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Everything posted by soviet

  1. Hi Felcia racer, Some time now I send you the message about instrument panel poll for the BBC Watch Dog program here, but you did not make the message back to me, but this does not matter here. I am sorry for going off of thread subject for this one, but could you please tell us, what will happen now with the poll and if you are thinking that you have the support that you are needing for progress? I gave you more names here with Briskolians with the problems, and so what is now happening for this? Thank you Regards for you Soviet
  2. Hi Felcia racer, Some time now I send you the message about instrument panel poll for the BBC Watch Dog program here, but you did not make the message back to me, but this does not matter here. I am sorry for going off of thread subject for this one, but could you please tell us, what will happen now with the poll and if you are thinking that you have the support that you are needing for progress? I gave you more names here with Briskolians with the problems, and so what is now happening for this? Thank you Regards for you Soviet
  3. Hi mike, Thank you here for a good explaination, but is the Mk1 having this one? As with vag com version 704.1 I am getting the ticks for K1 and the K2" but Can bus not available message I think. Some one here from the Ross Tech must know this I think. Soviet:thumbup:
  4. Hi gillywibble, I am saying this again here as I say before, that I am liking all of Europe to be friends now, as we do not want war ever in Uk again. I would not want my son to do war later. I am also thinking that USA should stay out of ex Soviet region also, as it is making for bad situation. This party is the silly one I think, as UK does all of the trade with Europe now, and so what happens if we leave? It is good for the little Englander but is not the practical thing now. I do not think that it would be good as other countries and America would be taking the trade that Uk is loosing here. America would be trading with big fish in pond, and not UK now. Thank you, and peace for all now. Regards for you Soviet:thumbup:
  5. Hi KenONeill, With radio sonde that mention here, maybe I have seen too many of disaster movies, and I think that this is staying in my mind, as I am sure that I see this in one of them. I think that maybe all should have this one, that can come to the surface of the water and then transmit, and may be, there would be passengers saved before. I should know better I think, than to mention the GPS here as it is so obvious now that you say of this, that it is receiving only. As for the big area of ocean that is being looked at here, then I think that they do the best job, this time. What you say to here here about Brazilian ATC is seeming to make good sense. Thank you Regards for you, and good speaking again. Soviet:rolleyes:
  6. Hi DaveHarries, I also hope as you here. I do not understand what is puzzling me, that they are needing to search for a long time to find plane parts, when there are radio sonds, (not sure if I spell this correct here) and sat nav on board air craft of these days. Would this not be taking the searchers straight to site? Why is this taking so long here, with modern high tech? Soviet:rolleyes:
  7. Hi postmanpat, Maybe a Chevrolet (I think I spell this right) the one that is looking like the box on wheels, and I am calling ,'the mobile coffin box'. It is the ugliest vehicle that I ever see on Uk roads here. Soviet:thumbup:
  8. Hi iep, I have the MK1 octy here also, and with vag com version 704.1 which is quite new, but not newest I think. K1 and K2 is said to be found here but not Canbus, and so I have always been thinking that it is pre Canbus, as you are doing here. I ask this question also, as I am feeling sure here, that my 704.1 would find Canbus if it should be here. I hope that this is help for you here. Regards for you. Soviet:rolleyes:
  9. Hi Cjb, I think that some one has a job for me here. A p*ss pot at side of ear would deffo rock I think! Soviet:thumbup:
  10. Hi Tailhappy, I have seen the foxy ones and they are the beautiful ones, but these two legged ones are so ugly here. I have neede sometime to wash the sidewalk of stomach content, but not this time. Soviet (not good):thumbdwn:
  11. HI Tailhappy, Defo female humanoid here, as I saw 'ugly one' on security camera.Yes I feel to be safest to be with one in UK. So ugly, not of this planet I think. Soviet:eek::confused:
  12. Hi The Ships Cat, Use the white vinegar with ratio 8:1 and also on wiper blades here for grease going off. Soviet:)
  13. HI, You are more than welcome for here, ladyship. Regards for you and the Fabia. Sovi8et
  14. Hi smstext, Soviet has a good throwing arm with P*ss pot, and so I think that this one would be better for the job. Soviet:thumbup::rofl:
