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Finding my way
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Everything posted by Jmii

  1. I'm finding vRS for under 5G but they are near 80,000/100,000 miles this Seat Ibiza only has 40,000 for 4,990 1 year warranty or 4,790 3 months. Which after a month of looking I dont think I can match. Thanks missp for the heads up, just didnt wanna be stuck with a car i couldnt tax. This car was a well nice drive =) If i get this it will mean I've almost had the vw tdi engine in nearly all brands. VW Bora / Skoda Fabia / Seat Ibiza ....... all i need next is a Audi A3
  2. Sorry for the bad pun was better then sayying "I'm kar-los". Hello I only joined about 2 months ago had my fabia 4 months and was written off about 3 weeks ago. Have been looking for a vRS on a very tight budget (5g or under) since with no joy. But a good deal has come up but it's a Seat ibiza 1.9tdi sport 130bhp. Same thing differnt badge. The dealer I went to (not a seat dealer) said his mate asked him to track down a seat ibiza for him, which he did the mate brought it clean it up gave it to his wife.She drove it for a week and decided she didnt like it. So this mate gave it back to the dealer after only 1 week. but in the week of having it has sent of the log book making him the 3rd owner for the car for only 1 week. I will be 4th owner of this car with only 40,400 miles. Now dealer says he will send me the log book as soon as he gets it. Should I trust him :confused: How hard would it be to solve say if he never sent the log book out. I would have the green slip tho. edit: I know this is not really a fabia post but this is where I find the most helpfull people =) also in hope that some one will say have my vRS at same price also with low mileage =)
  3. Hey PastyBoy that deal is 214 miles away =) I know the engine's do go forever, well Ive found a gem but its not a skoda, it's a Audi A4 on 02 reg 79,000 miles same engine 1.9tdi 130bhp, with f.s.h 4 miles from my house asking for 3,800 I'm gonna offer 3,500. all the same end of the day. I don't know why i couldn't find a similar skoda engine that cheap
  4. Google Maps Thats my car just before I brought it and wrote it of within 4 months and I know its not a vRS. It's a comfort I've learnt from my mistake since joining this forum. edit... I cant see my sunroof so I'm not 100% sure =(
  5. looking to buy a vRS and cant find any with low mileage (less then 80k) at around the 5g mark. I'm finding some in 100k mark which I know is fine, I should be able to get 120k with no probs. But just say I got one of these and the engine gave up at 120k (I know highly unlikely if taken care of), by then I'd like to think I would have some more money saved up:rofl:, how realistic/worthwhile is a engine transplant say from a cheap 1.9tdi comfort (example: insurance write off, rear ended), just keep the vRS turbos and what ever else can be salvaged to keep power at min 130bhp? this is prob a very stupid question I just don't wanna waste my money on a car that will last 3 years or so. When I get my payout I need to get a car for work a.s.a.p, so cant hang around for them dream deals thats pop up once in a blue moon. =( I might end up just getting another comfort :(
  6. u lot seem 2 b goin thou ur vrs like no 2moro! Chuck a fabia vrs my way would ya : ) il chuck u 5G once my insurance pay up. I miss my fabia
  7. Sorry yeah it happen in east London near the old Chingford dog track, just of the A406 the name of the road was Frankland road E4 area been onto my insurance the women sounded like a robot like she was reading a script and said unless the hit and run guy admits hitting me, I'm paying for it! So he run from the scene even if they did track him down unless he says its his fault I still have to pay! GRRR times like this where I wish I was allowed to put 1G aside every year for my own insurance. I went well over 7 years was 1 month from 8 years = | with out any claims. But have been hit twice within 4 months. Gotta say thanks for all the advice here, I'll get onto the MIB (Men In Black?) ...sorry I have to joke or I will cry = | that's also a really cool site about finding out if the other car is insured and taxed. Found another nice vrs 21 miles away 69k miles selling for 4,500squid no mention of a new cambelt tho how much would that be? its a private seller so probs a few other problems. Any tips on stuff I should be looking out for when viewing the car, I'm not to wise on the car stuff, thank god I got you guys to bug! =)
  8. Not that my car is a write off yet I couldn't help but look and see whats out there. Found a nice vRS only 4 miles from me from a dealer SKODA Fabia 1.9 TDi PD 130 vRS- Auto Trader UKHas done over double my mileage mine was at 32,000 but this one is 2 years younger =) what u guys think?
