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Posts posted by Mykul

  1. 6 hours ago, chimaera said:

    Your biggest problem will be maintaining the correct rolling radius on the larger diameter wheels so your odometer stays correct. ET would need to change due to the wider, lower profile tyre having a different scrub radius but it's non-trivial to work out.

    Just a heads up...this can be corrected if you have access to VCDS

  2. It could be the struts but it could be the control module for the struts. There isn't any way to test the BCM apparently.

    I've been down this path before, with much grief...

    If you're changing to gas, no dramas, but if you're going to replace the electrics, i'd suggest doing the BCM first and or as well.

    I know Skoda has done them on MkIII's out here under warranty and they replace the struts and BCM.

    The BCM cost around $400 ozzie pesos from memory, the struts around $1000 each.

    We replaced the struts with no luck and then did the control module. Recode and success!


    Yeah, go with the gas.

  3. Ha!

    Mine was doing this last week at 2am!

    After realising i wasn't being burgled, went back to bed.

    After the 3rd 'wake up' call, i checked the battery. Way down to between 6 and 7 volts.

    Normally kept on trickle charger but had it on the other car and forgot to reconnect.

    Hook him back up to the juice and all good!


    As chimera says, scan if you can.

    I had to turn the internal sensors off in my 508GT but it was just a button on the console.

  4. My 508GT has a 'sealed for life' 6 speed Aisin in it.

    I had it serviced at 8 years/130k. it wasn't playing up or anything, maybe a little 'notchy' on startup selecting reverse.

    What came out wasn't pretty and the improvement after the service was well worth the effort.

    This will be a regular service from now on.


    Having said all that, the 6 speed DSG in my Superb is a lot better box!

  5. If someone knows how to test the control module for the struts, i think that could save a lot of grief.


    I'm not that skilled with VCDS but when i had strut issues about 2 years ago, i couldn't work it out.

    Skoda Aus couldn't work it out either.


    At first, i got some 2nd hand struts from Germany. 4 struts for 300 Euro. If they didn't work, so be it. Tried all four, no cigar. Parts were returned for full refund so all good.

    Got 2 new struts, replaced. Still no cigar.

    My Euro mechanic had no joy coding and 2 Skoda dealers couldn't help either. One dealer wanted the car for a further 8 hours...to investigate. No guarantees :thumbdown:

    Spoke to an owner of a new MY16 who said that Skoda had just replaced struts and bcm under warranty.

    Bit the bullet and sourced a new bcm. Cost around $400 Au. That's about a fifth of the cost of the struts here.


    A pain to replace as you have to pull half the back of the car apart but success!


    Whether the struts fail and then cause the bcm to fail, if it's just the struts failing or just the bcm, i don't know. Yet, if i have to throw a hail mary at it, i'd rather throw a $400 one than a $2000 one!


    • Like 1
  6. You could try to reset it and If you have access to VCDS, check 

    Address 6D: Trunk Elect. and see if it shows a fault to start with.


    Mine started to play up intermittently until they just stopped. Initially it didn't show any fault with my VCDS or at Skoda.

    When it did, i replaced the servos, as advised by Skoda, but they still didn't work so we did the control module as well and that solved the issue. 

    From memory, they're on their tenth revision for the servos and the control module and AFAIK, Skoda have been replacing servos and control modules on MkIII Superb out here under warranty.


    In hindsight, if you can get the control module assessed first, that would be the go. Skoda says they can't do it.

    You have to pull half of the back of the car apart to get to it but i would replace that first and see if that fixes the issue. 

    $400-$500 Oz pesos for the control module as opposed to around $2000+ Ozzie pesos for the electro struts!


    Or just change to gas struts!










  7. A little off topic but...


    I went through the tailgate servo motor replacement saga recently.


    After having had one Skoda dealer say the struts were shot, i actually ordered the gas struts from https://skodaparts.co.nz/

    However, prior to shipping, their boxing sale got me almost two electro servos for the price of one, so i went for it. Got them installed by my local Euro man no worries but still no go. Thought may have to be recoded by Skoda, so off i went again to a different dealer.

    They say that the struts are fine and installed correctly but it may be the control module, may be... I do a song and dance. Why can't they diagnose this in the first place? They want the car for at least a day and a half just to diagnose. Pretty sure the words 'f*%k' and 'that' were my response.


    Sourced control module from skodaparts again for around $400 Aus.

    Back to my Euro man, Mitch at http://europeanautomotive.com.au/ (who had spent a bit of time by this stage, and was as frustrated as me with the whole thing but he was hell bent on getting it sorted) to install the module. One and a half to two hours later (pretty much removed the whole left side of the dog box) it was done, all sorted.