  15. I will give you the answers for the statements here:- 1) whilst in the UK here I always have had jobs because I make sure that I have skills that are useful for the employer, and so thsi is not so hard. You are saying about curates and this is meaning for me that there are too many of these ones to start with here. It is just that youngsters do not try hard enough now I think, and are always unhappy as they think that someone is owing them a living. There is training, education, self employment, all of which I do in the past, and so I do not see the problem. I think that curate should retrain for something that is needed here by the employer. I do not see problems with this. I am now the retired one, and do not claim anything from state here, and have never needed to do so. I am 55 years with a bad back, and so I now live off saving that I make while doing my work. The credit crunch and savings interest levels for me was not so good also. 2) I will agree with you here, that many forms are too complex for the claim, as with Industrial Injury support, for you mother I think. I think that this is what is called the green card here, but I do not know if money is paid by the state for this. I have nothing against this, but youngsters here are often the lazy ones, and think that things should be put on the plate for them, while at the same time they are expecting to have cars, house, all new things in house for no effort. They are the spoilt ones these days. Not only in UK you understand. 3) I think that you are making error here as I did not refer to left wind press, but what I say before is still good, as right wing press of UK would like to put clock back, and get rid of welfare state and NHS completely. I will agree with you that system here is not perfect, but I will repeat what I say here, as no one is starving for food now, and have water to drink, and most have the roof over heads if they choose this. Thank you Regards for you, and I hope that your mother is getting the help here. Soviet:rolleyes:
  16. Hi Matt Bodycombe, I have known here many person that come from the army, and then are lucky to find security jobs, that they need to work the long hours for. This is what I am meaning, as they have no skills or the training for the civilian situation here. The employer is the one that is seeing them as only being able to fire guns I think. This is bad I thnk, after they are defending the country, and so I was always agreeing with you here. I do not like this also, but it is the fact here. Soviet:rolleyes:
  17. Hi McG MkII, I too am agreeing with you here, that if some one is protecting their country then they should find jobs easily afterwards maybe. But I think I am sure, that you need to be having other skills to be of use, than firing the gun. Does your mate have the skills here, that people are needing? I hope that you will find the good job soon, but you need to look at things and take them first, and then prove that you are the good one. Thank you No offence to you. Soviet:thumbup:
  18. Hi leeland, This did really happen here, and not for one time. People now in UK do seem to care about the feelings of others. I have seen cops with cameras, sometimes, and I think what you are saying, this is a good word for me. Thank you Regards for you. Soviet :eek:
  19. Hi Tim, I am happy that you like this one. but my son has given me the help. Regards for you Soviet:thumbup:.
  20. Hi Postman Pat, Definitely having two legs these ones, but felt as thowing 'chamber pot', too at these also. I think that I am prefering cats, to this. Soviet:confused:
  21. Hi good old Soviet here, Last night I am going to sleep at 01:10 when in the street there is a high pitched sound, which is the mixture or the boiling kettle of the gas stove, and like brakes on the Skoda that are screeching, and so this one carried on for ten minutes, of the periodic oscillations. I thought here, what dreadful stray harmonic has found its way to my road, and what is the like of this, what has happened here? has it made landing from another world? What fearful creature or thing, could make such a horrific deafening sound I am thinking here. Then a horrible thought is coming to me, it is the female sex coming home from the pub and doing the shrieking performance. It is worse than the thing from another world, as it sometimes will leave the stomach contents on the sidewalk, like something from the alien movies here. The sleep for Soviet, and Mrs Soviet was not good. Soviet:rotz::(:confused:
  22. Hi good old Soviet here, I copy this from a newspaper ealier :- BROADBAND FOR UNDER £6 Get broadband for under £5.99 per month. Plusnet a subsidiary of BT, offers the UK's cheapest broadband service with its standalone package which includes a free wireless router, free set up, built in firewall, spam protection, and a monthly usage allowance of 10GB (enough to send hundreds of emails with attachments). The braodband service has speeds of up to 8MB a second which is fast enough to handle multiple users on one connection, and will download music tracks in a matter of seconds. There are also no extra tie-ins with TV or telephone so all you'll pay is the £5.99 per month as long as you are in an 'optimum broadband area' which 80% of us are. See moneymagpieexpress.com for the UK area. You will have to take out an 18 month contract. I do not have problems with this service here. Soviet
  23. Hi cheezemonkhai, ( are you ever asking the questions of the system that we are having here, and mostly in the world also) The op in this case, is working in the past I agree, but there is needing to be rules here, and he has not worked for the long enough period. I think that he is the young one, and so is fit and able in bodied, and so should not find it so hard to get the work. I would be betting here that he would find a job tomorrow, if he was not so fussy here, and also there is education to be doing if he wants this also. I do not see the problem. Youngsters here, should not be thinking that the system is owing to them a living, and there are as I am saying here woman and carers that cannot work for the reasons and do not make enough of the NI payments for retirement. These ones are not having the choice. He is needing to put enough in to payment, to be able to use the system. You must also realise here cheezemonkhai, that circumstances for OP are sometimes very different, and so it is not as easy to agree with what some media is trying to say, that