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mr. hedgehog

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Everything posted by mr. hedgehog

  1. Pros: Commitment to customer satisfaction and professionalism Cons: Distance from me, and not the cheapest Here is some feedback on my Custom Code experience: After much debate between tuning companies I had originally booked in for Custom Code phase 1 for my new Fabia VRS in April, but after covering more miles than expected (and becoming impatient) decided that the car was ‘broken in enough’. On the spur of the moment I phoned up JBS and booked in for the following day. Upon arrival I spoke to Sarah to confirm my booking details, handed over the keys and took a seat in reception. Kitted out with a Playstation, magazines, displays and a sofa it was fairly easy to pass the time until my car’s turn came; although the waiting area could have done with a better heater and a coffee machine! From sitting in reception, chatting to Sarah and to other customers (and casually observing the days comings and goings) it was easy to see that business is booming. This is usually a good sign. A lot of the other people there were returning customers with some fairly hardcore cars; hybrid turbos and true custom maps. All had nothing but good things to say about JBS. I also think I found the bloke who is responsible for Greenlight Insurance refusing to insure any more VRS’, having written off two of them and now onto his third… An hour after arriving I was still waiting for James to sort my remap. He was looking tired and a bit stressed (he assured me that he didn’t normally neglect his appearance to the point of resembling a yeti – his words:)); and was trying to field phone calls and dealer queries. However, I was pleased that he made the effort to explain to me that he would be onto my car as soon as possible; he even managed a bit of humor. James started off with the usual ECU read and discovered that, as my car was new, JBS did not yet carry a generic code for it. James casually declared that he would write one for me whilst I waited. However, he was unsure whether he could make the map switchable on the spot, and told me that, in the worst case scenario, I may have to return at a later date for a free update to a fully switchable map. James picked up that I was keen to get a switchable map and told me that he would do his best whilst not wishing to compromise quality. James reappeared with his laptop a while later and uploaded the new switchable map to the car. The first test run out, me sat with the laptop, flagged up a problem with the switchability, so James took another look at the map. Whilst he was doing this I had a Green cotton filter fitted (very substantially discounted and fitted for free) and got my Cupra PD160 intake stuck on for free in the process. The next run out with James was more successful (this time with me driving and James with the laptop), and the map switched as planned. James also explained to me that the car would take a few runs to get to its best as the ECU takes a while to explore the bounds of the new values contained in the remap. I was impressed with James knowledge and moreso his ability to explain to me in layman’s terms what he was doing. It is easy to see why people have confidence in James’ ability to work on their cars and to achieve the best results as he clearly takes pride in his work and is as customer focused as anybody I have met. The Remap: After a long day and a final run I departed from JBS with a grin on my face (it was nearing 6pm on a Friday and the staff there were all still working!). The map was exactly what I was looking for - exceptionally smooth and very refined. I admit that I did think that tales of TDis pulling to the redline were gimmicks, or at least exaggerated. I’ll hold my hand up and admit that I was completely wrong. The car pulls strongly right up to 4.5K, and with no obvious drop off in power. Still marveling at that one. I had discussed this fairly unique trait of CC with James earlier, and had a bit of a whine about my Cupra’s tendency to tail off in power at about 4K despite good torque low down (REVO 4bar). James was clear that in terms of remaps, it really is a case of ‘horses for courses’. He made no apologies about the fact that a CC mapped car is not a 0-60 merchant, but was confident that CCs smoother mapping meant that the power was more usable, especially in everyday driving. This was exactly what I was looking for from the remap. Interestingly James also told me that the KO3/4 turbos in the 20VTs are not the culprits in the lack of top end performance in Cupras, and that contrary to popular belief, they do not run out of puff at 4.5K. Not to miss a sales opportunity he offered to do me a ‘good deal’ on a CC remap for the Leon! I have had the CC remap for 5 days now, and its still putting a smile on may face – I’m still finding excused to use the car. The improvement in performance is huge, without sacrificing derivability in the city (which was a problem with my Leon’s rather harsh map). I am especially impressed with the top end improvement (the midrange of the VRS was always its strong point – but this punch is now across the entire rev range), acceleration in 3rd - 6th is massively improved. However, those who are fans of monster low down wedges of torque and spinning wheels may be disappointed with the even, controlled power of this map. I have a Forge FMIC waiting to go onto the car, and have the 312mm brake conversion in mind too. After some discussion JBS were upfront about the fact that I could get the parts for the brake conversion cheaper on the forums, but offered to fit the kit for me for a reasonable price. For me this sums up the JBS ethos. They offer a customer focused, quality service which looks to be paying off in terms of demand for their skills (careful not to spread yourself too thin chaps). I will definitely be asking JBS to assist me in realising the future plans I have for the VRS and can strongly recommend not only their code, but also their professionalism, willingness to listen and enthusiasm in making peoples cars go faster, better. Thanks guys (and gal), I’ll be seeing you for the brakes when my wallets recovered .
