos on the way here)"

    Okay, sorry end of rant (give me my 90 points and i'll be on my way) :mad:

    P.S. (Im not defending Traffic beacuse no one really likes them anyway!!)

  2. This is a very good question.

    My dad who is retired and spends alot of time reading tech stuff has been banging on about this for about 12months.

    he recons.......

    That all of the expert advice is, at the moment buy CRT as LCD doesnt match it yet, he says get a 32" CRT for about

  3. Ive been using it for about 18months, sometimes upto 8/9 hours a day. Whilst Pc to Pc is free, the prices to landlines are very good.

    In terms of security if you mean the security of what you are saying then it is second to none.

    If you do a bit of digging you will find lots of stuff about how secure it is, including the US government thinking of legislation to force Skype to allow them access, as they couldnt hack/listen to calls via the system......

  4. when you search a building or the street, you need to seach 5-10 time before you find anything. Keep clicking! But dont run out of points and end up outside, for the zombies to bite!




    These show zombie activity in the areas, Im in molewood, which is getting a bit busy! When you first start head to a 'safe' area, 100,800 'deaths' so far!!

  5. Is anyone else playing this, www.urbandead.com. Quite amusing, sort of a 28 days later or Shaun of the dead style.

    Its a browser based game, you get 50 action Points a day and you can be a human or zombie. You have to build slowly and its quite involved, but the goes only take about 5 mins a day.

    At the moment, Im hiding in a school with a few other humans, and I just nipped outside to bash a passing zombie with a length of pipe I found :D

    But now two of his zombie mates have turned up, so I had to run back inside to hide!!

    Its all free and simple graphics.

  6. lad at work is playing civ 3 at the moment, just annoyed me but i might give it another go

    I now play 3 way against two mates on line. Its fantastic. One of my mates actually refused to talk to me for a whole day because of what had happened in the game. Now thats when you know you have a problem!

  7. Had a female in a 206 swear at me as she indicated left but went right on a roundabout and I pulled out infront of her.

    She proceeded to tailgate me for about half a mile before I used my hazzards and indicated left and pulled over. She half overtook me and stopped to swear at me, totally blocking the ambulance on blues and twos that I was letting passed.

    She then was stuck in the middle of the road, and I shot out of its way, he had to squeeze past her on the nearside.

    I did give her a slow hand clap for that one, but she's lucky I was in my personal Vrs (not my 'works' one)


  8. Okay wondering what Briskoda members thought about my lastest idea.

    Thinking of buying a 32" LCD TV, http://www.empiredirect.co.uk/content/products/details/html/PHI-32PF5520D.htm

    Then I can get rid of where my PC sits and move evrything into the living room :D

    I can get a wireless mouse and keyboard, connect it all to the LCD, then I can watch TV, play PS2 and go on the internet without moving. Playing PC games on a 32" TV would be fantasic, even viewing web pages like this would be cracking if you were able to sit back from the TV !

    Any thoughts (feel free to point out complete holes in my idea before I spend a grand!) :D

  9. Obviously I'm pretty into cars, last week at about 0530 in a rich part of the capital I saw a really top looking supercar, I'm trying to work out what it was...

    It was similar in size to an enzo, with the 'bubble' shape in the middle, but it didn't have the intakes on the front and the bonnet was smooth, like a Mclaren F1 bonnet. It looked like it had a F1 as a father and an Enzo for a mother, some sort of cross breed :magnify:

    It didn't look like a 'cheap' supercar (you know the 40K small company ones) it looked like a major brand. It wasn't on trade plates either.

    I saw it as it came towards me, trouble is I was really going for it at only got a couple of seconds look at the front......

    Any ideas......?


  10. Anyone know much about LCD tvs? I think this one is perfect,


    I dont know much about them. Its got high resolution and supports HDTV. It seems a really cheap top TV.

    Someone I know said that LCD still can't match 'normal' tvs for clairty and focus, but I dont know what he's on about because they look better to me. Anyone know anything about them?

    (was'nt going to get plasma, too expensive and a lot of these

  11. Wrong' date=' wrong and thrice wrong!

    The police decide to report the offence.

    The CPS decide to prosecute.

    The Judiciary decides guilt.[/quote']

    Well no, I'm not wrong (my law degree and current job tell me that......)

    Yes point taken, the Police 'report' for the offence (or decide that he should be prosecuted....) the CPS prosecuted at court (traffic offences arn't reviewed by the CPS until they are handed out at court, and you dont need an MG3 charging advice from the CPS in order to bring a charge/ or report in this case, so in reality the whole decision to prosecute lay with the Police, but yes at court the case was put by the cps....... :D ) HOWEVER

    My point (albeit slighly deflected by the argument about whether I'm wrong- which i'm not is....)

    Even the Police thought that this bloke was in the wrong - It was the judge that said his driving did not constitute an offence.

    (for futher reading on the above arguement about whether or not I'm 'thrice wrong' see any good law book, regarding the separation of Powers (except of course the lord chancellor) and have a look at the latest charging standards from the CPS with reference to operation emerald......... :D )

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