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Everything posted by I_am_Beki

  1. There's been a slow leak on the rear wiper for a while now and I think it's killed the motor. I've attached a video to show what happens whenever you turn the ignition on and off. Warning it's a bit loud so turn volume down! Warranty has ended now, quote from a garage a friend works at said I'm looking at £290 fitted as they can only get part from dealer. First, is there anything I can check in the mean time to try and get it to work or is the motor definitely dead? Second, are there any cheaper options? I have very little mechanical skills so probably not something I can do myself. It's a 2016 octavia greenline. Thanks. 20230403_191336_1.mp4
  2. I'm not 100% sure to be honest. Got it from Perrys.
  3. Sorry for the delay, its about 64k although could be closer to 65k.
  4. Ever since I got the car it's made a screaching noise when lifting the clutch in 1st on hills. Rarely does it any other time. This week however I've had two separate incidents where I've tried to gear up, and the pedals gone slack, revs have screamed at me and the little computer bit has showed I was still in 1st or 2nd when I'd put it into a higher gear. Today's incident was just as I was joining a motorway and was scary as hell. Assuming this means my clutch is about to go? Any ideas how much it costs roughly to fix? It's a 16 plate 1.6 greenline. Cheers.
  5. It's a manual diesel 1.6 tdi, made September 2016. I haven't seen anything about a coasting function when I've googled and checked the car manual so I'm none the wiser.
  6. It's a diesel manual. Not all cars have it fitted. It does come standard with some trim packages but not mine.
  7. Nope. Anything with cars I used to ask my dad as he was a mechanic but he passed away a few years ago. I do have a warranty from perry's so I might take it in and see what they think.
  8. I'll be honest I don't actually know. I only know a bit when it comes to cars. Any way to find out?
  9. Well I managed to get a video that was 15 seconds so at least that long. I think probably longer but I normally brake to stop it.
  10. Thanks for all the replies. Sounds like you guys have figured the lights out thanks! I couldn't understand why it was happening. As far as I know I'm not in eco mode. When I checked it was normal.
  11. Had my Octy a few months now but noticed a couple of weird things and wanted to check if it's something to be worried about or not. The first is every so often either one, or both of the fog lights come on when my main headlights are on. It also switches from left to right. Sometimes neither. So I can't pin it down to anything or happening at a specific time. The second and most worrying, sometimes the car maintains speed when I've taken my foot off the accelerator. It's almost like cruise control except I don't have that. It happens in various gears and speeds, so again no idea if there is a specific trigger. I've made sure the pedal isn't stuck by lifting it up but no change. It stops if I press the pedal down, or if I brake. Anyone advice would be great. Thanks
  12. Oh that's a great tip thanks! For some reason it doesn't have the drop down arm rest. So the kids are only allowed bottles in the back because I'm not having a McDonald's milkshake incident again!
  13. Ohh is that the proper term for it? Happened twice when kids been in back with windows open, bloody horrible and made me feel a little nauseated! So far, love: the boot space, and the leg space. Dual temp control and vents in the back. MPG so far Dislike: no phone plug in - getting smart link activated soon though. No cup holders in back. No cruise control but hopefully fitting soon. Quite noisy coming from a petrol to a diesel. Also hate how messy diesel pumps are! Current boot sensor error is driving me crazy. However, I actually really like the car and once smartlink and CC are in I'll have very little to grumble about!
  14. About 2 weeks ago I noticed that no screen wash was coming out of the rear nozzle. I just assumed the screen wash was low and intended to fill it whenever I remembered. About a week ago every so often the maxi dot display would randomly flash up with the audible beep like a door or boot was open. This has become more frequent up to today when it really went nuts. It was constantly beeping on a 45 minute drive and showing the boot was open, which kept turning the lights on inside the car. Obviously I checked the boot and it was definitely securely shut. I did a search and saw that it's a fairly common issue, and normally sets the main car alarm off which *touch wood* mine isnt yet. I smelt around the boot catch and it definitely smells like screen wash. However I'm not sure what to do next? That's if I can even do anything or is it a trip to the garage? Only had the car 6 weeks as well so I'll be miffed if I've gotta pay out. Cheers.
  15. According to my local skoda dealer they have said it can't be fitted. Found a company a few hours away who have said it depends who manufactured a specific part. Both parts have the same part number just different manufacturers and they need to know which to get the right variant of CC parts. I did see on one of the older threads that it doesn't matter who made it. But they're saying it does.
