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Snow settings and first mud bath


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Off road button has had a lot of use since the SM came into my care living and working on opposite sides of the Chilterns. As others have said it won't overcome the laws of physics but it really helps pulling away and keeping things moving as well as the hill descent working brilliantly on icy/snowy, err, descents...

One particularly neat thing is how once the button has been pushed the system will come into action and out of it depending on speed and gear selection so you don't have to keep switching it on and off if conditions are changeable.

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Hi again

Found the best map so far as to where I had possibly deviated from the legal track!!

It's not reliable for me in Vista but the first link is to a road map and you will see uncoloured Mill Hill to follow North and past a car park area where it turns East


If you are lucky you can switch to the ordanance survey map which then shows Mill Road in yellow after it turns East


Next stage is to find the OS keys especially the purple diamonds over the road extending East

OS Keys

Hmmm nearest seems to be Youth Hostel which is in the vicinity but I don't think that is the correct answer

Edited by Y4YETI
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Simon, name a date!! Any Yeti owners fancy a day green laning around the Rhayader area?

Perhaps we can go and try Anthony's drive as well!!

However I think Strata Florida might be a bit extreme!!

I'd be up for this - maybe we should arrange an unacompanied test drive of a yeti 4x4 from a dealer then go try it. Don't want to hurt our own ones! LOL

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One of the big problems with the huge expansion of Green Lane BOAT usage has been that far too much information is coming on to the internet resulting in even greater pressure on our Unsurfaced Right of Way network.

Years ago these sorts of tracks BOAT, Green lane, White Roads, or County Roads, what have you, were very difficult to find for several reasons. The 4x4 magazines had an ethical code of practice, they never told anyone precisely where tracks where just, giving a general indication to the nearest County perhaps. The internet was not available for this sort of thing. The only way of finding tracks was either by personal knowledge, history, knowing a area exceedingly well for some reason, joining a club or spending weeks entrenched in Public Rights of Way Offices. Comparatively few people ventured out on them at all in vehicles other than perhaps farmers, a few 4x4 groups or dedicated individuals. It was very much secret for al intensive purposes. A knowledgeable informed person, who was armed with the map information by putting the work into visiting PRWO could travel around miles and miles of Green lanes unmolested on practically virgin tracks throughout much of England & Wales. Tracks that might have had little use since the days of the horse and cart. Years ago I travelled on many a track that had not a single rut, they were truly green. Of course some were used as farm tracks and have heavy tractor use and had plenty of use by the horse riding fraternity as is their right. One could travel about and never see an other 4x4 vehicle. Then their was an expansion in the use of 4x4 vehicles, mainly Landrovers. Mostly these ventured out in very small groups of Landrovers from some Landrover club or what ever. Each club would have the odd time when a few members went out in very small groups "Green Laning". For many years, mostly each club would only get around a few times a year perhaps but as time progressed this did become more frequent. At first their was little problem, the frequency of use was low and other than a few hot spots close to towns and one or two other places their was little negative reaction and very few track closures.

Today thing are very different, firstly a well known national club started collecting user evidence in the hopes of supposedly fighting closures or lane re designation. This was a misled operation because the legality of user evidence as a proof had absolutely no foundation in Law unless it cold prove usage by carriages/ motor vehicles before approximately 1930 when a precedent in Highway Law was entrenched in history for ever. that is that only evidence before that time was relevant. The information that had been collected however, I beleive was used to allow the once more or less secret lanes become general knowledge and people started to make money out of exploiting that knowledge. Some sold the information others set them selves up as of road gurus taking out absolutely huge groups of novice off roaders out trashing the countryside. This escalated more and more and now we have people exchanging information willy nilly, putting up copies of marked OS maps on the internet for anyone without scruples to use as they see fit or not. Some will happily pass on detailed information of multiple BOAT's to anyone who asks without scrutiny of any sort at all. The repercussions were profound. Instead of the once lovely and protected unsurfaced highway, we now have many a lane trashed so that no other user other than the most highly modified motors can use them. County Councils have been inundated by other pressure groups to close off access to vehicular use. In some parts of the country this has become very ugly with heated legal battles.In some parts specialist police patrol seeking out illegal use

Their are tracks in Wales that I thought would never get damaged. they are basically all weather tracks in that they have a stone bass and othr than a few washed out areas by rivers and that sort of thing withstood the increased use at first. It was just that the normal tranquillity of the countryside because quite raucous with traffic jams of 4x4's all awaiting their turn to pass. Now though many of these tracks have been damaged to such an extent by the unscrupulous, the tricked up competitive 4x4 type of vehicles and people of low moral value, that many of these highways are unrecognisable to what that once were. The damage is that extensive! Also with the exponential growth of 4x4 vehicles including soft roaders or crossovers, their is very much a rising anti social element. In the past it perhaps did not matter so much because they where just single isolated incidents but now that just is not the case.