  2. Let us know how the pad and disk change works out, and the brake fluid. I think some of the problem lies with the rest of the setup too - like mentioned above, the whole system is a bit 'average', including the servo assist. I'm at Stealth for a RR on sunday with the 20VT, and at JBS in March for CC on the VRS - i'll do a bit of digging on the topic, and some possibilities for alternative setups and post here.
  3. Oh, and when i raised the issue with if forgot to mention i was told no-one had complained about squeaks or crap fabric before... Car is still worth it, but thats not the point.
  4. My VRS is one month / 2,500 miles old and i can already see signs of bobbling, i also have a horribly squeaky/creaky drivers seat. Its going in for the technicians to look at it in two weeks. The tech bloke on the phone asked if i had taken any measures to protect the seats - i replied yes, Carplan sprayon faberic protector - tech bloke implies this may be the cause. I stated in no uncertain terms that I am no mug, and that i hoped he was joking. Needless to say I will be asking for an immediate remedy to the squaking and advice on the seat covers. I am a high milage driver, and will be charting the bobbling process via my digital camera. I had a quality issue with Seat / Seat UK a couple of years ago - trading standards did wonders for that process. I agree, good money has been payed, and when mistakes are made the manufacturers who hold their hands up win the respect, not those who call their customers liars... I share the oppinion that its a great car for the money, but let down by a) seat covers (colour and durability) and brakes - but thats a different thread!
  5. I think there is definitely an element of 'wot ure used to', but i have to say i'm still well disappoined with the VRS brakes - especially as they are being compared against a PD 100 and a Megane 1.6! They will get changed, its just a metter of when. The Brakes on the Leon were upgraded with the wheels - but only to the current FR setup. The pads and disks are ferodo - and they did make a difference. I think that overall the car is superb, but needs more stopping power; perhaps this is why Greenlight won't insure Fabs any more!?
  6. Anyone know if there is a general 'dealership stance' on upgrading brakes and suspension - i know it'll void the brakes and suspension, but what about the rest of the car? In theory it shouldn't. I've been refused 'permission' to fit my FMIC as it will 'stress the engine' (actual quote). Just thinking of ways around the brakes issue, and would like to to try the suspension upgrade before the brakes. IMO the Favia rides quite high anyway, and would certainly look better dropped a bit.
  7. Yep - group 8 means nothing now, insurers are cottoning onto the fact that just because it only has 130 bhp doesn't mean its not quite quick... All TDis seem to be getting hit by higher premiums this year. Its cheaper to insure my remapped 20VT running 217bhp than my currently standard Fabia VRS - something not right there...
  8. Seems odd that people have such polar experiences - maybe a mix of different expectations and different cars? Either way, my brakes make me uneasy, i wouldn't have any confidence in them if i were doing 70 on a duel carriageway with 4 in the car and some fool stepped out. At the end of the day its a safety issue. I've driven a colleagues Megane today (older style) and took the opportunity to test the brakes - the 1.6 Megane stopps way quicker, and with more composure - its got drum brakes on the back! The VRS is a great little car, and i can't fault it elsewhere (aside from a squeaky seat), but i think the brakes are the weakpoint of an otherwise very well balanced package.
