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Everything posted by Kandy

  1. Not hindsight is it - unknown caller hangs around after getting no answer - I'd be on the phone after a minute.
  2. (1) It was obviously just the wrong house mistake, probably some loser drove 300 miles on the promise of a shag on an internet forum! (2) Why didn't you call the police - you had plenty of time - they're perfectly happy to come and have a chat to people loitering 'suspiciously'.
  3. Abla, I have exactly the same tyres, cost me £152 for a pair all in at KWIKFIT about 10 months ago! (Booked on-line).
  4. I only paid £6.6k 5 or 6 years ago! The asking price is way too high, prices have hit the floor, you can get a decent face lift for what they're asking.
  5. I'm talking about town driving, people chopping 10mph of motorway speeds obviously saves a bit, and doesn't block traffic, that is completely different and causes no issue.
  6. "The world's biggest bond manager Bill Gross" So no possibility of self interest in his advice! And no wider consensus. OK, tell us what Labour's policy would be? With Ed Balls the ‘debt denier‘! New Labour, Blair and Brown specifically, have probably become the most rapidly and extremely discredited UK government in history. Shown up as failures and/or duplicitous liars on just about every major policy/event, shown to be economically incompetent - 'prudent' 'end of boom and bust' 'deficit - what deficit?' ‘more spending not cuts‘ (whilst their plans actually hid 7/8 of the same Tory restraints!). You see if Labour hadn't squandered so much, we could have attempted to spend our way to growth, and we wouldn't have the risk of high inflation caused by Labour’s devaluation of the pound. Every action Labour took to solve the economic problems merely stored up more trouble for the future. Yes, the chickens are coming home to roost. All anyone can do, is just stay calm and hope for the best, there is little ANY government can do - the scale of the problems Labour created is simply too vast.
  7. Also.... If it has an extensive service history and drives spiritedly, smoothly, and without knocks/bangs it should be fine. Handling is safe but unrewarding. Brakes and traction off the line are good. I've run a '53 one to the same mileage over the last 5 years and only had to replace 1 lower arm in all that time in addition to standard servicing. I'd value my hatch version at £2k BTW, but I'm not selling. Estates make a bit more. But not that much! You might find the insurance more expensive than the vrs too.
  8. Doesn't save fuel though! Had a right one at the weekend. Stuck at 17-22mph, line of traffic behind him for 5 miles, nothing in front, get to a 2 lane traffic light, he takes left turn lane, all the people desperate to get past take outside. Yep, lights change, engine roars, undertakes anyone that got ahead and resumes 17mph! Finally got to 2 lane road, he pulls straight into right lane, now doing 20 in a 40! I selected the faster moving queue (cough) and left the numpty to it. After 2 minutes there was no traffic behind me in sight. It is not fuel saving, it is some sort of mental disorder. So I averaged 28mpg instead of 45!
  9. As pointed out above, it is inconsiderate/DWDCA if you force other traffic to alter their course/speed - it is obviously illogical to be courteous to someone without right of way, but discourteous to someone behind you and established on the road, especially when it would often be quicker to maintain your speed and allow the person to pull into the next available gap anyway. It sometimes results in confusion all round, the person in the side road fails to emerge and everybody grinds to a complete halt. OK there may be some very very busy roads with incessant traffic where easing off and letting someone out might just be for the greater good, but rarely.
  10. I'm sure that is an ideal smart repair candidate. You're lucky. Some ****** dented my car just behind the fuel cap whilst it was parked, didn't stop, and it's in a position where it can't be pushed/pulled out, on the flank where it sticks out like a sore thumb. I know it was the horsebox tower up the road but can't prove it.
  11. Well a lack of interdigital skin flaps is quite something to be proud of around those country backwaters.
  12. Driving at 22mph (it actually halves my indicated MPG v. 30mph as I can get into 5th) and crawling up to speed actually wastes fuel. And inconsiderate consideration - stopping to let someone out when the road behind is clear for miles. Arggggh! So many idiots on the roads, and you can't possibly ram them all off. And all the messages from Police and pressure groups, speed kills, lets encourage everyone to drive at 20mph everywhere, means all the sanctimonious self-appointed policemen types enjoy the ‘power’ they have been handed to annoy. Won't be long before if you dare to overtake on a country road, there'll be a knock on your door that night and you'll get carted off for re-programming.
  13. Where'd it go? I was watching it on the radar last night - was coming out of France mad and angry and dying a death over the channel - we got less than 10mm right on the coast! Good old MET. But long term harmful climate change is still 100% forecast certainty - just because they can't get it right 4 hours ahead! (And weather/climate difference pedants can go insert a digit.).
  14. I wouldn't drive any unusual coloured car that appears on a snooker table. Yellow is just asking for it! :p
  15. Probably by employing competent management who don't think it is their God given right to **** taxpayers' money away. Surrey police are recruiting - go figure.
  16. This clearly wasn't a case of resources or prioritisation or 'cuts' FFS, it was a case of poor questioning/decision making and being passed around - a systemic failure. It's been like this for years and people die as a result. NHS Direct and GP surgery receptionists offer a very poor contact service.
  17. Yes it is ridiculous, but you have to make the right noises when you ring - and old people tend not to make enough of a fuss. Instead of explaining she'd collapsed on the floor for several hours and was alone, she probably said she had a bit of a sore knee and her son would be over later!
  18. The only blame accident I ever had was similarly galling, right turn traffic light controlled filter lane, the stupid cow pulls off on green then slams on in the middle of no man's land for no reason whatsoever - no possibility of other traffic/people/or confusion about the road layout as we were in the only lane and it only went one way! I might have been able to stop but my decision was to ram her off rather than get mangled by the oil tanker up my chuff.
  19. One day LOL will stop wishing for and revelling in economic and social catastrophe? Own up, you're that denialist culpable gloater Ed Balls aren't you!
  20. The unemployed are more likely to drive off-peak at safer times and do considerably less mileage! I should think it is more that 'unemployed' i.e. no visible income, hides a fair range of undesirable types in the black economy/minor criminals/drug dealers and probably there is a higher rate of fraudulent claims - lose job, can't afford/sell car, so it mysteriously gets stolen or torched.
  21. We could just decide that CO2 really isn't actually much of an issue, if it does even cause climate change (or rather additional climate change - which ironically could be stabilising the climate as much as exaggerating any change), if we just decided to embrace it instead of declaring it harmful, adapted instead of futilely tried to stop it! But then of course there wouldn't be a trillion pound 'market' literally created out of thin air, and a reason to massively tax us and restrict our freedoms.
  22. Not insignificant, but not massive relatively speaking either, it would seem: http://www.cfr.org/afghanistan/iraq-afghanistan-us-economy/p15404
  23. Well they tried to spend their way out of the recession didn't they, and all they got was a debt of 100% GDP - like LOL wants the UK to do!
  24. Perhaps LOL can find the £2trillion debt/obligations New Labour saddled us with, now that all the fraudulent off-the-book accounting practices have been corrected by the new government. That's 12p on the basic tax rate for 50 years apparently. So why should we now shed a tear for people who were given false expectations of pay and conditions above their contribution's worth by New Labour, in exchange for their votes?
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