  9. It was shaping up to be a cracking weekend, got a pay raise plus full time hours, and even found a tenner over the weekend. Then it all went to **** i got side swiped in my fabia =( Driving down the road 20 past some road works cleared that so started to speed up to 30 then BANG! I was hit. Some knob didn't give way at all, not even slow down at his junction. It wasn't one of them junctions where u can read the road ahead. The houses are built right up to the corner so u have no choice to stop and look. So anyway he hit me full on the side which then sent me at an angle into a parked car. Thank god it was only a parked car! so I jump out of my car in shock go to make sure the guy that hit me was ok. He had a **** Fix It Again Tony/Tomorow Punto, he said "yeah mate just let me pull the car over off the road". u see his car wasnt starting so i was like yeah il move mine as I was now blocking the whole single lane road. Well the knob got his car started then sped off! so i backed up and tired to follow but there was loads of people that had come out to see what was going on getting in my way. Well he flew the wrong way down a one way street at this point I noticed my brakes were not to good and my leg was shaking like a bit(h from the shock! So i went back round the block and returned to the scene. I know i should'nt have left I just wanted his reg! Turned out some by stander got his reg =) so with a lil luck i wont get to fu*ked on the insurance (please god) Just by luck a cop and a p.c.s.o was walking past 10 mins after it happened so they took all witness details and mine and swicthed my details with the park car owner I hit. I havent called it into my insurance yet didnt get in till 10 pm =( but got police ref number with times and stuff it happened around 3:30pm. I'll call it in first thing tomorrow. Rang up skoda recovery and they brought my car back to my house. I only had the Fabia just over 3 months lol I had a bora which got written off.Almost the same way not my fault either but that time the driver did not try to speed off! so the knober hit and run guy was driving a sky blue Fait punto reg SG51 WYK driver was young 20's so if u see him tryying to get his car fixed do me a fav and stick his head under ur wheel and do the maddest wheel spin ever if u put it on youtube il buy u a new set of tyres. Well early on this month I was asking if it was worth me modding my comfort up to standard vRS bhp. everyone was like just get a vrs looks like I might be able to now. But my MAX budget is 5G not even sure I can get that together tbh I'll try add 2 pics on my car =) I didnt even get to take any pics of it b4 it was hit =(
  10. Well I gotta say thanks to everyone for there reply's. I've asked 3 questions on this forums and I've never known a forum to give so many reply's with help normally they just let it sink off the front page and I'm non the wiser to my question. Back on subject I can't ask the dealer to help finish of the payments on the car as it was a family loan. I actually have 12 more payments to make lol, but after so many of you sayying get a vrs i was really thinking of ways to tighten my belt and do it in 6 payments. Well I kinda have good news sorta..... I've gone from part time work (25.5hours) to full time (37.5hours) so that means more money to help towards my vrs. With the insurance in my bora which I think was 130bhp well it was 6 gears so it was deffo faster then comfort. The cost of a year is the same even tho Im slower and dont have alloys now? so i think vrs will not make it go any higher untill i do remaps and stuff =) RSIMPS I wish i knew of this forum before I brought the car I would have had urs in a heart beat! I ended up payying 3,750sqiud for a comfort 52 reg 30,000miles. (but was a skoda dealer so year cover and year rac) If for some bezare reason you still have that car in 6 months to a year, and still wanna sell...... I wont buy it lol gotta be dodge if u cant sell a vrs within a month! =) Well for now I think im gonna keep an eye out for cheap 17" wheels. Wont hurt the value of the car when I come to sell =) Thanks again guys for all ur help.
  11. Thanks for all the help, I think I will do a remap and get some cheap alloys any wheels look better then trolley wheels. The bumper will have to do =) Well I still have to pay of the loan I got to buy this car so in about 6 months I might think about trading it for a vRS.
  12. Unless I could have the vRS before I sold the comfort, its not an option. I need it day in and day out. Any work I get done to it would be over weekend at a push I can borrow a car for max of day or two. So all that kit you mentioned any chance of it working on my comfort? is the engine not the same just vRS better tuned? (remember clueless?)