    Long story short, try to get the control module looked at first. It is arguably one fifth of the price and very likely the cause of the trouble. I think they're on their tenth revision of this part, i had the first.


    A mate has a mk III and he had his servos replaced under warranty but they did the module as well.

    • Haha 1
  8. Greetings all.

    Wondering if any of you have been notified regarding the Takata airbag issue.

    VAG, among others, have been accused of being a little tardy regarding this.

    Has gone quiet over here in Oz on this issue over the last two weeks.

    Could be time to contact the dealer.

    Considering this is much more serious than 'diesel-gate' (in my opinion) what are VAG thinking?

  9. I grabbed a couple of those from ebay too coppertop, but mine were found to be faulty so i sent them back. Good luck to you!

    Ended up getting new struts and control module.

     I was pretty p*ssed that Skoda couldn't diagnose that the control module was faulty first time. They wanted the car for 3 days to 'acurately diagnose'



    I got the parts from NZ and had my local Euro guy put them in.

    Struts were easy, control module required half the car to be pulled apart.


    Good build quality on the Superb!

  10. My latest...

    Had it diagnosed by 2 Skoda dealers.

    First one said struts are buggered.

    Purchased new struts (electric servo motors) during a boxing day sale. Almost 2 for 1!

    Installed but still failed to operate.


    Dealer number 2 now says possibly wiring or control module, but can't be sure. I complain that their diagnostics are are infantile. I knew all this from my VCDS.


    Waiting on new control module...


    Make sure you get new struts and control module.

    Had a mate go in for new struts on his MY16.

    They said struts ok. Control module faulty. Everything replaced under warranty.

  11. Greetings all.

    Pondered long and hard after my Superb mkII combi tailgate struts failed...go gas or stay electric.

    Anyway, purchased new electro struts and installed.


    No go.


    I was hoping for a straight 'plug and play' but the Hex Net still won't allow me to activate the adaption. WTF?


    All the adaptions have been in place for years and worked fine, keyfob (on both keys), centre console button. When it finally failed and coded, the DTC wouldn't clear and the Basic Settings won't accept the adaption to activate. Same after refit.


    I think it is something really simple...any ideas?


    VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 7 x86
    VCDS Version:  HEX-NET CB: 0.4401.4
    Data version: 20171130 DS276.6
    VIN: TMBKF93T9B9023003   License Plate: 
    Chassis Type: 3T-SK46 (7N0)
    Scan: 01 02 03 08 09 10 15 16 17 19 25 36 37 42 44 46 47 52 55 56
              62 69 6D 72 77
    VIN: TMBKF93T9B9023003   Mileage: 130870km-81318miles
    01-Engine -- Status: OK 0000
    02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
    03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000
    04-Steering Angle -- Status: OK 0000
    08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000
    09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
    10-Park/Steer Assist -- Status: OK 0000
    15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
    16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
    17-Instruments -- Status: OK 0000
    19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
    25-Immobilizer -- Status: OK 0000
    36-Seat Mem. Drvr -- Status: OK 0000
    37-Navigation -- Status: OK 0000
    42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
    44-Steering Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    46-Central Conv. -- Status: OK 0000
    47-Sound System -- Status: OK 0000
    52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
    55-Headlight Range -- Status: OK 0000
    56-Radio -- Status: OK 0000
    62-Door, Rear Left -- Status: OK 0000
    69-Trailer -- Status: OK 0000
    6D-Trunk Elect. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: OK 0000
    77-Telephone -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    Address 01: Engine (J623-CFGB)       Labels:. 03L-906-018-CFF.clb
       Part No SW: 03L 906 018 CJ    HW: 03L 906 018 BR
       Component: R4 2,0L EDC   H22 7828  
       Revision: 42H22---    Serial number:               
       Coding: 001D0012042500080000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM20TDI01103L906018CJ 003006
       ROD: EV_ECM20TDI01103L906018CJ.rod
       VCID: F4A49C1E5F24B2E605-80A0
    No fault code found.
    Readiness: 0 0 0 0 1 
    Address 02: Auto Trans        Labels: 02E-927-770.clb
       Part No SW: 02E 300 052 H    HW: 02E 927 770 AL
       Component: GSG DSG AG6     511 2208  
       Revision: 05151112    Serial number: 00001008231818
       Coding: 0000020
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00055
       VCID: 997A8DAA50062F8EF6-80CC
    No fault code found.
    Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104)       Labels:. 1K0-907-379-60EC1F.clb
       Part No SW: 1K0 907 379 BE    HW: 1K0 907 379 BE
       Component: ESP MK60EC1   H31 0108  
       Revision: 00H31001    
       Coding: 863D6016092400FD610B06E4901C0082350000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00055
       VCID: F6A0A6164158A0F63B-80A2
    No fault code found.
    Address 08: Auto HVAC (J255)       Labels:| 5K0-907-044.clb
       Part No SW: 3T0 907 044 AS    HW: 3T0 907 044 AS
       Component: Climatronic   H15 0401  
       Revision: 00005001    
       Coding: 0000000002
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       ASAM Dataset: EV_Climatronic A01006
       ROD: EV_ClimaAutoBasis_SK35.rod
       VCID: 8346CFC20A8A855E0C-80D6
    No fault code found.
    Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519)       Labels:. 1K0-937-08x-09.clb
       Part No SW: 1K0 937 087 P    HW: 1K0 937 087 P
       Component: BCM PQ35  H+  104 0615  
       Revision: 00104 AE    
       Coding: 42190AB8E84BF1C040080080110089EC447800AE737D85605C0140000040
       Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
       VCID: BE307E3629E828B623-80EA
       Subsystem 1 - Part No: 3T2 955 119 A  Labels: 1KX-955-119.CLB
       Component: Wischer 20081  26  0602 
       Coding: 00D7B7
       Subsystem 2 - Part No: 1K0 955 559 AH  Labels: 1K0-955-559-AG.CLB
       Component: RLS 090910 05  54  0403 
       Coding: 0730ED
       Subsystem 3 - Part No: 7N0 951 171 
       Component: DWA-Sensor 00  002 0205 
       Subsystem 4 - Part No: 1K0 951 605 C
       Component: LIN BACKUP HO  H05 1501 
    No fault code found.
    Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (J791)       Labels:. 1T0-919-475.clb
       Part No SW: 3T0 919 475 A    HW: 3T0 919 475 
       Component: PARKHILFE PLA H07 0003  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: 78331020003064
       Coding: 111108
       Shop #: WSC 43125 959 96122
       VCID: BB3677223AFA3D9E04-80EE
    No fault code found.
    Address 15: Airbags        Labels: 5N0-959-655.lbl
       Part No SW: 3T0 959 655 B    HW: 3T0 959 655 B
       Component: J234__LDE VW10 HI   1916  
       Revision: 19014000    Serial number: 003GRPJ695E   
       Coding: 0017477
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       VCID: C0CC00CE931C5E4651-8094
       Subsystem 1 - Serial number: 6332MTS670412360 
       Subsystem 2 - Serial number: 6342MTS627852380 
       Subsystem 3 - Serial number: 6351HTS6VBK2E9KR 
       Subsystem 4 - Serial number: 6361HTS6TAK2E9KR 