While I feel that everyone on this Yeti board at the moment is of good character, mature and socially respectable, it will not always be the case. This forum is available to the public at large. It might be a case of shutting the door after the horse has bolted but I feel very uncomfortable about being too open and unguarded about making BOAT or Ford identification too easy. I feel that it is counter productive to show OS Maps or Grid References openly on a forum for everyone to see. Graham has offered to mark a few maps up for people and that is fine, he will use his own judgements about what and who should be given that information. He has also kindly offered some sort of guided tour which is even better. I think that if we had a secret, scrutinised and password only accessible part of the Yeti Forum for "off road" or "Green Lane", BOAT discussion, I would be far, far happier and more comfortable.

Perhaps until we have that, or even so, we should formulate some basic guidelines and advice before an off road Yeti section be fully developed. That no grid references or printed OS maps showing the exact whereabouts of a BOAT, appear openly on these pages. That the country and highway code be adhered to. That Laws are followed ete, ect and so on. Respect is given to other BOAT users A BOAT is a road or Highway that is unsealed, it is still covered by Highway Law and it would be an offence for instance not to have seatbelt on for example or to drive while under the influence. Not that any one would really care if someone did not don a seat belt but it is a road all the same

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The problem with using any published OS map source (paper or online) is that they are never completely up to date as far as rights of way go. They are a good guide to finding them but one should always back up the information with a conversation with the local councils Rights of Way Officer. Each council will have one.

4x4 clubs and GLASS have members all over the UK and are usually pretty clued up and in touch with the ROW Officer and would share their contact details.

Some councils have current maps online (Shropshire County Council used to before Unification), but it is still wise to check with a real person.

As said above, some tracks open to all traffic could be closed for regeneration or repair from damage caused by what are termed 'knuckle draggers' who seem to find it fun to rip up the track in order to have 'fun'. These are the types that ruin the whole off road driving thing for all of us.

Pay and Play sites are also worth checking out. Most are very good, some are a nightmare and you will damage your car. A non damaging course doesn't always mean non damaging BTW, especially if one doesn't keep a careful eye out on whats happening.

As for a meet up and getting a dealer to join in - great idea - maybe those with Yeti's could speak to their dealer and see if they are interested. Some of us here are keen to find out how capable the Yeti is off road and it could be a good sales opportunity :)

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Anthony I agree entirely with what you're saying however the cat is well and truly out of the bag now. As you say 4x4 magazines now print full route details where once upon a time it was dificult to work out what route they had used.

But the problem is that even if you had a password protected area here there are lots of forums and websites already out there with the information. Even GLASS have a website that allows you to search areas for BOATs.

Personally I do very little green laning as firstly I don't have time to research the lanes properly and scondly I can't be bothered with the potential for confrontation that seems to happen on some lanes. Occassionally I'll take my LR down a few local lanes I know well but that's about it nowadays. I'd rather spend a day at a pay and play day now where I can mess around without worrying about damaging the surface. Mind you given the state of some of the minor roads around here with pot holes and grass growing on them they're virtually green lanes anyway!

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I do little green laneing now. It has been totally destroyed by the mindless and not the few but by the many. I beleive that now, the conscientious byway traveller is in the minority. I have been a member of GLASS in its very most early days, have been heavily involved with ROW issues. My wife even represented LARA on the Top Gear program many years ago, defending sensible off road travel. It saddens me greatly what has happened, I even know of some GLASS members who have transgressed. I think that the treatment of our Off vehicle Rights of Way Road Networks is just a reflection of the falling moral standards found in society today. I do however feel that I do not have to join in this mindless vandalism just because every one else might be doing it. Nor do I feel that information should be too willingly given without some sort of protocol.

