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Big Bear

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  1. wey hey!!!!! Thanks guys, will go play and see what I can find out. I'll post any outcome on here, thanks for your help. Regards, Barry.........................BBBBBBBBBBBBBB
  2. Hiya all. Names Barry, (nick name Big Bear), own a 93 Forman Estate (Favorit) Silver Line, in Spain. I bought it cheap from a local Spanish guy about three years ago and it's been brill. Cars just don't seem to rust out there at all. Any way, I live in Southend on sea, and here I own one of those Ford Scorpio 'Frog' Ultima's. I'm retired and the missus and I spend as much time as we can afford on going away.................ANYWHERE.................!!! Camping, caravaning, driving, flying, boating, power kiting, motorcylcing (I own a Honda Blackbird too) and when I ain't doin' those things, I like DIY and power tools, even if I don't know how to use 'em!! I look forward to talking to you on the forums and hope that at times I can be of use. Regards, Barry
  3. Mornin guys and galls. This is my first post, and unfortuneatly, it is one for a problem with my 93 Favorit. When the engine is cold it idles perfectly, then as soon as it is up to workin temperature, the idle speed increases to 2000rpm, then continually goes up to 3000rpm and then straight back down to 2000rpm again, It does this none stop while idling. The aggravating part about this is that the engine runs beatifully at all other times. I have found that if I unplug the lamda sensor the idle speed is better but not good. I can't see, given the job that the lamda does, that it would be the cause. Anyone any ideas before I put my left arm in a vice and saw it off in frustration please? Regards, Barry.
  4. :P :P Ha ha ha ha ha Hiya Alex, Nah, unfortuneately it's a family thing and I have no control over renting it out. Got to say it would help with expenses if they did allow it. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB:thumbup:
  5. hello hello hello, :thumbup: The name's Barry and I own a Skoda Foremen (same as a Favorite Silver line in the UK) Estate, in Spain. I've owned the car for about 2 years and it has been very reliable. I have a little terraced property there and visit about 4 times a year. The car lives outside thw house in all that sun and the only thing that gives me trouble is the sun rotting the tyres!!! Spares are expensive in Spain so anything I need I buy here and take it out with me. I look forward to reading the forums and being of assistance if I can. Regards, Barry.......................BBBBBBBBBBBBB:D
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