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Posts posted by longedge

  1. Just to round this thread off, the Kamiq went yesterday. I sold it to "Best Car Buyer" who beat offers from WBAC, Cazoo and my dealership by a large margin. It all went very smoothly and te driver took the car only when the cleared funds had appeared in my account. End of an era 🥲.

    • Like 3
  2. 59 minutes ago, varooom said:

    Not sure if you know (snip)


    Hope that helps you out somewhat 🤝

    Yes I was aware but thank you.


    p.s. Nearly forgot my main reason for posting which was to say that of all the vehicles I've owned starting with a Francis Barnett Falcon in 1963, the two that stood head and shoulders above the rest were my Black Edition Yeti and then when I was doing many less miles my 1.2 SE DSG Yeti both great cars and fondly remembered 🙂

    • Like 3
  3. 3 hours ago, Breezy_Pete said:

    There's a lot more to life than driving. 🙂

    Of course you're right. At a purely personal level, being more or less housebound, disabled and most importantly widowed it's sometimes difficult to appreciate that 😏.


    I would add that, thankfully I'm compos mentis and have a lifetime of happy memories to comfort me 🙂

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  4. I was a critic in the past of people on the road who should not in the interest of safety be there. I now have to admit that I'm in that category myself 🙄. My Kamiq is being picked up by one of the online traders tomorrow. It's goodbye from me. Most of my motoring tranclements will go to members of the family but there's a set of unused mats going free to anyone who can pick them up (in Chesterfield area and not worth travelling far for).

    • Sad 5
  5. 8 hours ago, skoda1982 said:

    It won’t let you go into the ditch the system will turn you back as it will notice the verge 

    There was absolutely no reason for the car having pulled me to the nearside in the first place. Anyway I see no point in hammering the point any further.

  6. 6 hours ago, ayrshiredude said:

     I always turn it off when I go above 40 so its not a real issue.  I have become used to turning it off.

    Presumably that is when you think that at some time during your journey you'll be doing so, you turn it off before setting off? So what you're saying is that when you anticipate reaching the speed at which it activates, you disable it in advance.


    I generally turn it off before setting out on a journey but forget to do so on my return. I can't get out of my habit of getting in the car, starting the engine and setting off. I know it's easily overpowered, I didn't crash although I was a matter of a few inches away from doing so.

  7. 7 hours ago, carefree said:

    I certainly never have to “fight the steering wheel”

    I've never done so either. I took a much firmer hold of the steering wheel and straightened up again that is all.


    I was driving along a long straight and level moorland road with no markings where the metalled surface dropped straight onto the grass which then sloped down into a ditch. I was totally unaware of Lane Assist and when the car suddenly pulled to the nearside I thought I'd got a nearside flat. Scoff if you will.

  8. There have been quite a few threads discussing Lane Assist and I've stated my dislike of the 'feature' at length several times. The irony is that it is one of the items required to achieve an NCAP rating. It's fair to say that there are both opponents and proponents who have posted in the threads but it's a moot point anway, we are stuck with it. For my part I made my feelings clear directly to NCAP when I completed their online form.


    What exacerbated the danger for me was that the salesman who did the handover made no mention of Lane Assist whatsoever and it almost threw me into a ditch as I drove home in my new car from the dealers.


    I've also had problems with the infotainment system which just randomly changes the time, the radio channel, freezes occasionally and the drivers seat back which needs winding back towards upright every other time I use the car.


    Fortunately, I make very little use of the car (6,000 miles & 3 years old in December). I regretted exchanging my last Yeti almost from day 1.

  9. 44 minutes ago, carefree said:

    Just turn it off mate, or am I missing something?

    It's my fault. I tend to forget that I need to spend a while waiting for the system to boot up and load my profile at which point I can then go into the menu/settings and switch the driver assistance options off together with the stop/start. Then I have to adjust the self lowering seat backrest. I can't get out of that old habit of getting into the car, starting the engine and driving off.