  13. OK I don't know where to start. I haven't got a clue about cars I mean I can change a wheel and do my checks before a motorway run but I couldn't chance the oil myself. (although I did invest in the haynes handbook) Now I had the Bora 1.9 TDI the 6 gear version with the red DI letters lol (showing how clueless I am) Loved it to bits as it was, it looked mean and drove just as mean! Had it 7/8 years got side swiped which wrote it off. I needed a car for my work so I didnt have time to pussy foot around. I knew Skoda's have the same engine as VW. I'd seen a few nice fabias in traffic, so I brought the first 1.9 tdi I found from a Skoda dealer with low mileage 30,000. after that I dicided to google skoda forums and found you guys thats when I realized I should have held out for a VRS. From what I see posted all your cars look mint but the VRS looks good from factory. Mine is the "comfort" I have to say it looks like a proper granny car. Which can be good sometimes when people pull up in the wrong lane and think they can be cheeky. They get a nice little shock. "Skoda is like a wolf in cheap clothing" OK back to my comfort, I dont like the front bumper would want something like the VRS style (I know it's not a VRS) also the wheels are soo small they look like they have been taken of a shopping tolly! I see you guys posting about fitting this and that turbo kit, stage 1 and what not,:confused: It all goes over my head. If I had a VRS I would follow the links and see about adding it to mine but because mine is not VRS I'm never sure if it would work? End of the day I'm not made of money but I would like to improve a little on the look and performance. (I dont want a spaceship looking thing I hate them modded Corsa lol) I like the standard VRS look and I wouldnt mine adding a little basic turbo just so I can keep up with a stanard VRS. Is that possable?
  14. Well I'm glad I have a button that does so much, u guys need to set up an IRC room called "Briskoda random button" it's like a chat room in here at the mow. Thanks for all the help =) I didn't even think a coke can ( or any drink can) could fit in there.So I would have been guessing for years.
  15. wow fordfan that's brilliant!! could I get the 1:1 copy please.I'm hitting that thanks button right now. I owe ya =)
  16. why does everyone think I don't know where 30, 50 and 70 are. It just bugs me that there the main speeds in the uk and not on the speedo. I can deal with it =) .......................... just about
  17. well this is just of the top of my head I could use them old clear sheets all the teachers used to use on them old fashion projectors. color it all in black and leave the numbers clear so the blue will come thou? That will be a little weak I know but I'm sure there is clear sheets that will run thou my printer that I can then stick to firmer plastic? edit: Thanks WW VRS I did notice them speedo's awhile ago. Thought they were alot of money for what they are, deffo if i have to deal with KPH =) the more i think about it the more i wanna get mine out and play with the design. I just don't have the know how or the balls to risk it. Knowing my luck I'd end up with no speedo.
  18. Thanks for clearing up where 30 comes When I said print another template I didn't mean on paper, I was thinking some kinda thin plastic, I could just delete the numbers I don't want and add the ones I do. Plus while I had it out I would look into switching the background light colors, In my Bora they was Blue made such a difference! But if its to much effort to get it out I guess I'll bite my lip and deal with it.
  19. Hey, The speedo in my car is working fine, but one thing that is getting on my nerves a little is the number placement. I know it shouldn't it's such a small thing. The speedo points out 20mph, 40mph, and 60mph. The speed limits I go thou are 30mph, 50mph, and 70mph. (I cant remember the limit for motorway driving lol well I cruise at 70 not been told of yet) How big of a job is it to get the template out from the display so i can scan it and print another. Is it more effort then its worth?
  20. Thanks for the reply, sorry I couldn't think what key words to search?
  21. Hi not had my fabia long, I couldn't find the n00b section =) I've noticed a button on the top of the mini glove box on the driver side just under the lights switch? (u have to pull it forward and it says "on" whats that do?
  22. Hey everyone =) gotta say I'm loving the forums, I've been hanging out reading a few post for about a month now, I had a Bora 1.9tdi got written off, I loved the engine so much I brought the fabia 1.9tdi, I'm enjoying it but I dont have the 6 gear version anymore =(
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