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Posts posted by spgSCOTT

  1. Hi,


    Mk1 Fabia - Aerial has always been bent from what I recall and it has finally been bugging me enough to change it. 


    Everything I have seen has suggested that you unscrew and pull. Hard. Except mine just unscrews. 

    I bought the shorter one with the code listed here and elsewhere on the forum:



    The problem is that the new aerial is a male connection, old is female. Why is mine totally different to everything else?

    Even on the workshop manuals site it shows it different to mine...



    Does the base screw come out? I can turn it with a spanner, just but it just spins...



    Or is it a whole new base?




  2. Appreciate all the help guys. Was something I wanted to tackle myself, but I decided that I needed the car complete sooner than I could do it myself.


    Goes in to the garage near work tomorrow. This way it is done in a day and not the longer time it would take me. A lack of daylight when not working and then poor weather when I can get daylight, just isn't worth the hassle for me.




  3. My carriers are bolted on, being a 2001 car.


    So if I understand that correctly, it is a whole new carrier? The regulator is attached to that?


    Any idea on a part number/cost?



    Seems like something I may be able to do with my limited knowledge/tools depending...


    I have most of the door card off, similar to the sealing threads. Is it just a case of levering/pulling the top off to take it off completely?


    Thanks for your help! :)

  4. Hi All,


    Today of all days, in this weather.


    Went into a car park, hit the wrong button to lower the window. Passenger one came down, with a loud noise. Stopped it and pressed up. This then made the glass fall down.


    Now when I try the window there is a horrible crunching sound that is rather worrying.

    Have managed to pull the glass up and it is intact, but an inch from the top and will not go any further.



    I have pulled the bottom of the door card away and had a look, but I think the issue is behind the carrier?

    I thought it was a broken motor but a little searching is leading me to think the regulator? Is this something I could change myself?


    Also, how can I get the whole door card off? Is it just a bit more forceful pulling at the top or is there more hidden securing points I am not aware of?




    Any ideas?







  5. I've been a Briskoda member almost 10 years and I don't ever recall a thread about condensation on sunroofs. So I think that's new/just you.

    Have you made sure the drain channels are clear on the sunroof? Are you certain the sunroof hasn't had water pressure-washed inside it at a car wash?

    Do you wear your coat in the car? If you do, and it was raining outside then you make the seats wet. That might sound really obvious but you' be surprised how many people sit inside wearing a waterproof coat that is literally dripping in water and wonder why the car is damp.

    I run the air conditioning all the time because it's only on when it's required so if the outside air is wet, it dries the outside air. If you run the air on with the car set to recirculate it will dry the interior.

    Short journeys are obviously worse than long ones because you never really get the heater/ventilation working properly. By short, I mean something less than 10 miles. Which is a lot of people.

    And they need to be properly serviced, not just an oil change. The service list is actually quite long and a lot of independent garages skip the 'fancy bits' like clearing drains because most folks don't want to pay for it. But on certain vehicles the 'fancy bits' are essential and I would suggest that yours just needs a bit of TLC.

    Realise that this may be best suited for a different thread depending, veering to a slightly different topic.

    I am pretty sure it is condensation. It doesn't leak.

    I suffered with it last year, and last saturday was the first day since last winter.

    Long journey. Two people in the car. Came back to it in the evening about 4 hours later and windows were fogged up. Turned the fans on, and AC. Windows clear, pull away and water drips down my face.

    Will have a look at the drainage areas anyway, when there is more light :p

    With regards to the front screen, I find I have to help the fans along a little. They get the lower third clear, then VERY SLOWLY do the last two. A quick wipe with a cloth helps. Though I know this is not a wise idea, as the window is not clean, it is better for me than waiting to clear it/driving half clear.

    I've done the "Oh it'll clear when I'm moving thing" and realised no...it's not a good idea, especially in the morning with low sun. :no:

    • Like 1
  6. All I can think of is to get a small, felt-like car boot bag and scrunch it up into place.


    I have a Small boot bag which velcros to the floor and one side, and the Skoda boot net system. :)


    Quite a few "hammock" style nets on eBay that could be hung behind the rear seat. It's usually how my groceries are secured.



    Yeah, I think that is what I am looking for. Some right sized bag that will fit. Ideally i'd like a left and right, but they are different sizes, making things awkward.