       Subsystem 5 - Serial number: 63727TS65RK3E9KJ 
       Subsystem 6 - Serial number: 00000000000000000
    No fault code found.
    Address 16: Steering wheel (J527)       Labels:| 5K0-953-569.clb
       Part No SW: 5K0 953 521 AT    HW: 5K0 953 569 B
       Component: LENKS.MODUL   009 0136  
       Revision: FF010038    Serial number: 20100823300801
       Coding: 189A140000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       ASAM Dataset: EV_SMLSNGVOLWS A01004
       VCID: FEB0BE366168E8B663-80AA
       Multifunction steering wheel control module: 
       Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 3T0 959 537 A    HW: 3T0 959 537 A  Labels: 3C8-959-537.CLB
       Component: E221__MFL-URO  H07 0012 
       Coding: 830000
    No fault code found.
    Address 17: Instruments (J285)       Labels:| 5K0-920-xxx-17.clb
       Part No SW: 3T2 920 841 H    HW: 3T2 920 841 H
       Component: KOMBI         H04 0406  
       Serial number: 00000000000000
       Coding: 711F01
       Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
       ASAM Dataset: EV_Kombi_UDS_VDD_RM09 A04089
       ROD: EV_Kombi_UDS_VDD_RM09_SK46.rod
       VCID: B93A6D2A38C60F8E16-80EC
    No fault code found.
    Address 19: CAN Gateway        Labels:. 7N0-907-530-V1.clb
       Part No SW: 7N0 907 530     HW: 1K0 907 951 
       Component: J533  Gateway   H27 5603  
       Revision:   H27       Serial number: 040910F1001702
       Coding: EDA1FF4652060200002303
       Shop #: WSC 22690 959 14172
       VCID: ED92897AF40E632ECA-80B8
    No fault code found.
    Address 25: Immobilizer (J334)       Labels:| 5K0-920-xxx-25.clb
       Part No SW: 5K0 953 234     HW: 5K0 953 234 
       Component: IMMO          H04 0406  
       Serial number: 00000000000000
       Coding: 000000
       Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
       ASAM Dataset: EV_Immo_UDS_VDD_RM09 A03008
       ROD: EV_Immo_UDS_VDD_RM09_VW21.rod
       VCID: EA9882660DE07416AF-80BE
    No fault code found.
    Address 36: Seat Mem. Drvr        Labels: 3C0-959-760.lbl
       Part No SW: 3C8 959 760     HW: 3C8 959 760 
       Component: J810                0801  
       Revision: 00002000    Serial number: 00000000000000
       Coding: 0000003
       Shop #: WSC 12345 111 45725
       VCID: F2A89A06ED30BCD617-80A6
    No fault code found.
    Address 37: Navigation (J0506)       Labels:. 1T0-035-680.clb
       Part No SW: 3T0 035 680 G    HW: 3T0 035 680 A
       Component: RNS-MID       H42 5238  
       Revision: AB001001    Serial number: SKZ6Z7K7252099
       Coding: 04060002000000A10000
       Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
       VCID: B4245C1E17A4F2E6C5-80E0
       Subsystem 1 - Part No: 3T0 051 859 AE
       Component: AUNZ V8  8207 
    No fault code found.
    Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386)       Labels:. 8X0-959-793.clb
       Part No SW: 8X0 959 793 C    HW: 8X0 959 793 C
       Component: TSG FA        H09 0409  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: --------------
       Coding: 011D0220DE01001000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       VCID: CDD229FA944E832EAA-8098
    No fault code found.
    Address 44: Steering Assist        Labels: 1K0-909-14x-GEN3.clb
       Part No: 1K0 909 144 J
       Component: EPS_ZFLS Kl. 196    3001  
       Revision: 00H17000    
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00055
       VCID: B12A550A28B6C7CEAE-80E4
    1 Fault Found:
    03803 - Steering Angle Sensor for Steering Aid 
                000 -  -  - MIL ON
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 11100000
                        Fault Priority: 2
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 255
                        Mileage: 130875 km
                        Time Indication: 0
                        Date: 2012.06.08
                        Time: 00:11:06
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Battery Volts: 12.5 V
                        Temperature: 35.0°C
                        Count: 2
                        Steering Angle: 0.00°
                        Count: 0
                            SteerAng n.Init
    Address 47: Sound System (R12)       Labels: 5K0-035-456.clb
       Part No SW: 3T0 035 456     HW: 3T0 035 456 
       Component: KonzernAmp10K H06 0342  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: BP218209147708
       ASAM Dataset: EV_AudioVerst10KanalBNO1 A01003
       ROD: EV_AudioVerst10KanalBNO1.rod
       VCID: EE908E7631089836F3-80BA
    No fault code found.
    Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387)       Labels:. 8X0-959-792.clb
       Part No SW: 8X0 959 792 C    HW: 8X0 959 792 C
       Component: TSG BF        H09 0409  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: --------------
       Coding: 011D0220DE01001000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00055
       VCID: CCD424FE6F548A26BD-8098
    No fault code found.
    Address 55: Headlight Range        Labels: 5M0-907-357-V2.lbl