people milk the system here. System is not perfect, but I don't say as you that it is broken, but no one is not having food, water, and shelter, unless they choose not to, I think. cheezemonkhai you have written here:- Those that have never put anything in to the system seem to manage to be able to get all the pay outs, but he will get none, because he has actually worked at some point in the past. Have you real proof of this , or are you following right wing media, with what you are reading here? Youngster's are not content, and I know this was so in CIS, but they helped change from previous system, and still they complain, now even more still. I will say again that the world is not owing them a living, but I think that not enough people question the way of things here. What I am meaning to say is, that the capitalist system is so very wasteful, as you have fields full of the motor car that no one wants to buy, you have showrooms with gas cookers piled high. When I last go to my ASDA store they try to charge me for plastic bags, as if me the OP is the bad guy for causing all pollution etc, but industry is far worse the problem. I think to myself here, what stupidity is this, if you are looking at the bigger picture. Why plastic bags? as the main culprit to landfill and waste here is industry and not the OP. If we worry about the planet here, then why not order goods to be made from like an Argos catalogue, which would be you wait no longer than one month for your car, fridge , microwave to be made for you. No more waste, and less industry packing. Was it not the have now pay later way of doing the thinking that caused 'so called credit crunch'? In industry there is the 'just in time' method of production, and so why not move this for the consumer also if we are to be worried about the planet, as green people and climatologist say so often here. cheezemonkhai, are you ever asking the questions of the system that we are having here, and mostly in the world also, as will things always work this way, or maybe there is a better system, that we need to be using? Sorry if I have gone from thread somehow, but I thought that it is relevant for this. Thank you Regards for you, as it is good to talk again now. Soviet;):rotz:
  24. Hi Matt Bodycombe, (also for the McG MkII) I understand the reason that you answer here, but no one is not having food to eat, or water to drink in this country now, and there is not war rationing/famine, and so I think that the younger people which maybe like your self do not understand. Younger people here do not know being hungry, thirsty, fear, suffering I think. Your family is safe, and not having fear always. I think here that many people are being told by media here that there are the ones that have never worked here and have milk the system, and then People believe this now, but if you ask them to give names and proof of this then it is probably mostly the myth. You are saying that you know these people that have never worked a day in their life, but claim for all, but could you really name these ones, or are you relying on what the media is telling you here? Many right wing newspapers would use this idea, to try to get the UK welfare state finished completely, and this idea is used in America, as people are always believing what they read here, with out questions. Just as when NHS was set up, this was bitterly opposed in UK, and mostly by doctors, who saw it as the threat to their good lifestyle, maybe. There are still many now that would use dis information and the media here, to turn back the clock even now I think. There are many people also that cannot do the work, as they care for sick relatives at home, and then they find that any NI contributions are not giving them enough for the state pension at the end of a period. many woman in this country are working only part time and on less of the salary than the male, and have child, and also at the end find that their NI contributions are not good enough for state pension. If they are the poor ones and cannot buy added time then they suffer in old age also I think. Like you say the OP is only temporarily out of work, and something will happen for him soon, and for what he says here, he is the young and fit one that can do any job. Has any one ever questioned the system put in place by capitalism that says that you are born on the planet here, and need to work for every thing during your life, and then wake up on one day and look in the mirror, and you are the old one? who created the system, and is there the better way? Does anyone ever ask the questions here, as I am doing this many times. There are many I am reminding you, both in Uk and CIS that are born as the rich ones and never need to do the work, and maybe are going to the races every day. Royal Ascot in UK will be soon I think. What also here for the greedy bankers and politicians that are playing system also. Things are more seeming to be complicated than what you make out I think, and OP's situations are the complex ones, and so you can not put them all in the pigeon holes. Do you maybe suggest that we get rid of welfare state, and then where do we stop here, and maybe get rid of NHS? I have read that the UK had once the 'poor house', for people that were no longer of the use here. The system is not perfect here, but I know of far worse things, some that I would not be telling you, and so you need to just think that you are the lucky one to live here. No disrespect to you, but you and your friends here need to be looking at the deeper, bigger picture I think. Thank you, but no offense for you. Soviet:rolleyes:
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