    I like the idea of the boot net, a bit more useful than the elastic cord.

    Already enjoying the empty boot and being able to use the left and right tie downs to secure stuff.


    How about building yourself a false floor with carpet on top so it all looks oem?

    I like the idea, though there isn't a lot of vertical space if you want to keep the anchor points, or have them exposed by building around it.

    All that being said, I think I know the words I need to be searching for. "Oil Top Up Bag" :D

    First google result is a BMW one, for less than £5. Big enough for a bottle of oil, velcro backed. Perfect.

    Now, do I want to search for one with less obvious different branding or do I be lazy and look no further :D

    Off to google...

    • Like 1
  7. So, as a fellow sufferer of the misty, slow to react screen...and the more pressing, and irritating condensation dripping sunroof.

    The solutions listed so far...

    - Pollen filter - Could do that.

    - Seal rear doors - Done. All put back together today actually. So may take a little time to see the results of this, if any. Was a slight leak for me that resulted in wet seals and water marks on the door but not much else.

    - Dehumidifier bags - Already got those. They help, but add any more than me and they really cannot cope at all.

    - Rain X Anti Fog. - I think I recall seeing my local asda selling a small Ran X AntiFog/Water repellant Pack. May look into that.

  8. Yes, I had those in a bag that took up the right side, and one of the reasons for removing it was that I wanted to use the anchoring points. I have those elastic cords on the left side, but couldn't use the other.

    Decided I wanted a completely clear space. Funnels/Diagnostic reader, and a couple of bags/fold out storage items under the boot carpet and wedged in the spare wheel well.

    Right now I have a small bottle of oil, and a refilled water bottle of coolant strapped in the left space. (Mine uses a little bit of oil, have to check it weekly. Coolant is far less, but still something to keep an eye on for me)

    After posting this, I had an idea. First Aid kits are typically about the right size, but having had a quick run around some shops today, they are all a little too small.

    I am sure that there is some kind of bag that will fit nicely in there and let it be used better for storage...

  9. Hi all,

    Having had my boot filled with a large "Organiser Bag" that I would store a small bottle of oil/screenwash/etc in, I have decided that I would like to have the boot floor clear.

    Some things have gone under the boot carpet, in the space around the spare, and just the bottles left at the minute.

    What I am looking for is storage options that will use the space on the sides of the boot.

    I know that there are OEM options that I have seen on here and I would love to have those, as would most people I imagine :p

    From what I can work out, they are rare/unavailable now.

    Are there any similar things that people have found, perhaps something simmilarly shaped that fits, or goes there?

    Also, I know I have seen a tray under the parcel shelf on here somewhere.

    At the minute I have nothing in the left/right spaces, besides the velcro strap on the left.

    I am considering fitting another to the other side, may be an option to hold a bag similar to the OEM ones.

    Thoughts/ideas welcome. Really don't want to use the typical bags that sit on the boot floor to hold stuff.

    Thanks :)


  10. I learned to drive in London, but nothing really prepares you for downtown Doha or Kuwait City; they make Limassol look normal! And as for Stanley in the Falklands Islands...

    Took me a while to get used to the American 4-way junction where you move of in the order you arrived. And not being allowed to overtake buses that were stopped at bus stops was another odd one.

    Yes! My american host had to keep telling me it was my go, I had right of way because I was there first.



    Stealth cop cars more prevalent now - black Dodge Chargers with no visible light bar in New Mexico.

    I was quite surprised as well to see how subtly marked some of the cars were. If you weren't paying attention then you could very easily miss them. Which I guess is the point. No comparison to the fluorescent yellow and blue stickers we see here :D
  11. Having just returned from the US recently, and did a bit of driving I was curious what others felt about they way driving is approached somewhere different.

    My observations during my short driving time there:

    - Size - a little arbitrary but all of the cars and especially the pickups in the US are bigger. Some were insanely massive!

    - Mile markers (twinned with exits) - Liked this, on highways they were common, you really sensed where you were in relation to your trip and also prepared you for exits etc. Exits having a meaningful number made much more sense to me. I sometimes find motorways here a little disorientating in that respect. Just arbitrary numbers I feel.

    - Because cars are mostly automatic, handbrake is not used, instead leaving the car just in Park. That's weird :p

    - Right on red. That was such a mind breaker to me for some reason. Stop at a light. Oh? I'm going right, so it's basically a stop sign? Ok...