       Part No SW: 5M0 907 357 C    HW: 5M0 907 357 C
       Component: AFS-Steuergeraet    0148  
       Revision: 00H04000    Serial number:               
       Coding: 1377095
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       VCID: B4245C1ED7A4F2E6C5-80E0
       Subsystem 1 - Part No: 7L6 941 329 B  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
       Component: AFS-Lst.-Modul l    0004  
       Coding: 00000021
       Subsystem 2 - Part No: 7L6 941 329 B  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
       Component: AFS-Lst.-Modul r    0004  
       Coding: 00000021
    No fault code found.
    Address 56: Radio (J0506)       Labels:. 1T0-035-680.clb
       Part No SW: 3T0 035 680 G    HW: 3T0 035 680 A
       Component: RNS-MID       H42 5238  
       Revision: AB001001    Serial number: SKZ6Z7K7252099
       Coding: 04060002000000A10000
       Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
       VCID: B4245C1E17A4F2E6C5-80E0
       Subsystem 1 - Part No: 3T0 051 859 AE
       Component: AUNZ V8  8207 
    No fault code found.
    Address 62: Door, Rear Left (J388)       Labels: None
       Part No SW: 8X0 959 795 B    HW: 8X0 959 795 B
       Component: TSG HL        H06 0409  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: --------------
       Coding: 010C00200001001000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       VCID: CED02EF69948B836D3-809A
    No fault code found.
    Address 69: Trailer (J345)       Labels:. 1K0-907-383-V2.clb
       Part No SW: 1K0 907 383 F    HW: 1K0 907 383 F
       Component: Anhaenger     H07 0100  
       Revision: 3A001001    Serial number: 00000132524615
       Coding: 0100000100000000
       Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
       VCID: B02C500EE3BCCEC6A1-80E4
    No fault code found.
    Address 6D: Trunk Elect. (----)       Labels:| 7N0-959-107.clb
       Part No SW: 7N0 959 107 A    HW: 7N0 959 107 A
       Component: HDSG-Modul    H11 0802  
       Revision: 41011001    Serial number: 250000031
       Coding: 082301C002
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       ASAM Dataset: EV_HDSGSk462 301133
       ROD: EV_HDSGSk462_SK46.rod
       VCID: B522611A14DEEBEEF2-80E0
    1 Fault Found:
    0004 - No Basic Setting 
              B2010 00 [137] -  - 
              MIL ON - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 00000001
                        Fault Priority: 1
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 167
                        Mileage: 130875 km
                        Date: 2018.01.16
                        Time: 00:16:06
                        12.66 V
    Address 72: Door, Rear Right (J389)       Labels: None
       Part No SW: 8X0 959 795 B    HW: 8X0 959 795 B
       Component: TSG HR        H06 0409  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: --------------
       Coding: 010C00200001001000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00055
       VCID: CED02EF69948B836D3-809A
    No fault code found.
    Address 77: Telephone (J412)       Labels:| 7P6-035-730.clb
       Part No SW: 7P6 035 730 L    HW: 7P6 035 730 L
       Component: TELEFON       H15 3200  
       Revision: 1B001001    Serial number: 00AAAA63112800
       Coding: 0A00000000000001
       Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
       ASAM Dataset: EV_UHVNA 002720
       ROD: EV_UHVNA_002.rod
       VCID: BB36772232FA3D9E04-80EE
    4 Faults Found:
    9458195 - Control Module for Cellular Telephone 
              B1052 13 [009] - Open Circuit
              Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 00000001
                        Fault Priority: 4
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 167
                        Mileage: 130875 km
                        Date: 2018.01.16
                        Time: 00:11:06
    13636352 - Control module not coded 
              U1013 00 [009] - -
              Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 00000001
                        Fault Priority: 4
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 167
                        Mileage: 130875 km
                        Date: 2018.01.16
                        Time: 00:11:07
    9457937 - Telephone baseplate 
              B1051 11 [009] - Short to Ground
              Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 00000001
                        Fault Priority: 4
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 167
                        Mileage: 130875 km
                        Date: 2018.01.16
                        Time: 00:11:06
    9458449 - Cellular Antenna 
              B1053 11 [009] - Short to Ground
              Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 00000001
                        Fault Priority: 4
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 167
                        Mileage: 130875 km
                        Date: 2018.01.16
                        Time: 00:11:06
    End----------(Elapsed Time: 01:45, VBatt start/end: 12.5V/12.5V)-----------


