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Posts posted by lastgasp

  1. It is so long back that I fitted my bar, that I am unsure of my recollections - but, I recall that there is a moulded outline on the inside of the bumper for the necessary hole. If you have not looked yet, I am fairly sure that the PF Jones website gives you access to the detailed fitting instructions which makes it all clear. From memory it was all pretty straightforward.

  2. 3 hours ago, Tech1e said:

    You can’t hack into modern lighting systems. 


    For anyone who doesn't tow often, you could try my Heath-Robinson, cheap-skate solution.


    Faced with this problem on a previous Ford, and unwilling to pay the exorbitant cost of the supplementary CAN relay/loom thingy for my infrequent use of a trailer, I made up a sort of wander-lead from stuff in my scrap-box at nil-cost: - it was wired into the trailer socket and lived, rolled-up, in the spare-wheel well. On the odd accasion when I towed, it was unrolled, through the boot, through the ski-flap up to the centre console at which point it goes into a small plastic box on which is mounted an on/off switch for the sidelights, a rocker switch for the indicators and a bell-push for the brake-lights; - the front end is plugged into the lighter socket. (The box incorporates a fuse, a flasher unit and led tell-tales). It sits in the recess by the gear-lever and is operated by my left hand. In practice, I mainly seem to use the indicators, very rarely the brake-lights and I have never needed the side-lights.


    It was so effective that when I got the Octy I simply transferred it and have carried on using it for many years now. Simples!

    • Like 1
  3. Just to add to the confusion, I have recently had the same issue develop.  As it happened, the car was due at the the dealers on Wednesday for something else so I asked them to check it out.  (Ever the pessimist, I was fearing the wheel bearing had gone again - after being replaced two years ago).  They tell me its simply the inner wing moulding that is split and is catching on the tyre at full lock.  If that's all it is I'm quite relieved.  It's on back-order at the moment so I'm hoping that when eventually fitted, all will be well.

  4. Ditto.  Jumping to the defence of the Octy, it is very rare that I look at the infotainment screen - I too rely on the maxidot and the spoken instructions


    As far as the A49 is concerned, you can hardly blame Skoda. The national TP system, from which the satnav gets its data, is evidently overwhelmed by the fact that the A49 is closed overnight at three separate locations for a couple of weeks, and one or other of the closures take it in turns to over-run. Nightmare!


    • Like 2
  5. Quote


    WhooHoo!  I've only  gone and dunnit!


    My genuine thanks to you guys, and to all those whose past posts on the relevant threads I printed out and carefully followed. A couple of hours in front of the pooter, but at the end of it I have the latest maps installed.


    It's probably old hat to most on here but, honestly, I am the kiss of death to techy stuff. Give me some spanners and, preferably, a big 'ommer and I'm yer man. But anything techy, I am guaranteed to screw it up. Can't believe it worked out so well.


    Many thanks to all concerned.

    • Like 1
  6. Someone on here went to the trouble of writing a superb, step-by-step guide on how to up-date Amundsen maps. It was ideal for the terminally non-techy, like wot I are, so I bookmarked it for future use. 

    Now I want to do an update but, following a computer problem, a lot of my bookmarks have disappeared, inevitably this one amongst them.  I have searched the forum endlessly but cannot find this particular post which, if I recall correctly, was part of a long thread on the subject.

    Hopefully, because it was such a comprehensive guide, others may have bookmarked it too . Please can anyone point me towards It?



  7. 5 hours ago, Scotty72 said:

    Anyone on here got some recommendations on getting the official Skoda touchup pen/paint for a non Skoda UK dealership price please?

    I've looked on the Ebay but wondering about other options 


    Rear door edge parking/wall challenged :( .. some small spots need 'filling in'


    Just for information if anyone else is after inexpensive touch-up paint, I have used this Ebay trader and their Cappucino Beige was a perfect match - hopefully other shades will be as good.



    • Thanks 1
  8. Oops!  Top face of sill is clearly distorted upwards.  I think the normal procedure is to drill into the sides and use a puller of some sort whilst  simultaneously applying hammer taps on the top face. Then use filler to fair it back to original appearance.  I managed to put a longitudinal gouge in one of mine and a local independent body-shop did the repair it and re-spray for around  £150.

    • Thanks 1
  9. This sounds silly even before I type it.   At the risk of ridicule I will carry on!  Someone once explained to me that there is a right way and a wrong way to insert piggy-back fuses. They explained why and it made perfect sense at the time.  Unfortunately I cannot remember what was said!  However, try changing the orientation of the piggy-back, end to end -  it may just work.

  10. 50 minutes ago, ScoutCJB said:


    Yes, i take the Micro SD memory card out and put it into an adapter to make it full size SD and that goes straight into my laptop via the SD card reader to view anything.  This is a recording paused through Media Player (or you can use VLC or similar), i think the quality is good for the money  - And you can tell the window is dirty! 






    Thank you. That level of image quality is plenty good enough.  I'll get my order in.

  11. Dunno how big these pellets are - never heard of them - but if you really want to do it, try the thingy you use to overcome the anti-syphon device when you need to refuel from a can.  Always a good idea to have one aboard, just in case.  Ford dealers sell them as Emergency Fuel Funnels - standard kit on diesel Fords.

  12. I assume that you're talking about starting from cold?


    If it helps re-assure you a bit, I've driven diesel cars for the last twenty-five years and, on occasions, particularly  when very cold, my Octy sounds quite alarming in comparison with even the crappy motors of earlier years. My view is that it matters not - what counts is what it sounds like when it has properly warmed up. My Octy is purring at the end of my frequent 400 mile trips.


    I think you're saying that putting the heater on tends to smooth the roughness out - that's just a consequence of the clever electronics of modern management systems. I think that you are concerned uneccessarily. Providing that, once it's up to temperature, it runs smoothly then there's no need to worry. 

  13. I also had exactly the same happen a little while ago.


    Apart from the obvious - the wheel and the tyre needed replacing -  the tracking was massively out of kilter even though it was not "pulling " much. As has already been suggested, you need to get it checked out ASAP.


    In addition, however, it also transpired that the wheel bearing was shot, nothing much audible at first, but after a short time I started to  hear the obvious sounds  and, when that was being repaired, it was also found that the shock was leaking. Altogether an expensive experience.

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