    - light systems at night. Flashing amber (all directions give way I think) and flashing red (basically a stop sign now)

    Anyone else have observations of driving in other countries?

  12. Insurance...that has always been a fun one.


    I'm 23, had my license for 4 years. Actually driving for almost 1.

    Means that I am looking at renewing. Last year I paid around £1500 for mine. This year, upping the mileage to a more accurate figure (I guessed at 10000 last year - out by about 3000) and with the years NCB my quick quotes were around the £1000 mark. I will be looking at renewing within the next couple of weeks or so for June.


    What annoyed me in all of this was waiting 3 years was what brought it down to something actually managable (HA!) instead of 4-20+K. I haven't driven in 3 years since passing yet I am less of a risk? Really?




    - TPFT - Waste of time now I feel. I recall being told the theory was that if you were on that, you were driving a heap and so didn't care, hence more risk. Ergo price goes up.


    - Pass Plus etc. Do they even do anything? I never found that affected mine (Did that immediately after passing)

    • Like 1
  13. Had a go at restoring the headlights yesterday. Overall it transforms the way the front of the car looks. Not a difficult job either really.

    It's not perfect, if you look close you can still see a slight colour change and the outline of a Euro converter from a previous owner, but the headlights are actually clear now, not yellow and dull. :D

    I may give it another go, just to try and get it looking that little bit better, I don't know. Otherwise, it just needs a UV sealant now as I understand :D

  14. Its just an inspection service note, like the "OIL" one.  It can be turned off with VCDS or the unknown to me combination of ignition cycling and odometer reset button pushing in and twisting

    This? (Mine is an older car though, so may be different?) Might be worth a read of the manual HXLi :)


    Interesting, is that really a time based notice? Seems like a stupid question, but how is the time kept?




    (Apparently I am not allowed to use the img tags. ok :))

  15. Well, I remembered I had to go to the car anyway, and top up fluids, Figured I'd give it a go again, with contact cleaner this time! :D


    And, as you would probably guess, it worked. I now have fully working windows.


    Have to say thank you for the advice, and the guide. What has bugged me since I got the car, but has been small enough to ignore is now fixed.


    It really is a simple 10 minute job, if you don't waste time half doing it like I did. Took longer for me to move the car to outside my house (which isn't really necessary, but saves a 3-5 minute walk each time to the car, one of the many joys of London :D)

  16. So, I had a go at this yesterday. Sort of.


    Was considering it, and wondered if worth the trip for the contact cleaner. Thought I would have a look. The reason being that every button but drivers auto down doesn't work. It just stops when I press it.


    So...first off, I broke the clip. Thought I had it with something in the underside of the handle. Nope. Off comes the housing, with probably too much force, and down the door card the rest of the clip goes. Guess I know what it is if I start to hear some rattling :D




    Took it inside and opened it up. To me it looks clean, almost new. Nothing on it at all really. Though I don't know what it is supposed to look like.
    I noticed that there were different coloured contact points in the rubber. Guess that they work either the auto or hold movement, since it appear to me from the way that it works that they both contact regless of position when down.


    The rubber contact thing:

    Notice the different colours, all look the same to me in terms of not being obstructed/needing cleaning. The ones I needed to look at are the top left two in the set of eight.



    Circuit board looks ok, I guess. Not that I know any better...







    So, I am not sure if the contact cleaner would work. Might give it a go anyway, depending on what you think here.

    With regards to the broken clip, it doesn't seem to have been too much of a problem, it sits in the housing again properly, doesn't move. That being said, my passenger one moves a bit, wondering if it has had some messing about on it in a previous life...now I know that clip is there, that is what I would guess is the cause for it.

  17. Changed a dim bulb, which instantly fell into the light housing. A 2 minute job turned into a 2 hour job as I worked out how to get the thing off.


    The problem is the bolts hidden by the trim panels...only 2 are really visible and accessible really.





    Cue pulling trim panels off, breaking one of the bits of plastic that hold those clips.



    That weird light in the sky messed up the picture a little, but all broken up. All of that, plus a couple chunks out of my hands just for a bulb...



    To add insult to injury (quite literally!) I discovered said light housing was cracked. No idea where, how or when :(




    Despite that, I'm pretty happy having managed to do something with the car myself for once. :)

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