  9. the difference on the road between my brakes and the PD100 seems fairly insignificant - as i said above, i actually slightly favoured the PD100s setup to the VRS'. With my brakes i think i may have got the poor end of an average setup on a slightly over average car (performance wise). Does that make sense???
  10. well, the official skoda verdict is: The brakes are working perfectly - but shoewd signs of getting very hot. that'll have been me trying to get them to stop the car properly then. Have to say, i love everything about the car; apart from the brakes. I don't trust them. They're not progressive and i have no faith in them. I do around 30,000 miles driving a year, a lot in cities and the prospect of living with the current setup doesn't thrill me. Change the disks and pads, or off to badger 5 then?....
  11. I'm definitely giving the break pedel enough pressure, to the point where i feel like its liable to snap off on occasion - i'm quite a big chap. In essance, the slip road story is how i would sum up - the car feels like it is 5 up when its only me in it when braking. I have to say, in my experience, the brakes do fade, and badly. I was trying to do as suggested, and perform a few emergency stops last night, and on the 3rd one the brakes were almost expired. The pads were bedded in well upon collection - i was also careful of how i ran the car in as a whole. I'm taking it back to the stealers this afternoon to get the brakes checked - if they are performing standard I will ask if its ok to replace them myself with one of the options suggested. Although, knowing the dealer this will invalidate my life or something.
  12. Confidence sums it up - i have no faith in their ability to save me if some uninsured nova boy pulls out in front of me. I'm having it mapped next month - i'm getting a bit concerned that the brakes arn't up to the job...
  13. How far do people think 'bedded in' is for you avarage 55mpg av driver? I think there may actually be something wrong with my brakes - especially as my mates PD 100 stops if not much better, definitely as well. A change of pad and disk worthwhile - had ferodo on the leon and it made a significant difference to already strong brakes.
  14. thought so - ****. EDIT - it wont even let me type ar$e :(
  15. None when pressing lightly - then, if i mash the pedal REALLY HARD, i get some feeling of stopping. on weekend I tried slowing from 80 to 0 approaching a roundabout on some duel carridgeway and nearly overshot the line - my old leon would have stopped in half the distance and it weighs more. There doesn't seem to be any 'bite'.
  16. Just put a thread up having a winge about my brakes on my new Fabia VRS - can someone just clarify - when people say under 16" do they mean smaller than 16s, or actually physically wont fit under 16s?
  17. I took delivery of my VRS a couple of weeks ago, and immediately felt that the brakes were 'soft'. I queried this, and was told by the dealership to give the brakes time to bed in. I have now covered approx 2,000 miles and the brakes, IMO, are still stodgy and rubbish. I struggled to believe that all was as it is supposed to be with the car and thought i'd conduct a bit of a test... I drove my mates 100PD Fabia back to back with the VRS - we both agree that the 100PS stops sharper, by a small margin. Coming from a 20vt leon, with very strong brakes with top notch pads and disks, i half wondered if i was expecting a bit much of the little green VRS calipers. This is what the dealership is implying anyhow. If this is the case, and I somehow doubt it is, i cannot help being disappointed by the braking performance of my new car. I was under the impression the brakes on the Fab VRS were the same as the ones on the Golf TDis? I've certainly seen no complaints on the forums about braking performance. Anyone got any comments on this or advice for me? Thanks.
  18. are they still selling the cooker know power adjusters?! lol.
  19. I'm book for CC next month - it could have been jabba easily if the map was switchable. Like stated above, both are quality services, this is evident when you call and ask for info. They go out of their way with customer service in my experience; other companies have hardly been bothered to discuss what i want. Confidence and trust is worth a lot, other companies can learn from this - not least main dealers!
  20. Good people at chris knott - spoke to darren. Now if have to negotiate cancelling my policy with Direct Line - thay want one months cover to cancel. Cheers all.
  21. chris knott - - getting there, awaiting a final figure - approx £650
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