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    Octavia Mk2

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  1. I have just recently changed my knob, for the record and anyone still struggling with this: The thick black clip sitting atop the gaitor in poloman's picture above is what is holding the gaitor to the knob. This needs to come off, and you will then be able to slide the knob out of the gaitor. BUT I couldn't actually get it off, and in a temper I just pulled the whole thing through the gaitor, the clip let go of the leather it held and it was free. So if levering at the black clip is getting you nowhere then simply place the whole lot on the floor in front of you with the gear knob pointing up (how the gear knob looks when actually fitted) hold down the gaitor with one hand and pull hard on the knob with the other. I should point out that some damage to the very top of the gaitor may be possible in doing this, but mine was fine, and anyway this should subsequently be hidden by the new clip and knob. With that done you should now be able to place the new gear knob down into the gaitor, then place the new black clip on the other side, with a small amount of the gaitor leather in between them. The next part is what caused me most grief, no matter how hard I tried I could not get the new black clip to click into place. After a lot of brute force efforts, bruised fingers and ego, and an annoyed wife, I finally did it and did so by wiggling/waggling it from side to side and in it went, thankfully securing just the right amount of gaitor leather between it and the new knob. Patience. The last piece is to put the unit back onto the gearstick and secure it with the little metal clip. I actually found it easier to use the old clip then the brand new clip that came with the new knob, because my pliers are not worth a ****e and the old clip was almost tight enough from the off. Hope this is of some service to someone else.
  2. Thanks for the replies, lads. Probably not good news, but I went to the car this morning to find the cluster working normally. Just tried it again there and still working. Any idea on what could cause an intermittent issue with it? Or should I assume it's on the way out and look at having it replaced regardless?
  3. Morning all, A first time Skoda owner here. I had never intended to buy an Octavia but one seemed to seek me out and I took the plunge! Prior to purchasing a 2005 Elegance MPI I had it inspected by a mechanic, he found a few little things off with it which the garage said they would put right. One was a leak in the boot. There was a bit of a mix up with the mechanic and he somehow managed to leave off the fact that the rear washer wasn't working, which he knew. I probably don't have to tell you the leak and the washer were related. By the time I actually brought it back up to the dealer it had made the boot quite wet and blown the rear left brake light (I hadn't been using the washer needless to say, perhaps it wasn't the only cause of the leak, seems ok now in any case) Having had the boot leak fixed, I thought I was in the clear, only to get into the car yesterday morning, and I heard almost a crackle from behind the dash (or more so from behind the dial for the headlights). I was actually just tidying the car up and the key wasn't in, it was an hour later that I tried to start the car, which went fine, but I then realised that my cluster display was completely dead. Speedo, rev counter, fuel gauge, temp all dead. No lights lighting up.Indicators are working but I have no noise or clicking noise. For hazards there is a flash off the button but no sound. Anyway, I went straight back to the dealer who looked at it and says it doesn't seem to be fuse related, so the instrument panel itself has to be sent off for repair. I am fortunate in that the dealer is showing good faith and this is all covered (technically I only have a warranty for the engine and gearbox). What I'm really concerned about is that this may be the start of more problems, maybe the previous owner saw it coming and cashed in his chips. Any thoughts on the cluster failure? The leak I wasn't put off by, it's a known issue and once fixed properly should be fine. But cluster's failing has me worried...hope I don't have a lemon! I actually love the car, despite the flaws so far. But that probably won't last long if things keep cropping up.
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