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Everything posted by Taylor477

  1. Taylor477


    Please get pictures of these fitted :)
  2. I have done my calculations for all the insurance, servicing, fuel, social life etc and I could afford it but I'm just gonna stick with the Fabia... ..for now anyway.. I do love my trusty Fabia and it is very economical and much more suitable for my current situation. If I'm still feeling the itch in 6 months then I may have to reconsider it then but for now I am happy with my Fabia and especially since I have just paid hundreds on it in fixing bits, I will continue my modifications in the hope they will relinquish my S3 lust for now. A good remap should see me satisfied and saving pennies on fuel Thank you everyone for your opinions and helping me in my decision Now to sort out Coilovers, Exhaust and Remap
  3. I had a little phase where I wasn't going to get rid of them as a friend wanted them.. but as with everything that isn't the case so they are still in my garage and I keep forgetting about them :p
  4. As to the Clio 172, they are great cars and are great fun to drive but although I'm looking for a more exhilarating car.. I have just always had a soft spot for the S3.. I've been looking all over the internet today looking at other cars but the S3 just gets me, and my brother is looking to buy a Megane R26R so he would probably want to kill me if I got the same one :p That's what they said to me on my first day too.. I do know of a few people in money problems and they don't even run a car.. but I have two quite well paid part time jobs as well so I'm doing alright which I suppose is contributing to the itch for a more powerful car.. It just depends if I'm going to find it worth it in the end.. Lovely S3 buddy.. except the MPG I know that doesn't bother me at the moment but it could do 6 months down the line.. But even so.. such a great car IMO hence the wanting for one :p I did consider this but then I think it kind of defeats the point in me getting rid of the Fabia to get another diesel.. I'm not it would be worth changing to an audi 1.9tdi just for the 4wd.. Thank you for your opinions guys I'm still stuck 50/50.. I could just wait another year or so until I get a full time Job.. but it may not be in the right circumstances but then I guess that would be part of life. My desired mods for the Fabia if I didn't sell up would be Coilovers, full turbo-back exhaust and a remap.. so I could just get them over and done with a perhaps the new found power should keep me satisfied for another year.. maybe :p An easy decision for some.. but its always impossible for me to decide on anything car related..
  5. Technically by bending it you are adding more pressure to the bar so when you fit it, it is effectively having a better impact. And I believe it is originally manufactured for the Fabia Mk2 which has a rear axle length about 1cm longer than the mk1.
  6. Thank you mate Modifications have been going slow as indecisive with future plans for my car as well as unexpected costs. The next move on the cards will be Coilovers..
  7. You are correct, I should of taken pictures whilst I was fitting it but I was just carried away with getting it done.. Ratchet Straps are another good way to do it. I just made do with what I had
  8. I might take it back to Skoda and get them to take another look (only 2 minutes walk from my house) Cheers guys
  9. It is quite literally an itch on the back of my neck shouting at me to do it.. but half my brain is saying the running costs are too much etc and the other half is saying keep the fabia and complete my modifications which wont be saving me any money anyway.. might get a little bit back if I sell the mods after but is it worth it? I suppose something else that bothers me is that I'd be looking at a 2002-2003 with anything from 73k to 112k.. My fabia is 2006 and is on 80k, so do I really wanna go for an older car?
  10. Maybe not worth the effort and money on the old dash.. I think theres someone on here that does it quite cheap..No idea who though!
  11. Mike this weekend we shall tackle your Gear Linkage! We must not fail :p It is worth a shot but I'm not convinced if it is but like I said we shall give it a go anyway. You also need to have your flywheel looked at because I think thats buggered..