  12. Greetings all.

    Pondered long and hard after my combi tailgate struts failed...go gas or stay electric.

    Anyway, purchased new electro struts and installed.

    No go.


    I was hoping for a straight 'plug and play' but the Hex Net still won't allow me to activate the adaption. WTF?


    All the adaptions have been in place for years and worked fine, keyfob, centre console button, on both keys. When it finally failed and coded, the DTC wouldn't clear and the Basic Settings won't accept the adaption to activate.


    I think it is something really simple...


    VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 7 x86
    VCDS Version:  HEX-NET CB: 0.4401.4
    Data version: 20171130 DS276.6
    VIN: TMBKF93T9B9023003   License Plate: 
    Chassis Type: 3T-SK46 (7N0)
    Scan: 01 02 03 08 09 10 15 16 17 19 25 36 37 42 44 46 47 52 55 56
              62 69 6D 72 77
    VIN: TMBKF93T9B9023003   Mileage: 130870km-81318miles
    01-Engine -- Status: OK 0000
    02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
    03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000
    04-Steering Angle -- Status: OK 0000
    08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000
    09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
    10-Park/Steer Assist -- Status: OK 0000
    15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
    16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
    17-Instruments -- Status: OK 0000
    19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
    25-Immobilizer -- Status: OK 0000
    36-Seat Mem. Drvr -- Status: OK 0000
    37-Navigation -- Status: OK 0000
    42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
    44-Steering Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    46-Central Conv. -- Status: OK 0000
    47-Sound System -- Status: OK 0000
    52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
    55-Headlight Range -- Status: OK 0000
    56-Radio -- Status: OK 0000
    62-Door, Rear Left -- Status: OK 0000
    69-Trailer -- Status: OK 0000
    6D-Trunk Elect. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: OK 0000
    77-Telephone -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    Address 01: Engine (J623-CFGB)       Labels:. 03L-906-018-CFF.clb
       Part No SW: 03L 906 018 CJ    HW: 03L 906 018 BR
       Component: R4 2,0L EDC   H22 7828  
       Revision: 42H22---    Serial number:               
       Coding: 001D0012042500080000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM20TDI01103L906018CJ 003006
       ROD: EV_ECM20TDI01103L906018CJ.rod
       VCID: F4A49C1E5F24B2E605-80A0
    No fault code found.
    Readiness: 0 0 0 0 1 
    Address 02: Auto Trans        Labels: 02E-927-770.clb
       Part No SW: 02E 300 052 H    HW: 02E 927 770 AL
       Component: GSG DSG AG6     511 2208  
       Revision: 05151112    Serial number: 00001008231818
       Coding: 0000020
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00055
       VCID: 997A8DAA50062F8EF6-80CC
    No fault code found.
    Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104)       Labels:. 1K0-907-379-60EC1F.clb
       Part No SW: 1K0 907 379 BE    HW: 1K0 907 379 BE
       Component: ESP MK60EC1   H31 0108  
       Revision: 00H31001    
       Coding: 863D6016092400FD610B06E4901C0082350000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00055
       VCID: F6A0A6164158A0F63B-80A2
    No fault code found.
    Address 08: Auto HVAC (J255)       Labels:| 5K0-907-044.clb
       Part No SW: 3T0 907 044 AS    HW: 3T0 907 044 AS
       Component: Climatronic   H15 0401  
       Revision: 00005001    
       Coding: 0000000002
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       ASAM Dataset: EV_Climatronic A01006
       ROD: EV_ClimaAutoBasis_SK35.rod
       VCID: 8346CFC20A8A855E0C-80D6
    No fault code found.
    Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519)       Labels:. 1K0-937-08x-09.clb
       Part No SW: 1K0 937 087 P    HW: 1K0 937 087 P
       Component: BCM PQ35  H+  104 0615  
       Revision: 00104 AE    
       Coding: 42190AB8E84BF1C040080080110089EC447800AE737D85605C0140000040
       Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
       VCID: BE307E3629E828B623-80EA
       Subsystem 1 - Part No: 3T2 955 119 A  Labels: 1KX-955-119.CLB
       Component: Wischer 20081  26  0602 
       Coding: 00D7B7
       Subsystem 2 - Part No: 1K0 955 559 AH  Labels: 1K0-955-559-AG.CLB
       Component: RLS 090910 05  54  0403 
       Coding: 0730ED
       Subsystem 3 - Part No: 7N0 951 171 
       Component: DWA-Sensor 00  002 0205 
       Subsystem 4 - Part No: 1K0 951 605 C
       Component: LIN BACKUP HO  H05 1501 
    No fault code found.
    Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (J791)       Labels:. 1T0-919-475.clb
       Part No SW: 3T0 919 475 A    HW: 3T0 919 475 
       Component: PARKHILFE PLA H07 0003  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: 78331020003064
       Coding: 111108
       Shop #: WSC 43125 959 96122
       VCID: BB3677223AFA3D9E04-80EE
    No fault code found.
    Address 15: Airbags        Labels: 5N0-959-655.lbl
       Part No SW: 3T0 959 655 B    HW: 3T0 959 655 B
       Component: J234__LDE VW10 HI   1916  
       Revision: 19014000    Serial number: 003GRPJ695E   
       Coding: 0017477
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       VCID: C0CC00CE931C5E4651-8094
       Subsystem 1 - Serial number: 6332MTS670412360 
       Subsystem 2 - Serial number: 6342MTS627852380 
       Subsystem 3 - Serial number: 6351HTS6VBK2E9KR 