  10. On 01/05/2022 at 18:39, melbury said:

     As for lane assist it just takes time and patience to get used to it

    I'm old and am bedevilled by lower back pain and sciatica in my left leg telling me that there is a problem. I've got used to that just the same as I have the PITA lane assist 😁


    p.s. I think the car has realised that it is no longer annoying me so it's started putting up a large red proximity warning everytime I pass a centre bollard 200 yards up the road from me.

  11. This thread reminds me of one of my early cars, a Rover 90 P4 series which had a large knob in the centre of the dashboard that could be turned to put the car into 'freewheel' i.e. coasting. To re-engage you had to be in gear and pulling. The trick was not to forget that you had selected freewheel, I had one or two 'half-crown sixpence' moments with it 😁.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, keystonedriving said:

    The 'lane assist' feature is downright dangerous. ......  First job before pulling away is ALWAYS to disable it.

    I'm with you there and have said so (ad nauseum to some members here I believe 🙂) for the last couple of years. I normally disable it but sometimes I just want to nip out quickly and don't have the time to sit and wait whilst the system initialises and allows me access to switch it off.

  13. I had 2 Yetis before my Kamiq and I have back and neck problems. It is significantly more difficult getting in and out of than the Yeti. I keep my seat set to the lowest possible position and so I manage but I lose the feeling of looking down on the road ahead when driving that I got in the Yeti. I did have a test drive before buying but didn't pay enough attention to this aspect so it's my own fault 🙂.


    I can't comment on the 95ps engine but mine is now just over 2 years old with 3,600 on the clock and has noticeably 'loosened up' over the last 1,000 miles. It's very responsive and is always 'willing'. Together with DSG it's a dream to drive (and would be even more so if I could permanently switch lane control off).

    • Thanks 1
  14. ... and then making a random guess. I set the correct time yesterday but today it was showing about 3 hours 40 minutes ahead. It's the third time in the last few weeks it has happened. The car doesn't like my choice of radio programmes either and chooses a random station each time I start up. I'll have to see what the dealer has to say about it when it goes in for service in a couple of weeks. I've been wondering for a while if it's a re-incarnation of Herbie 🙂

  15. 1 hour ago, J.R. said:


    Are you saying that indicating after having done a mirror check and not seen anyone is a sloppy driving habit and should be discouraged?

    No I'm not. I'm saying that indicating and then manouevering irrespective of whether you are certain it is safe to do so is sloppy. My whole point is that drivers need to observe and be aware of other road users.


    Obviously aggressive/bullying drivers are a whole different matter but for normal drivers developing good habits right from the start is important.



  16. 1 hour ago, J.R. said:

    I don't buy the statement that its an indication of not being aware of the surroundings, if there is nobody there the its an indication to who?

    It's a matter of encouraging good driving habits and avoiding sloppy ones. I'm sure everybody started out having mirror, signal, manouevre drummed into them and each one is important. There must be lots of people who've come across drivers who appear to only apply the second two :).

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, e-Roottoot said:


    You must see the gentlemen that have immaculate 20 years plus old Jaguars, Mercs, Rovers etc (some now have them on a much newer model) that proudly display the IAM badge on their car and sadly display their poor driving standards.

    I've never been a member of IAM and haven't made a particular study of the organisation or the members. I can't say that I have ever seen bad driving by a member of IAM.


    I do have many years experience (admittedly quite some time ago now) of knocking on doors to tell people that their loved one has passed away in an RTA, getting bodies identified, scraping body parts up off the road and so on and it was all very sad. I spent a lot of time trying to influence driver behaviour towards safer driving both in cars and on motor cycles.


    I believe that driver training is a serious matter. A very essential part of that is getting a driver to be aware of everything that is going on around them. One of the ways in which an examiner can assess a driver's awareness is the way they interact with other road users.


    Signalling to an empty road isn't going to hurt anybody and so I say "better safe than sorry". Hopefully the driver who does that isn't one of those who has no awareness and thinks that signalling then entitles a driver to complete the manoeuvre no matter what. 



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