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Everything posted by anthmcm

  1. interestingly i had a 3 series m sport before the octavia and like you had a young one who doesn't manage to keep his food down if you go down a B road. However I have found the VRS much better then the BMW for its ride quality and so far (touch wood) haven't had a sickness incident in the VRS. Agreed the suspension is much softer on VRS (and it looks like a 4x4) but I have found this allows a much smoother ride over the bumpy stuff in comparison to the BMW where you could feel every bump. have you given the suspension a good once over to check there is nothing mechanically wrong with it?
  2. ha that would be great if the call ended but it just switches to the phone instead and the music starts blasting out the radio and anyone on the end of the phone gets to hear my bad music taste
  3. ok thanks its a MY16 then - going to get it booked into the garage and let them take a look at its done it with 3 different phone now
  4. not actually sure how do you check? was going to try the software update but looked complicated so think ill just take it in and get the garage to check it
  5. Anyone else experiencing the same thing? Happens to me a couple of times a week and its starting to get annoying, I can be happy talking away on the phone when all of a sudden the phone disconnects from the car and I get a message on the car screen saying something along the lines of hands free connection cancelled. The only way to get it to connect again is go into the settings on the dash and manually select the phone and it will re-connect no problem. its 2015 VRS with the standard sat nav unit in it. I think I can now rule out phone as I got it replaced a couple of weeks ago after dropping it and the new one does the same thing
  6. is it the estates that suffer with this boom? i have never noticed it on my hatch
  7. yes the VRS has auto lights - or certainly mine does and i got it from new and never paid anything additional for it. high beam assist as far as i am aware is as it says on the tin it will auto put the high beam on and off depending on the conditions.
  8. +1 on the small fuel tank it does my head in and how early the fuel warning light comes on. The "simply clever" ice scraper thats in the fuel flap - you can never get to it when its icy as the fuel flap is always frozen shut
  9. as much as I like my octavia I do find people turn their nose up when you say you have a Skoda, think it will be a little while yet before peoples general perception of the badge increases
  10. depends really on the wear if its just deep creases i wouldn't worry too much if its actually wearing the material away then absolutely would expect it to be covered under warranty
  11. yes it is, thanks for that i will give them a call and see what they say
  12. ouch!! thanks, think that rules that out then.. my car is through my company so would need to be a dealer fit but no way paying that sort of money. Ill get one fitted to our Astra instead.
  13. another happy first time Skoda owner here, last car was a 3 series m sport, I would never have even considered a Skoda until I had one as a courtesy car for a week and could not believe how well it drove. Had mine now for just over 6 months and still loving it. Agreed with the above comments the stigma still exists for some people but hey ho their loss!
  14. How much was the dealer price if you don't mind me asking? I am thinking of getting one fitted myself.
  15. I would honestly walk away and just go to another dealer, I accept mistakes happen but the fact there is even a question mark around your original offers at POS such as the fuel incenitve suggests customer satisfaction is not high on their list of priorities. If you do decide to re-order would certainly recommend the VRS
  16. the car has fixing points for roof bars you just need to buy the fitting kits and bars - when i was looking for mine a few months ago I could only find thule ones that would be compatible. Halfords own brands and generic ones don't fit unfortunately. That being said I am really impressed with the Thule ones they look good, fit the car really well and are totally solid. if you want to go for the thule set up you need the following: 754 foot pack 1726 fitting kit 127cm bars all in at about £140 from amazon pic of them on the car: if your planning on carrying a bike thats the Thule pro ride 591 would recommend its a very good carrier
  17. I got some from a main dealer the other day, no idea what brand / make it is just asked for the same stuff they use for servicing and that was only £10.50 for a litre
  18. I have a 15 plate octavia VRS and and a 13 plate astra SRI and can comfortably say the octavia has much more room in the back then the Astra. Unless the new model is significantly bigger I can't imagine it having more room in the back with the front seats in a comfortable position for the driver and front seat passenger. regarding the touch screen I have never found it sluggish but do find it near on impossible to use when driving. No matter how steady I think my hand is I seemingly always end up selecting the wrong thing.
  19. sorry should have been more clear, at the point the car warns you its low on fuel it will only take 40 litres or so to fill it, so back to my original point it feels like your always at the pumps. might be a perception thing but i certainly seem to be filling up a lot more then I have done with previous cars all of a similar size (3 series / Vectra / Mondeo etc) and have done less miles so either the tank is smaller or the mpg is incorrect on the dash
  20. Mine is averaging 47mpg and thats with a mixture of motorway driving and town driving which is almost exactly the same as the BMW 318d I had before getting the VRS so I was relatively happy with slight extra power with no drop off on MPG. (both figures taken from the onboard computers) I know I have mentioned this on a few posts before but I do think the fuel tank plays a part in this, it gives the perception that your not getting much out of a full tank simply because its so small in comparison to most similar sized cars. I seem to almost always be filling up but the tank only hold 40 litres so you simply don't get much out of it before you back at the pumps.
  21. cheers wishing i just added it to the list when i ordered mine now
  22. how much was it to get fitted by the dealer? looking at getting one fitted myself.
  23. interesting i didn't realise there was different settings for it, i thought it was either on or off. never really seen the point in it tbh don't really like the sensation of the car trying to correct you, the only thing i have really found it useful for is showing people the car can steer for itself its a good talking point!
  24. That looks so much better, i really wish there was a factory option to lower it, its the one thing I really don't like about my VRS is it looks like a 4x4.
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