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Everything posted by LXI

  1. Thanks everyone for the very kind replies - I was touched. I must admit I was feeling a bit low when I posted before, but you've all cheered me up and I'll keep popping in to Briskoda. Cheers, David:thumbup:
  2. The day has come for me to say goodbye to both owning a Skoda & to this forum. I no longer have a skoda fabia - written off in an accident, I'm fine but car is not. I'm not leaving VW group completely as have a polo now, but don't feel right about remaining a member of this forum now my furbies gone...... This site has been great has made me laugh, think , get annoyed and be informed in equal measure......so long and thanks for all the fish:) All the best to you all, David ( LXI )
  3. Still see my previous Skoda Felicia LXI plus near to where I work, and have been alongside it whilst sat waiting to go onto a round about. It's still in good nick - made me wonder why I part exed it! But my Fabia Comfort is better, though still have soft spot for Felicias!
  4. Joking about pretending to be a volvo driver:O ....one of my pet hates is missuse of lights, conversely in the winter time I'm amazed at the number of people who don't use lights when they need to:eek: Perhaps they are using night vision goggles:rolleyes: Condensation is still there, funnily enough one of friends has the same problem with his Audi A3 but on the rear light cluster - he said same as Mil - no biggie!
  5. Hmn...thought about that but with these light nights haven't been anywhere to have headlights on! Perhaps I should leave them on the way home and pretend to be a volvo driver;) Thanks for speedy reply will see how it goes:thumbup:
  6. Hi Folks, When about to get into my Fabia for the daily commute, noticed that my passenger headlight unit had condensation about 3/4 across it. Nothing in the other unit. Is it any thing to worry about or need to get checked, or anyone have a 'cure' so to speak? Ta very much!:confused:
  7. 25 k on OE Firestones on Fabia 1.4 8v, just changed fronts courtesy of nice pot hole puncture! Backs still 5mm tread no other faults. Don't drive like a Granny but lots of stop-starts on my commute.
  8. Airbag warning light just come on again in my Fabia Comfort, so off to dealers to get it looked at for the second time! 1st time the sensor had worked loose so not actually an airbag failure as such - I blame the crap roads (more like crators ) of Sheffield I drive on probably shaken it loose again! Think I'll buy a tank for my commute!
  9. Retrain as what? Another job that's completely different or as a decent white van man:eek: Just to prove I'm not biased I watched two white van men today on the way to work who were stuck in the same jam as myself and they both let cars waitng at the junction to merge into the flow of the traffic, didn't jump lights or cut people up:thumbup:
  10. I'd say slight!:P It was a company white van with one of those 'hows my driving' stickers on the back, could have rung the number I suppose, but I'd alerady got my revenge, so I left it....
  11. My humble apologies to the white van man who I 'cut up' this morning......it really made you sick that someone had done that to you didn't it......but you see you were a bit silly really showing everyone your 'superb' driving skills this morning and for once I thought sod it an 'eye for an eye'...... I hasten to add I generally don't drive around like a t*t having been a bad smash a few years ago, but just for a change I thought I'd rebel!
  12. Only found out about Richard this morning reading one of my work colleaques 'Guardian' newspaper. Came as a bit of shock I must admit, 34 is no age to go. Like you all my thoughts are with his nearest and dearest.
  13. Have had my mobile and same no for the past 5 years, Mitsubishi Trium got it for a holiday in Scotland when Vodafone were the only ones who covered the area I was staying in. It's a decent enough phone, sends and recieves texts, has a little game on it where a penguin shoves blocks of ice into holes I dont want it too be all singing and all dancing, and 'hoodies' don't want to nick it off me!
  14. SWMBO's Polo has the same feature too - possibly a VAG feature across the fabia/Polo/Ibiza range?
  15. No problems It just seems sad that since they rejigged postal deliveries to give us a better postal service it has actually got worse! :thumbdwn:
  16. Our post now seems to arrive whenever the post office feels like delivering it.....either first thing in the morning or last thing at the end of the day! Got home the other night at 6:45pm to find the postie delivering our mail! :eek:
  17. Welcome from someone who resides in said republic!
  18. Samhain is the pagan/celtic word for what we know as Hallowe'en. Originally the festival was set within the cycle of agriculture for people to give thanks for the harvest. The asscociation of with ghosts and so on also stems from the fact that Samhain marks the death of the year when the harvest would have been taken in and any cattle that would not survive the winter would be slaughtered and salted to feed the family over the winter period. There was also a celebration of the fact that the family had survived another year and would toast their ancestors. As with most pagan festivals when Christianity came along they decided to celebrtate it as a Hallowed Evening to worship those saints who did not have their own dedicated saints days. Sadly the trick or treat thing is from across the pond, and unfortunately like Christmas has just become another excuse to rip us off and soil what would have been genuine celebrations. Oh bugger! I've turned into me Dad!
  19. Welcome to the ever expanding SKODA clan! :cheers:
  20. Fabia 1.4 Comfort here which I've finished paying for today - yippee! I'm rich until SWMBO finds out and remembers!
  21. A Comic Genius another of my childhood favourites gone :(
  22. Most times I pluck up the courage to use the old glass and card trick and lob them outside in the neighbours hedge! SWMBO is absolutely terrified of them, and I'm not a huge fan of them either, she nearly had a heart attack last night as one walked onto my shoulder whilst I was sat on the setee watching telly! Not sure if I was moe shocked by my wife's scream or by the spider sitting on my shoulder! :eek:
  23. my three year old answered "we went to the fast car place mummy" ....out of the mouths of babes!
  24. Follow your own counsel and don't rise to the bait - this woman will soon find others to prey on. It's sad that people do - this both men and women, don't let her ruin your nights out though, remember the good points about why you go in the first place
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