       Subsystem 4 - Serial number: 6361HTS6TAK2E9KR 
       Subsystem 5 - Serial number: 63727TS65RK3E9KJ 
       Subsystem 6 - Serial number: 00000000000000000
    No fault code found.
    Address 16: Steering wheel (J527)       Labels:| 5K0-953-569.clb
       Part No SW: 5K0 953 521 AT    HW: 5K0 953 569 B
       Component: LENKS.MODUL   009 0136  
       Revision: FF010038    Serial number: 20100823300801
       Coding: 189A140000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       ASAM Dataset: EV_SMLSNGVOLWS A01004
       VCID: FEB0BE366168E8B663-80AA
       Multifunction steering wheel control module: 
       Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 3T0 959 537 A    HW: 3T0 959 537 A  Labels: 3C8-959-537.CLB
       Component: E221__MFL-URO  H07 0012 
       Coding: 830000
    No fault code found.
    Address 17: Instruments (J285)       Labels:| 5K0-920-xxx-17.clb
       Part No SW: 3T2 920 841 H    HW: 3T2 920 841 H
       Component: KOMBI         H04 0406  
       Serial number: 00000000000000
       Coding: 711F01
       Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
       ASAM Dataset: EV_Kombi_UDS_VDD_RM09 A04089
       ROD: EV_Kombi_UDS_VDD_RM09_SK46.rod
       VCID: B93A6D2A38C60F8E16-80EC
    No fault code found.
    Address 19: CAN Gateway        Labels:. 7N0-907-530-V1.clb
       Part No SW: 7N0 907 530     HW: 1K0 907 951 
       Component: J533  Gateway   H27 5603  
       Revision:   H27       Serial number: 040910F1001702
       Coding: EDA1FF4652060200002303
       Shop #: WSC 22690 959 14172
       VCID: ED92897AF40E632ECA-80B8
    No fault code found.
    Address 25: Immobilizer (J334)       Labels:| 5K0-920-xxx-25.clb
       Part No SW: 5K0 953 234     HW: 5K0 953 234 
       Component: IMMO          H04 0406  
       Serial number: 00000000000000
       Coding: 000000
       Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
       ASAM Dataset: EV_Immo_UDS_VDD_RM09 A03008
       ROD: EV_Immo_UDS_VDD_RM09_VW21.rod
       VCID: EA9882660DE07416AF-80BE
    No fault code found.
    Address 36: Seat Mem. Drvr        Labels: 3C0-959-760.lbl
       Part No SW: 3C8 959 760     HW: 3C8 959 760 
       Component: J810                0801  
       Revision: 00002000    Serial number: 00000000000000
       Coding: 0000003
       Shop #: WSC 12345 111 45725
       VCID: F2A89A06ED30BCD617-80A6
    No fault code found.
    Address 37: Navigation (J0506)       Labels:. 1T0-035-680.clb
       Part No SW: 3T0 035 680 G    HW: 3T0 035 680 A
       Component: RNS-MID       H42 5238  
       Revision: AB001001    Serial number: SKZ6Z7K7252099
       Coding: 04060002000000A10000
       Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
       VCID: B4245C1E17A4F2E6C5-80E0
       Subsystem 1 - Part No: 3T0 051 859 AE
       Component: AUNZ V8  8207 
    No fault code found.
    Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386)       Labels:. 8X0-959-793.clb
       Part No SW: 8X0 959 793 C    HW: 8X0 959 793 C
       Component: TSG FA        H09 0409  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: --------------
       Coding: 011D0220DE01001000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       VCID: CDD229FA944E832EAA-8098
    No fault code found.
    Address 44: Steering Assist        Labels: 1K0-909-14x-GEN3.clb
       Part No: 1K0 909 144 J
       Component: EPS_ZFLS Kl. 196    3001  
       Revision: 00H17000    
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00055
       VCID: B12A550A28B6C7CEAE-80E4
    1 Fault Found:
    03803 - Steering Angle Sensor for Steering Aid 
                000 -  -  - MIL ON
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 11100000
                        Fault Priority: 2
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 255
                        Mileage: 130875 km
                        Time Indication: 0
                        Date: 2012.06.08
                        Time: 00:11:06
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Battery Volts: 12.5 V
                        Temperature: 35.0°C
                        Count: 2
                        Steering Angle: 0.00°
                        Count: 0
                            SteerAng n.Init
    Address 47: Sound System (R12)       Labels: 5K0-035-456.clb
       Part No SW: 3T0 035 456     HW: 3T0 035 456 
       Component: KonzernAmp10K H06 0342  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: BP218209147708
       ASAM Dataset: EV_AudioVerst10KanalBNO1 A01003
       ROD: EV_AudioVerst10KanalBNO1.rod
       VCID: EE908E7631089836F3-80BA
    No fault code found.
    Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387)       Labels:. 8X0-959-792.clb
       Part No SW: 8X0 959 792 C    HW: 8X0 959 792 C
       Component: TSG BF        H09 0409  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: --------------
       Coding: 011D0220DE01001000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00055
       VCID: CCD424FE6F548A26BD-8098
    No fault code found.
    Address 55: Headlight Range        Labels: 5M0-907-357-V2.lbl
       Part No SW: 5M0 907 357 C    HW: 5M0 907 357 C
       Component: AFS-Steuergeraet    0148  
       Revision: 00H04000    Serial number:               
       Coding: 1377095
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       VCID: B4245C1ED7A4F2E6C5-80E0
       Subsystem 1 - Part No: 7L6 941 329 B  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
       Component: AFS-Lst.-Modul l    0004  
       Coding: 00000021
       Subsystem 2 - Part No: 7L6 941 329 B  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