  12. I can see it all happening now.. I buy an S3 and I can see myself wanting another economical diesel in 6 months, or I can see myself loving it. But 27mpg?! thats less than half what I'm getting now. I know they are thirsty but didn't think that bad. the decisions.. Hmmm yeah probably :p But atleast it has the performance to start with.. Yeah I'll give you first dibs on everything.. i.e my whole car :p I think its just the itch that I am able to afford it but I can see myself having it for 6 months then wanting a more economical car again.. Maybe I should just wait until after uni.. :/
  13. I shall enquire.. So it is literally a case of just swapping the subframe and away we go?
  14. Just re-read this post and thought i'd reply properly (its late ah ha) This is my dilema.. although the fabia isn't necessarily interior design genius.. the S3 doesn't really have anything above the fabia unless you get a well spec'd one. I am half way through my 2nd year of uni and I am just trying to determine whether I just wait another 2 years in which case the money I would spend on mods.. Coilovers, exhaust, remap etc.. I may as well put towards a car with these uprated already.. but then I wont get the MPG and low cost of the fabia.. such a tricky situation :p I'm not really up for racing it about so the S3 isn't about that.. although I do a fair amount of driving but not as much as I used to as I have changed my part-time job.. so I'm justifying getting a good petrol.. hence the choice.
  15. This is a great help.. this way I will be able to fit them myself and not get ripped off a fortune for it I'll do some more digging but thank you
  16. I think I'm more inclined to the S3 seats as they are a tad cheaper than both golfs seats. although as you have seen I am also inclined to just buying an S3.. just weighing up all my options keep the fabia for 2-3 more years or go S3.. ahh the difficulties of life :p
  17. the jabba is 23mm thick i believe and the H&R is 25mm thick.. although I couldn't vouch for what a difference this makes as only used H&R but i imagine its so small..
  18. Cheers for the input guys I'm loving Big Jase's quote and he does have a fair point! Hmm, that is true about the modding costs etc.. I suppose I just love the fabia for the economy, but I'm looking at upping the spec and putting in audi S3 seats for crying out loud so I just thought about an actual S3. I suppose the money I would save from not modding the S3 as it would already have the performance and handling that I want.. its just going to an 02-03 from an 06.. I'll give it some more thought
  19. Hey fellow briskodians.. I have become obsessed with the idea of a 4wd car.. I love my fabia but I have spent the last month looking at the Audi S3 Quattro 1.8T 20v 8l and just can't get away.. do I shunt it away and stick with the Fabia for the remainder of my uni time? My fabia is 55 plate (2006) and just turned 80k. I am looking at coilovers and getting it remapped in the near future. here is my thread http://www.briskoda.net/forums/topic/237182-taylor477-skoda-fabia-vrs-mk1/ I love the economy of the Fabia and it is the sensible, economical and practical option.. but I just want an S3 :p Opinions? I suppose my dilema is more about do I put the money into the fabia for the performance and handling.. or do I buy a car which has the performance to start with? Cheers I know this will probably be burned down in flames.. but I just need guidance!
  20. I am on the mission for some Golf GTi Mk5 seats, Audi S3 8l seats, or some Golf Mk4 R32 seats.. the standard fabia vrs seats just aren't comfortable enough for me :( any idea on how much its going to cost to get any of these fitted? I know this seem nuts to many people but my cousin has a golf MK5 Gti and the black leather heated seats are SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOD! and the S3 8l seats are amazing too.. and the Mk4 R32 are great for support but I think I have just decided no :p I know I have read somewhere on another forum that Devonutopia has fitted golf mk5 seats to his car..
  21. I have it! It comes with all the necessary bits to fit the bar.. clamps, bolts, and bushes. However, when fitting to my car, the bar was an inch too long.. so we used a spanish windlass. http://www.finehomebuilding.com/how-to/tips/the-spanish-windlass.aspx You need to wrap the rope around both ends and make sure the loop is secured with a decent knot. Then get a short strong metal bar to place in the rope and twist it. The tighter the rope gets, the shorter the bar will get as the rope will pull it in. This is quite a difficult technique and will require two people to fit. Make sure you do not let the bar go as it will cause some serious damage to you if it hits you. As for the actual bar.. it makes a HUGE difference! Really sorts out the cars handling. Just beware of increased rear tyre wear due to the extra pressure from the bar. If the fitting of this bar concerns you then go with the trusty Jabbasport RARB, much much easier to fit!
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