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Everything posted by kitset

  1. Ha, yeah, maybe a little vague as an analogy... I was alluding to the fact that the sound you hear in a vRS in sports mode is actually from the sound generator, not the engine. So it's not the real thing - hence Playboy mag vs. Playboy bunny. I'm not a fan of the sound generator - totally don't understand why anyone would want to have a fake engine noise pumped into the car. Anyhoo, a little obscure, if I could delete the post I would!
  2. Thanks guys, I probably intend to take them off between use, so maybe the regular wing bars is the way to go. Cheers
  3. Farsider, other than the paint scuffing issue, how are you finding the Wingbar Edge? I'm considering a pair for my wagon (when it finally arrives) which is a twin of yours. Use will mostly be mountain bikes. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on: ease of fitting, build quality, noise when driving and just general look! These are $100 more in NZ compared to the standard Wingbar, but I like that they don't stick out passed the roof bar. Any comments appreciated! Cheers
  4. If I remember correctly iTunes does not embed the album art by default. It puts the art in a folder on your computer and links to it (hence it not showing in the car). You can get iTunes to embed the artwork but it's a bit of a pain en-masse. To embed in iTunes right-click on a song to get to the long list of options (sorry, don't know the right-click equivalent on a mac!) > "get info" > "Artwork" tab > right-click and "copy" the image (if there's no image in there to start with, then do a google search for the album image and copy it from there) > exit back out to iTunes then select the full album > right click > "get info" > "Info" tab > paste the copied art into the "Artwork" box in the bottom right corner > save and exit. Sounds long winded, but it's pretty quick if you're doing just a few albums. It's also possible there's an easier way to do this in iTunes, but this is what I've found works. If you need to do a collection I'd use a specific tagging programme like the one mentioned above.
  5. "specially like the noise in sports mode" That's like high five-ing a mate for having sex with a bunny after you've just been for a trip to the bathroom with a Playboy mag.
  6. I could be wrong, but if you've downloaded them from your Google Play account (either uploaded previously or bought from Google) they may have been creating a link to the album art, rather than allowing it to be embedded - creating "virtual" album art when you look at it on the computer or phone. For the shear volume of peoples music they have stored all the little album art pictures would take up serious (and unnecessary) server space for them. Anyhoo, mannyo is right, the art needs to be embedded in the song - I don't believe putting a .jpeg of the album art in the folder with the music would work. I don't have my RS yet so can't check for you sorry.
  7. There's a separate post on the folding mirrors, no one's answered your question yet, but people seem to be looking into it. http://www.briskoda.net/forums/index.php?/topic/324013-Electric-Door-Mirror-Option-Now-Available Electric Door Mirror Option Now Available
  8. Pleasure. The fix was easy - you finding out that it was the wifi looking for signal that was screwing it up was the hard part! Yesterday was the first time I'd used bluetooth to play music (Spotify) from my phone to the Skoda and I noticed the short gaps every now and again. I remembered seeing you post on the topic so looked it up when I got home. I'm now seeing the power of the forum and the "hive mind"!
  9. sending from my phone, so hopefully the link works.
  10. Have you got Tasker installed on your phone? It should be easy to write a basic task to switch off wi-fi when you connect to your cars bluetooth (and switch it back on when you disconnect). I'll have a play - if I sort it out I can do a walk through or guide for you to set it up yourself. Edit: simple job and tested working in my loaner Skoda. A short video walk-through of installing Tasker (it's a paid app, but it's gold) and writing the "task" uploading to youtube now - will add the link when it's ready.
  11. So has anyone heard or seen from Parsley since his weekend night run down the country roads in the wet? I'm eagerly awaiting report of week one with the remap. I hope it hasn't involved a spin off said wet country road due to too much power in a fwd car with no LSD...
  12. They come standard on the vRS in NZ. We seem to have all sorts of stuff as standard that needs to be spec'd in Europe. A spare wheel being a key one! NZ vRS spec list here if anyone is interested. https://www.dropbox.com/s/n0ebo3rtcfbwcpp/octavia_rs_specifications_december_2013.pdf
  13. Watching with interest! Is your vRS DSG or manual?
  14. I can't believe they make you add a spare wheel as a spec! It comes std on the vRS in NZ. Glad it does or I'd be in the same position as you!
  15. Well thanks everyone, now I'm gutted I didn't order a sunroof! Oh well, next time...
  16. That colour is brilliant, don't think I've seen one before!
  17. Hey Will, did you get your car from Giltrap in Newmarket? I'm getting mine from there and am keen to get the sound generator turned down or off. Be good to know that they'd done it before. Cheers
  18. Sorry, the specs are spread across posts above, but here they are all in one place! Octavia RS wagon TSI manual - batman/hearse spec , i.e. Black with black pack and Anthracite Geminis. Added Canton 10 speaker, and park assist. Also tried to get intelligent light assist but it wasn't available :(
  19. I ordered early April, it was built last week of June and was supposed to be ready for pick up on 30th of August. Sadly it "missed the boat" so delivery will be September. It was built much quicker than I expected, but getting it here has been the problem! A bit jealous of the Panoramic Roof. When I was ordering all I had in mind was cr@ppy old school sunroofs, but now I've seen a couple in the flesh they look great. Oh well, next time
  20. Excellent, thanks guys. As I've only put down the deposit to date I thought the hard sell might come later on.I think I had the most laid back sales person ever - he didn't try any upselling at all and gave me a great discount right up front that I couldn't get any other dealer I asked to come close to. @bigreddognz I like your car choice - you seem to have exactly what I've ordered Black/black pack TSI Manual RS wagon! What wheels did you get? I've seen pictures of it with the Anthracite Gemini's (which is what I've ordered), but I'd like to see one with the 19" xtremes. Cheers
  21. In NZ we have 15% gst instead of 20% vat - could you please all start again and state your arguments taking this into account so I can understand This reminds me of a semi-drunken "discussion" I had with a friend once; he tried to convince me that sticking to one set of Lotto numbers each week (as opposed to random selection) increased your chances of winning. Literally hours of frustrating fun.
  22. Might be a question more for the NZ forum members, but all help appreciated! I'm picking up my Octavia vRS wagon from a dealer in Auckland in September; it'll be my first brand new car. I'd like to go into the dealer with some forewarning on things they might try to "up-sell" me on. I've seen UK members talk about paint protection and extended warranty - are these applicable in NZ? Is there anything else they will try to use to pry more money from my wallet? Cheers
  23. Amen. I just found out today that my already-built vRS (build week 25) "missed the boat" to NZ. Meaning my estimated end of August delivery (9 weeks after build...) is now end of September. That's 3 1/2 months after it's built!!
  24. Hope they remove it from mine before delivery! Save me skinning my knuckles under the wipers on day one of Skoda ownership (Skonaship?).
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