       Component: AFS-Lst.-Modul r    0004  
       Coding: 00000021
    No fault code found.
    Address 56: Radio (J0506)       Labels:. 1T0-035-680.clb
       Part No SW: 3T0 035 680 G    HW: 3T0 035 680 A
       Component: RNS-MID       H42 5238  
       Revision: AB001001    Serial number: SKZ6Z7K7252099
       Coding: 04060002000000A10000
       Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
       VCID: B4245C1E17A4F2E6C5-80E0
       Subsystem 1 - Part No: 3T0 051 859 AE
       Component: AUNZ V8  8207 
    No fault code found.
    Address 62: Door, Rear Left (J388)       Labels: None
       Part No SW: 8X0 959 795 B    HW: 8X0 959 795 B
       Component: TSG HL        H06 0409  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: --------------
       Coding: 010C00200001001000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       VCID: CED02EF69948B836D3-809A
    No fault code found.
    Address 69: Trailer (J345)       Labels:. 1K0-907-383-V2.clb
       Part No SW: 1K0 907 383 F    HW: 1K0 907 383 F
       Component: Anhaenger     H07 0100  
       Revision: 3A001001    Serial number: 00000132524615
       Coding: 0100000100000000
       Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
       VCID: B02C500EE3BCCEC6A1-80E4
    No fault code found.
    Address 6D: Trunk Elect. (----)       Labels:| 7N0-959-107.clb
       Part No SW: 7N0 959 107 A    HW: 7N0 959 107 A
       Component: HDSG-Modul    H11 0802  
       Revision: 41011001    Serial number: 250000031
       Coding: 082301C002
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00999
       ASAM Dataset: EV_HDSGSk462 301133
       ROD: EV_HDSGSk462_SK46.rod
       VCID: B522611A14DEEBEEF2-80E0
    1 Fault Found:
    0004 - No Basic Setting 
              B2010 00 [137] -  - 
              MIL ON - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 00000001
                        Fault Priority: 1
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 167
                        Mileage: 130875 km
                        Date: 2018.01.16
                        Time: 00:16:06
                        12.66 V
    Address 72: Door, Rear Right (J389)       Labels: None
       Part No SW: 8X0 959 795 B    HW: 8X0 959 795 B
       Component: TSG HR        H06 0409  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: --------------
       Coding: 010C00200001001000
       Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00055
       VCID: CED02EF69948B836D3-809A
    No fault code found.
    Address 77: Telephone (J412)       Labels:| 7P6-035-730.clb
       Part No SW: 7P6 035 730 L    HW: 7P6 035 730 L
       Component: TELEFON       H15 3200  
       Revision: 1B001001    Serial number: 00AAAA63112800
       Coding: 0A00000000000001
       Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
       ASAM Dataset: EV_UHVNA 002720
       ROD: EV_UHVNA_002.rod
       VCID: BB36772232FA3D9E04-80EE
    4 Faults Found:
    9458195 - Control Module for Cellular Telephone 
              B1052 13 [009] - Open Circuit
              Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 00000001
                        Fault Priority: 4
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 167
                        Mileage: 130875 km
                        Date: 2018.01.16
                        Time: 00:11:06
    13636352 - Control module not coded 
              U1013 00 [009] - -
              Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 00000001
                        Fault Priority: 4
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 167
                        Mileage: 130875 km
                        Date: 2018.01.16
                        Time: 00:11:07
    9457937 - Telephone baseplate 
              B1051 11 [009] - Short to Ground
              Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 00000001
                        Fault Priority: 4
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 167
                        Mileage: 130875 km
                        Date: 2018.01.16
                        Time: 00:11:06
    9458449 - Cellular Antenna 
              B1053 11 [009] - Short to Ground
              Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 00000001
                        Fault Priority: 4
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 167
                        Mileage: 130875 km
                        Date: 2018.01.16
                        Time: 00:11:06
    End----------(Elapsed Time: 01:45, VBatt start/end: 12.5V/12.5V)-----------


  13. My 2 cents...

    I would think your struts are on the way out.

    Mine went the same way, a few issues every now and then, a new ignition cycle would sort it.

    Then it no longer sorted.

    VCDS didn't show any faults in any scans prior to complete failure and even after the failure it took some time to register anything.

    The load cover doesn't work electronically as far as i know. You can activate or deactivate the big rubber lug through the MFD settings so if it's in the active position, manual opening still trips the cover. Deactivating it should stop it.

  14. Thanks Matt.

    Waiting to hear back on that one.

    I've got supply and replace costs down to just on $2000 AUD:blink::sweat::dry:


    I may be upgrading so i am hanging off on the motor servos at this stage as i definitely wont be getting that 2k back!

    I really miss the electro struts but the replacement is ridiculous. I might just go for gas until i can jag some second hand...then keep my fingers crossed!



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