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Status Updates posted by Jay VRS

  1. 10 minutes till home time thank fook!

  2. 30 Minutes to go ..I dont think I will make it with out nodding off

  3. Ah well last nights and tonights overtime cancelled due to lack of support in key areas ...So on with my thermals and waterproofs ... And off the the Lake District to climb some more mountains ..Happy days (like a pig in ****) :-)

  4. And the award for the most boring alum of 2011 goes to Snow Patrol for "Fallen Empires"....I think it will also pick up the awards for..most unvaried,most spiritless, most drab,most monotonous most humdrum and definately for most platitudinous.

    1. Jayneyyyy


      All those big words and you spell "album" wrong :p

    2. Jay VRS

      Jay VRS

      Missed a B in my haste to diss Snow Patrol ,,I did correct it on facebook lol

  5. Bedtime me thinks, in for a long oily day tomorrow.

  6. Better get my waterproofs on the dog needs a stroll..

  7. Cannot believe the rubbish that was on the front page of yesterdays Evening Post .....Heinz workers angry at shut down..they must be different ones than I work with at Kitt Green cos they are all happy as Larry to be getting a week and a bit off during the kids holidays at easter ...Note to Wigan Evening Post change your source he isnt reliable he is just liable

  8. cataracts at 41 only I could get such a thing FFS ..Will be getting a bionic eye fitted in 3 weeks..ouch

  9. Christmas is a retail period, dictated to people by retailers, newspapers, television, the internet and advertisers so everyone calm the fook down your being taken for a ride you muppets..

    1. ChrisRs


      Strewth...Youre an angry Bunny. Chill...Its Xmas

    2. ChrisRs


      Strewth...Youre an angry Bunny. Chill...Its Xmas

  10. Diane Abbott is Robert Mugabe in a dress!

  11. Gail force winds,Snow and Hail freezing cold Its why I love going up the mountains in the Lake District ..Had a fabulous day not been this tired after a walk for yonks it was hard going trying to walk in the wind..Loved every minute of it though

  12. Girl look at that body ...Girl look at that body .....Girl look at that body ....I work out

  13. Going to have a snooze for a couple of hours on the couch before I start work tonight..Got 11 night shifts on the bounce till my next night off ...and you thought they had abolished slavery!..I love it really

  14. Got my winter walking gear on that I usually wear up the mountains just to take the dog for a stroll Wigan and back along the canal in the dark I wonder how many weirdos I bump into en route?

  15. I am sooooo tired I might nod off riding my bike home from work ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz

  16. I completed the Yorkshire 3 peaks challenge successfully last June so I am now setting myself a new goal and will be attempting the national 3 Peaks challenge on the 1st/2nd July next year... Ben Nevis,Scaffell Pike and Snowdon 450 miles of driving 26 miles of Walking and 9700ft of climbing must be done in under 24 hrs can't wait I am getting giddy thinking about it...

    1. Captain Scarlet

      Captain Scarlet

      Wow, best of luck in that, sure some of of Cumbrians could turn out and offer you our support on the day.

    2. Jay VRS

      Jay VRS

      I will be hoping to get to Scafell for around 3 in the morning I wouldnt want to disturb their beauty sleep

  17. I love this weather it keeps everybody indoors and as a results you dont have to exchange false pleasantries while out walking the dog..Bliss!!

  18. I need to do my workout but I cant be arsed can anybody give me some motivation...

  19. I wonder what percentage of Charlie Adams wages goes on bungs to Referees to avoid bookings? must be quite a large slice.

    1. Grizzle


      He's scottish so probably a lot lol.

  20. Is back from a 12.5mile yomp round the Lake District which went well right up until I did a Dr Foster in a puddle of **** lol

  21. It was so cold this morning I saw one fox trying to jump start another!!

  22. Jogging with the dog is difficult at best..Must have tripped over him a dozen times..

  23. Just ran 4 miles with George Adair, Its hard work being the father of a future Thai Boxing world champion

  24. Leona Lewis singing "Hurt" ...The only thing hurting is my ears you talentless bint!

  25. Loving the retardedness of the Kopite gob****es singing theres only one Louis Suarez...Do they not realise if there was numerous Suarez's they wouldnt be able to field a team due to them all being banned ..

    1. WaveyDaveyGravy


      Yeah, cos you'd play 11 forwards wouldn't you

    2. AGENT 47

      AGENT 47

      what was the score ?

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