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Everything posted by Rich-VRS

  1. @ fordfan fyi, i have a spare remote that was not with me. also now im upto 6 posts. so you really must talk some ***** to get to over 600, ohh hang on yeah you do, cos there was totally no need for that pathetic reply. my bad !! bah :thumbdwn:
  2. number 1, all i asked for was a bit of help. i didnt expect someone to post yes do this on the forum, all i asked is that is there a way as the rac said there was no chance. number 2. i didnt ask for someone to tell me to brick the window, i mean come on anyone can do that, i asked without damage. obviously some people cannot read and need help ! number 3, i apologise to the people that are here and do help. but will not take back the comments for who they was related to ! there is no need for sarcastic comments. and to how many posts people post. look through guys. 80% of them are spam and crap. i can post crap but what for ? if i could help someone i would. but most posts have a good answer to peoples problems already, why post same thing twice..
  3. as for the sarky stupid replies, you guys shouldnt have bothered or maybe its just in your character. A55HOL3S !!!!! maybe you want to get a life or something.... ohh and yes there is a little button called PM for you that didnt know thanks for nothing dickheads YOU KNOW WHO IM TALKIN ABOUT !!!!!!! glad everyone not the same
  4. i opened the doors on the car, to place something in the boot, i forgot and put keys in boot floor, went for something and wind had closed boot lid. only to find because i didnt open the doors. the car had also self locked :( i called the R*C , 3.5 hoursr later wedging doors, back feeding from reversing lights etc etc etc. he could still not get in the car. he had to call his depot to arrange my son to get my spare keys and have them brought to me 2.5 hours drive away. what a nightmare.. lol for future reference if this happend again, is there any way to open the fabia doors or boot, without damage to the car ?? a lot of cars can be bypassed if something like this happens, is the fabia one of the few that cannot ? thanks everyone Rich
  5. hi everyone, just got my fabia vrs and then found my way here
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