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Everything posted by jimmy2x

  1. yes everything that will get this companies actions noticed by the authorities that can do something
  2. hello all. i joined here as i read this post about techniclutch and wanted to reply and also give my story and a few pointers. this company are obviously crooks, the buy in refanufactured clutches from abroad, these are worn out clutches and plates where they skim the heads of the plates, put bew springs in the disks, they give the plate a clean up and then sell it to you. you then either realise its rubbish before fitting if your lucky or you pay someone to fit an item that fails far quicker than it should if you are no so lucky and then need to pay to have it done all again. They depend on wearing you down with lies and nonsense and it works, most just give up vow to never buy from them again then forget about it. but for the good of everyone you must follow through and get your money back and you will but you wont get it from them. you will get it the legal route. heres my story first record on your phone every conversation you have with them. this is evidence, this is allowed if you need to take it as far as the small claims court you can use extracts from this to prove your case. dates etc while talking to them. second if you can never accept the package from them and return to sender, i did this i purchased then read all the reviews and cancelled the following day. they claimed some spurrious nonsense that they would need to get in touch with the warehouse or some such thing. i phoned 2 days later confirming my cancellation but the said it had allready been posted. but it had not been posted, because 4 days later i recieved parcelforce tracking for the item. so they had 6 days to not send the item so ask yourself why they would still send the item ? i wil tell you why, because once you had recieved it they would claim that you changed it, you tampered with it, that it wasinst same item you sent back. i twigged this was what they were up to hence sending item 6 days after i cancelled. so if you cancel it and they send it, do not accept it at the door and the postal company will return to sender, that puts a stop to that part of the scam. then the fub begins, you phone up, you have proof you didint recieve or returned to sender or looked in the box say it was junk and sent back. so after about 8 phome calls or so you will start to realise that they have no intention of paying you back and will start to make up nnsense to not pay you. this is why you must absolutely record every call you have with them. your options now are. section 70 - if you paid by credit card you can make a section 70 claim with your credit card company, include the fact you have recorded phone calls, the tracking number of them sending it and you sending back etc. paypall chargeback - if you bought via there ebay store do a charge back as quick as you can. dont sit arguing and phoning them go straight for the charge back. the sooner the better. make sure you have proof of posting back as ebay will ask for this. letter before action - next if you didint pay by credit card or you are paypal time lapsed etc or you paid debit card. you will now need to send a letter before action. moneysaving supermarket etc have details of doing this also citizen advice. you might have to revert to here even if you paid by credit card because techniclutch have set themselves up to circumvent the credit card chargeback, there is a clause which is actually going through parliment to stop that a credit card can claim the transaction is not between them and the retailer because they use a third party processor ie like sage pay and the credit company will sometimes but not allways refuse the chargeback because of this. take a guess who techniclutch use for processing their cards even though they charge a lot more than a standard company like rbs or sum up or lloyds etc. yup they use sage pay as they attempt to prevent charge backs. So set out a letter before action, send it proof of delivery not signed for, likely they will just not sign for it as they probably get loads and know the drill. so go to the post office and send it proof of delivery not signed for. also send a copy to their email. and keep a copy for yourself. if this still dont get them to give you your money back next its a small claims dont online, its simple its cheap its effective. they will have 0 days to pay you or you apply t take them to small claims court. its better if the item + costs allowed are over £600 in total because if they dont pay you can hire a high court balliff to collect. if under and they refuse to pay you need to get a ccj against them they then have time to pay you before its marked against them. So hope that helps some of you that are robbed by this company. remember to report them to companies house, remember to report them to ebay, post about them on trustpilot and come to forums like this.and blackpool police eventually some authority is going to take notice and close this company down. a wee msg to any rogue trader tv programs wont do any harm either. they have made an enemy with me, make sure they make one with you as well. i got my money back after 10 weeks with a credit card chargeback. i refused the item and had it returned to sender. they tried to claim on the phone that me returning to sender ie not accepting the parcel and it being returned untouched and not in my ownership at any point. was a breach of contract, have you ever heard of such lying nonsense. it was at this point i realised i needed to stop trying with them and go the route that didint involve asking them for it back. remember record all phone conversations with them. byt what is really needed is for many of the victims of their scams to get together and report them as a group. i hardly think blackpool fraud squad could ignore 50 independent phone calls to them in a week about this company. or the same to companies house or rogue traders etc. best wishes all. im looking at buying a skoda
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