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Everything posted by Mr.Lucky

  1. Just about Pan. How is Nutty? Hope you still have her...
  2. A sad day then. Thanks for trying though chaps. I appreciate it...
  3. Ah but can you restore yours? Are you my mind? I hear voices just behind my eyes and face...
  4. Otka ran in the wet at Elvington at 143.9mph some time ago. That was a bone stock Skud. I have a video clip of me doing it somewhere. These speeds are very underwhelming when you have ran a motorcycle at 193.9mph (true) at Woodbridge...
  5. Of Otka. Believe it or not I don't have any of her. How shameful! Does any member who remembers her have any photos stored on their PC that they could e-mail to me? Many thanks...
  6. Pah! Pish and Tish! You don't need a sump guard. The sumps never touch down...
  7. And a large well rounded greeting to you all, especially those who would profess to know me. Oh a tale of woe to follow, gird your loins and prepare your ears for my wailing and gnashing of teeth (for I have over six!) I was once a happy man, a fulfilled man and myself and Otka did many miles. But I became disillusioned and we parted ways after only a short time. 'I need no fast Skud!' I decried 'I could get along fine with a d**sel [(sorry for the language). I shall seek repose at my local Skoda dealer and purchase a Laurel and Hardy Octavia 1.9 tdi'. And I did.
  8. "22500 miles or there abouts". "Well Mr Shaw, that is going to be
  9. Tavia, yes mine is the humble 110 tdi old chap. I am genuinely shocked by the low mpg figures you chaps are quoting. My Octavia must be a good bit heavier than these tiny little furbies yet they seem to chew through diesel at a horrific rate. Is it because they are so tempting to drive quickly? Wish I had one...
  10. Ahhh, but who said anything about being in a Skoda? Anyway, I have seen well over 150mph (indicated) in Otka before she went. Clock speed is nowhere near real speed however. Otka's true speed, in damp conditions into a slight headwind was 143.8mph after a standing start 1.5 mile run through timing equipment.
  11. These figures terrify me! I managed 72.3mpg (yes that was the average) today at a cruise set 60mph between Chester le Street and Billingham. Tailwind. On the way back into a headwind at the same speed I got 63.1mpg. Around the doors at an indicated average of 27mph I get an average mpg of 55.8mpg. Bloody gas (ok diesel) guzzling little greedy furbies you lot drive...
  12. You were down one marked Skud then Hanger because there were 3 police vRS up there today! Keep your eyes peeled...
  13. Interesting. Saw my first ever vRS Octavia police car in late August 2002 At the top end of the Lake District. Silver with lots of stickers on it. Actually saw it only a few days before I picked Otka up. Saw my first unmarked one (silver) in Middlesborough last year. Two of them in full regalia working hard today on the A19 Northbound past Wolviston, catching road-tax dodgers in conjunction with a Camera van and a police bike. Then only a few miles further on I see a vRS (silver unmarked) on the Southbound side tugging some non-descript car. The Cleveland lot seem to like them. Any one on here doing duty on that stretch of road today? The Skuds were out in force today, 3 in the same stretch of road. And a Helicopter Ambulance and a burning corsa too. I wonder if any of them with the blue lights flashing could beat my record from the Penshaw junction to the Wolviston slip road? Probably not...
  14. Well well well. What do we have here? A nice new looking forum. very nice and no mistake. This place just gets better! This is my bi-yearly call in to let you all know that I am still alive. What to tell. Hmmm, 21000+miles and it decides to tell me that in 800 miles it needs a service. Horrid nasty car. Still, I did get an average of 71.9mpg (yes you read it right) from Chester Le Street to Billingham on Sunday night. 60mph with the cruise control. You know, cruise control, something you non-L&K pikeys have to buy as an optional extra! It even managed to pull 69.1mpg from Lincoln to Chester le Street with three adults and associated weekend luggage (pair of socks ofr me and 24 suitcases full of clothes for the two girlies) at the same 60mph a few weeks back. Foul oil burner that it is. Yak! Anyway, just to call it in. The nasty foul smelling thing seems to run like a swiss watch, with only one minor fault in 21k which was a misted up xenon headlight (standard again pikeys!). It blew an interior light bulb (that's the Octavia down to the bottom of the JD Power survey then) and it suffered a puncture. Towed the caravan 600 miles at 32.5mpg ave and I hardly knew the thing was hitched to the back all the way. Tyres were swapped around at 18000 miles and the brake pads seem to have a seriously large amount of meat left on them. Mind you, this could be due to the fact that I drive it like an old lady. I manage 55.4mpg around the Newcastle doors at an average of 27mph. The 'Davey Lamp' as it is affectionately known (oil burner) has loosened up a bit now and can run up to an indicated 130mph given the time (probably a true 118-120mph) and it does seem to have quitened down a bit since new. It still has that horrendous cold motor rattle though. The beige leather is shrugging off the worst my bum can throw at it. The same cannot be said for the stupidly coloured beige carpets and plastic trim. The boot copes admirably with my yellow labardor who now sleeps on a bed of his own cast dog hair! Miss L insists her heated seat (standard again my peg selling friends) isn't as hot as mine but she is mistaken. The sunroof (you know what I am going to say, don't you) is a particularly bad piece of design. Let me tell you why. When the sunroof is open there is a spring loaded deflector which pops up into the airstream, obviously designed to channel buffeting away from the aperture. Nice touch in theory. In practice it funnels turbulent air right into the car. In fact if you pull the deflector down into its closed position all is calm and serene. A hamfisted fix involving blocks of wood is in order, I feel. Cost of a service?
  15. Many moons ago when I had Otka, my dealer said that they had ha visit from one of the Skoda Reps who told them that the vRS could be boosted to 220-230bhp with a simple remap. My dealer was going to tell me more once they found out from the rep (he was very cagey on it) but Otka and myself parted ways before I could gleen any furter info. I suspect that there is the odd vRS kicking around with this kind of dealer tweak on it. *weeps* Why Otka, Why!? I miss her...
  16. ross I was about to chuck in Otka last week for a vRS estate but bottled at the last minute. I just can't bear losing those 17 inch wheels. I really can't justify banging in a 5 month old car so Otka stayed. I really did want the estate version when I bought Otka but they weren't out. I am going to hang on to Otka until the all new vRS comes out..
  17. This is quite worrying because you're obviously a gentle driver , and would never abuse your car by doing timed 1/4 mile runs , or showing how your traction control works in a pub car park . I know you did have that most unfortunate accident , when your sump developed a hole whilst out on a quiet Sunday afternoon drive . Given all that , I can understand your concern Very true! I of course pointed this out to my dealer as soon as I had the chance and he said much the same as you. They were shocked that the clutch gave out so soon. I hope this doesn't manifest itself when I am in the middle of a banger caravan race... :P :lol:
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