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It is sad that things have go to the state they're in. I think though, it was almost unavoidable with the proliferation of 4x4s in the marketplace. There also seems to be a very macho image associated with 4x4s, big wheels, lots of lights etc. and ripping up byways seems to be part and parcel of that for some people.

I'm sure that ultimately vehicular access to unsurfaced rights of way will disappear and one part of me doesn't think it would be a bad thin having seen some of the videos on youtube.

there are still reponsible and sensible drivers out therer but there are also too many idiots. Even if everyone was sensible though some of the lanes get so much use they will soon fall into disrepair.

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Looking at the links you have posted, there were NO legal RoW's in that area. In fact, from local knowledge I can say that there is very little around there. We holidayed there last summer so I made enquiries from friends in the 4x4 world and was advised as such. The red diamonds are a National Trail. I have Landranger 197 and 198 in front of me at the moment!

Depending on which map scale you have, you need to look for the following as the only LEGAL RoW's

1:50,000, Landranger maps,

+ - + - + - + - in red BYWAYS OPEN TO ALL TRAFFIC



1:25000 Explorer maps

+ + + + + in green B O A T


o o o o o filled in green ORPA's

Even these need to be checked that they don't have a Traffic Regulation Order on them, which closes them.

Anthony, et al,

if you note I did state that I would be willing to advise from my knowledge and my contacts, but I fully agree that nothing should be published on an open forum. Certainly the 3 Forums I mostly use (Difflock, Mud Club, LRUK) have all stopped publishing references, except where it is to inform of TRO's or closures.

I have a nice gentle days route around here that could be easily completed by a Yeti with no risk of damage, other than possible stone chips, however, depending on time of year you would get muddy. This route has been checked with Powys CC, local Police and CRAG, so I know it is legal and sustainable. Anthony probably knows some of it!! If anyone wishes to check I will give them the references.

As for asking a dealer for a car, no thanks. The only way for people to learn is in their own vehicle, not a loaned one. I know, I have instructed at Dealer Days, and I know that even subconcsiously people are a little more daring when they know it isn't theirs!

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Thanks Graham and everyone who has expanded my horizons!!

Would love a trip to Wales to take up the above offer but I am so, so pressed at the moment sorting out Sport England grant allocations and training for a table tennis club.

Maybe Child Welfare and Protection does not involve 4WD activities as much as ours :) !!!!!

As far as I know you don't need a CRB or ISA check to go off road where you might meet children !!!

Certainly I don't want to be associated with those who churn up green lanes and I am appalled at the devastation described here but I have yet to see.

So maybe with a completely new vehicle there could be opportunity for Skoda to promote responsible off road events, training and support to the community based on the Yeti and thereby promote their product.

So much to learn and understand...............................................

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And no CRB not required!!!

Edited by Llanigraham
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Woohoo... love the Elan Valley. There is a great track that goes across from 'somewhere' (I won't say where) right down into Rhayader practically.

Sections of it are probably far too rutted and knarly for Yeti / Freelander though which is a shame as its a lovely drive.

Sunday better for me.

And right nearby is the Kite Feeding Station run by a friend of mine... well worth a visit if you like birds of prey - over 200 of them come down to feed every day of the year.

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Things are very much on hold for me at the moment. My Wife has just been offered a Consultant post just over the water in Angle Land. It is a very big thing and would make a massive change and upheaval to our lives. We have a lot of discussions to have, weighing up this and that so I do not know if I will be available or not certainly not in a Yeti if it is very soon. If we move it is possible that a Yeti might not even figure. i just do not know, or even what sort of 4x4x or 6x6 vehicle we will have if any. Everything has gone completely in the air. My wife has gone away to her parents with our little one so I have had only a brief few minutes just to convey congratulations. We have no idea what we are going to do. Obviously it has been on our minds for a while but when it comes it is bit of a shock, gulp.

Edited by Anthony 1
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WoW... good luck with everything. You'll do what makes sense (not that I know you but I get that impression) I'm sure.

Be good to have our first Yeti 'mud meet' - even though a number of us don't actually own one yet... but I intend to as long as its a good 'un n the roughish stuff.

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<snip>Sections of it are probably far too rutted and knarly for Yeti / Freelander though which is a shame as its a lovely drive.<snip>

Good luck to those who try.

Best wishes to Anthony and hope that the dramatic life changes work out for you in the long run.

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