  16. I know it's been a while so hopefully it's OK to comment. Having a bit of a pain trying to find anyone to retrofit just standard cruise control. I've got a 2016 mk 3 octavia, greenline model. I'm being told by most places they just plain don't do it. Or that there's no kit for it. Have one place who said it depends which manufacturer made a specific part. But if what I've read further up is right it shouldn't matter? They said they need to check the manufacturer of said part physically so they know which variant of CC part. And one of them kits has been discontinued. Any advice?
  17. @GregSKO I spoke to the sales guy who said it shouldn't have been advertised as CC but if it was it's due to them using stock texts or something. The listing had been removed so I couldn't even get a screen **** to prove it so its my word against theirs! @varaderoguyStandard cruise control is all I need if I'm honest! I think if I tried to sell it and buy another I'd end up more out of pocket than just paying for it fitted. I had to finance some of the car and as it was through Perrys it was a little more expensive than a private seller. @Warrior193 Thanks for the advice I shall give that a go! I am getting a little more used to the bumps now but still a tad uncomfy so hopefully your suggestion will get me to a place I'm happy with! Can anyone advise on some mats that are cheap but not fall apart cheap? I have the OEM rubber mats but they're actually really slippy. More so with the rain. I don't mind if they don't say octavia or anything. Thanks all
  18. I haven't checked the pressure as I just assumed it would be correct with it coming from Perry's only days ago, I picked it up Thursday. I probably should check though. Just discovered that the coolant level was on dregs! I got them to do the belt and pump and I'm guessing someone forgot to fill it back up. Luckily I only did 30 miles and the engine temp was fine! Wasn't impressed. My astra was on 17's I think, but just seemed to absorb bumps better. Now I feel ones I wouldn't have before. Like you say comfort has many factors though. Maybe I just need to get used to it.
  19. Sorry if I seemed defensive. I used to mod on a forum and I know how annoying it is when people ask questions when the information is there if they search for it. But they're too lazy and expect it spoon fed. Like I say I just couldn't figure it out with the posts I had read. I'm going to give my local dealer a call tomorrow, although it seems very hit and miss, from the posts I've read at least.
  20. Currently 205/55R16 fitted. Sorry its not the best picture had to take it from my wheelchair so angle was awkward.
  21. Please don't think I'm being rude, but I did. I spent hours last night reading after finding the forum through Google. However I felt that my question wasn't answered which is why I made the post. I read about multiple models and years. But felt unsure about my model and year. I saw multiple posts that said yes but also several that said it wasn't possible. So as I say I felt I needed to ask specifically about my model. Not just for ****s and giggles or being lazy.
  22. Had my new to me skoda a couple of days, and while I don't dislike it, I'm not enjoying it as much as my old car. Yet. So I'm wondering if you guys can help. First can cruise control be retrofitted? It was advertised as cruise control but it's actually not. I honestly didn't realise until after I'd bought it. Due to some physical disabilities cruise control is a massive help for me and I'd really like to have it back. It's the Greenline model. I've seen various types and I just want a bog standard cruise control. Second, is there anything that can be done to make the ride a little more comfortable when it comes to the road being anything other than perfect. The slightest bump or pot hole and it's noticeable. I was thinking maybe the suspension but I don't know. I used to go to my Dad for advice about stuff as he was a massive gear head and a mechanic to boot, but he passed away not too long ago. So now it's up to you random Internet people to help. Please Also any other tips to help me enjoy the car? I know it's not classed as a fun car to drive according to most reviews, I mean I bought it for the boot to hold my wheelchair but that doesn't mean I have to hate driving it lol. Cheers.
  23. Yorkshire that is. South Yorkshire specifically. Hi! After many years of vauxhalls, I needed a bigger car and got talked into trying a skoda. It's certainly bigger that's for sure! I recently had to start using a wheelchair out of the house and my Astra was struggling with a serious lack of space. It doesn't help I also need to have room for 3 giants (2 kids and other half). I had some positive equity in the vauxhall, they had a 2016 octavia greenline for a decent price and that's how I ended up a skoda owner. It's only been 2 days and it hasn't won me over yet but hopefully once I post for some help on the right forum that'll change! Anyway that's my introduction done. Time to ask questions!
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