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    52 L&K Octavia Estate

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  1. Hi all not had a Skoda for a couple of years due to this..... http://briskoda.net/forums/topic/116435-testament-to-skoda-build-quality/page__p__1464224#entry1464224 (Have a Passat now insurance wrote off the Octy and couldn't find another one :-( ) but am now after a car for me to run about in and have had a look at an 04 plate Pabia 1.4 tdi anyone got experience of them? the one I'm looking at has done 105k but has been looked after by a mechanic mate for the past 4 years and he says its kosher, seller wants £1600 for it.
  2. well thats a new one on me and anyway black isn't a colour its what you get when all light of the visible spectrum is removed, what of blackboards or black bin liners are they not pc either??
  3. Why the ROFL smiley?? that night having seen all the blue lights down the road and my missus being late home from work I legged it to find out what was going on, it happened half a mile from home, the road was like an ice rink, one of the coppers said that he almost lost it approaching the bend from the opposite direction, so what of you snidey comment??
  4. Not been on for a while but I thought I'd show you this, the wife did it on her way home tuesday night at about 11pm, the road was a sheet of black ice, she has bruised knees and thats it, thank goodness.
  5. Eh you get one person to agree with you and you declare a thread pointless must be a real bind getting your head through the door of your car
  6. when you say "New Audi" what do you mean an 08 model?? I was comparing like for like I had a Y reg A6 2.5 tdi and compared to my 52 Skoda (both bought at similar mileage) the interior of the Audi was held together with string and ceiling wax (sold the Audi after 6 months as it was a heap), I have never driven a brand new audi, or any other car brand new for that matter, I can only speak from my experience, I was only making a comment of peoples preconception of what the quality of a car would be from the badge on the front.
  7. yes I know, but we are talking about people that only see a badge they know nothing else about the engineering, take my mate his car will be used to take his missus to work, doing the shopping and taking the kids to school, they could do that in any car, but saying that neither will shop in Aldi nor buy their clothes from Matalan of TK Maxx etc ?? the snobbery baffles me??
  8. as well as a Skoda fan I'm an aircooled VW fan and am a member of one of the biggest vee dub forums going and the amount of times I see threads asking "what cheap tdi car should I buy" there's a never ending list of vw's, audi's, seats, fords, nasty french cars etc etc then there's me a small voice in the multitude going "BUY A SKODA" and in general all you get is "I couldn't drive one of those" or "the wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend won't ride in one of those" I guess its a bit of reverse snobbery but I'm quite pleased even my best mate, he runs a Audi A6 old P reg petrol barge and its about on its last legs, is the same they are going to spend a large wedge on an A4 tdi estate, yes they are nice cars BUT why spend more than you need to get the same quality and performance, the ginger pillock (no offence to other Duracells but he is ginger and most definitely a pillock!) I even went as far as letting him have a go, you should have seen the look on his face BUT still he's going to (IMO) waste 3 grand more than he needs to just to get a different badge?? people are wierd?
  9. Chris, Octavia - Best Brands Of The World - search - vector logo, logotype, logos and logotypes
  10. Thats what I thought too?? never had a car with them there before?
  11. on my 02 Octy L&K estate, they are pants, its the only thing I don't like about the car the fog lights on my old Focus were miles better? any way to improve them on the Octy?
  12. gutted for Rossi, Hayden's a great bloke but Bayliss :eek: one in the eye for the "WSB's MotoGP's poor relation" merchants cracking ride for the toothy Aussie
  13. Sorry mate i'm not having a dig at anyone I apologise if it came across that way the 1.6 they lent me is the base model? classic is it?, No the L&K wasn't bought from new even if I could have afforded one I wouldn't buy a new car, why the L&K? my last car was a Focus Tdi and 4 years ago cost me
  14. whats a "tailback" ??? I live in Lincolnshire we only do "press on" driving
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