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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. The 40D is a very competent camera. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. (Just do not try a 1D series ) Yep, Canon 2xTCII. With that lot mounted on the MKIII, it gave me an equivalent 1560mm lens:eek: Twas peeing with rain and very dull, so the weatherproofing on the camera and lens came into its own. The fact that the heron is very still (must have been sprayed with hairspray!) and I used a very sturdy tripod, allowed me to take the shot at 1/30th second!!!! I'm glad I had the opportunity to borrow the lens - but I think I would use the 500 f4Lis more often - Look out credit card
  2. I've been at this game for about 30 years now :eek: , and I can honestly say that right now, we have never had it so good. The modern DSLR is capable of producing quite stunning quality technically. There then comes the personal choice of which make or model you can afford or desire. You have chosen Canon - Nikon produce just as good cameras, so the choice comes down to personal preference. Some prefer one over the other, just don't get hung up over the manufacturer you go with. Over the years I have seen plenty of technically perfect images, but they lack something. This is where you put your personal stamp on a photo. I often hear that 'It is the photographer, not the camera, that takes the picture'. That is much too simplistic. The reason I use professional cameras and lenses is that, if I put a lot of time and effort into a shot, then I want my gear to produce a high quality file. You still have to 'drive it' correctly though. Then there is the quality of the light. In the studio you can control this, but outside you just have to work with what you have. Planning can help, be at the right place at the right time. I can also guarantee that for every stunning shot you see, there are plenty that hit the recycle bin. Once you use a professional camera body, you will never be happy with the 5D, 40D etc cameras. Yes, they are lighter and produce good if not excellent images - but there is something missing. The same goes for lenses. Sigma do produce good kit - but once you use the 'L' series lenses, you wont want to go back. Then we get to cost - our main limitation. I am lucky enough to be able to work hard and save up to buy what I want. It is my main passion and am happy to justify it for that reason alone. Photography is a great hobby/interest. We never stop learning and chasing that perfect image in quality and feel. Jeez that lot sounds pretty anal !!!!! If you want more, put on your anorak and drop over to POTN and fill yer boots.
  3. If ever we meet up, you are welcome to have a go.
  4. Yep.... My Race Blue Octi camera bag. It was parked in the exhibitors car park. It was a bit dull, wasn't it. I stuck the camera on manual, taking a light reading of the grass (about 18% grey) which stopped me getting silhouettes I cleared off after the Typhoon............ didn't see the red arrows there.
  5. Thanks Fluff - I was hoping that they would fly together in a formation :(
  6. Here are some shots from today (Saturday). It was a great air show..... but I wish the weather wasn't so grey:( I only had a press pass for the Saturday..... so for those of you going Sunday, I expect to see some great images with nice blue skies and fluffy clouds. Hope you like them.
  7. Nice shots Andy - Even if they were taken with a NOINK :D
  8. Hi Sonic.... Great shots there. It just goes to prove again that it is not the kit, but the photographer. The better kit only give you better quality for your efforts. The Sanctuary is on my list of places to visit. All credit to you for volunteering to help look after these wonderful cats. We were offered a discount by the Eos Experience organisation for that visit. Maybe you could organise a day for the Briskodians - I would happily offer my services with regard to passing on some of my photographic experience and techniques.
  9. Looks like a great setup...... You can also find good deals on cards here... https://www.picstop.co.uk/Compact-Flash-CF/SanDisk-Extreme-III-Compact-Flash---2GB
  10. Hi Steve Thanks for your comments...... I am often found at POTN - same username I have bought a lens from Kerso - one of my Tilt-Shift lenses, and got a good service from him. You cannot have enough lenses !!!! I've got my eye on a 14mm f2.8L II and the 200 f2:eek: Just do not tell SWMBO
  11. Thanks Kenny. Photoshop CS3. 1. Cloned out elements such as the parking paint and the telegraph wire. 2. Increased shadow detail and toned down the highlights to bring out the detail in the sky. 3. Grad filter for the sky. 4. Got rid of the chromatic abberations from the lens (red fringing) 5. Cropped for effect. 6. Resized, sharpened and a border added.
  12. Good effort, a good time of day to photograph the motor. I hope you do not mind, but I have had an edit to reduce the contrast and remove some of the distracting elements. Load of other tweaks in photoshop. It does show what you can produce with a compact camera. Well done. [ATTACH]21861[/ATTACH]
  13. Most of the gear was from warehouse express. But I got a better deal from A J Purdy on the 1DmkIII body.
  14. Thanks Loz.... I'll take you out whenever you like, but you cannot have my cameras It's great to see so many enthusiastic photographers on BriSkoda.
  15. Thanks Lance - I've only got this 'English' Beaver.....
  16. Thanks again for the comments..... This is what we carted around to get the animal shots..... and the reason I need an Octi VRS camera bag. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
  17. Thanks, he is cute. But even at only a year old, he is the size of a very large dog.... and I wouldn't really recommend going and giving him a cuddle :eek:
  18. I took the VRS camera bag to Woburn this Friday..... The first shot was taken with the Canon 1DmkIII and a 300mm f2.8L is - and the rest with the Canon 600mm f4L is. Difficult to get shots without including signs of captivity - The animals were plenty wild enough though !!!!! Hope you like them:)
  19. Hi Thanks for the comments..... It was a kestrel. I caught it just coming into land on a fence post. I had been watching it for quite a while and it would land on that post frequently. So I just waited..... and waited.... and waited.... etc.
  20. I couldn't resist.... one more 'animal piccy' - my personal 'pet'. Apologies to those who have seen it before. OCTAVIA VRS CAMERA BAG
  21. Hi Lee Thanks for your comments. Forgetting the personal preferences of 'feel'. I would rate the Olympus cameras as very good. I have owned the old e10 and e20's. The Olympus brand lenses are excellent but quite expensive. Se a comprehensive test here I have had good experiences with warehouse express. Reasonable prices and generally next day delivery. I hope that helps.
  22. Excellent Andy, a nice bit of kit, get out there and enjoy it - post them here so we can enjoy.
  23. Thanks Alan - I'm with you there, it's an 'L' of a life...
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