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Everything posted by Marwood

  1. jason...thank God you are here. The voice of reason at last. I am going to swayed by your highly persuasive critique of the the car and to ring the dealer and cancel my order. I will only lose £500 deposit and in the end, it will actually be saving me money. I don't want that! You're right! Phew. That was a lucky escape! Cheers, M
  2. Really now that is interesting. I wanted mats to be included. And they were, vRS ones I was told........Well the sales person "thought" they would be vRS ones. As I say they were included, but on my invoice they are listed as a freebe to me and a £35 'cost' to them! Let's hope they are special mats and not some: (Salesperson saying)..... "Oh go on then, I suppose I can.:( (Salesperson thinking at this point) Oh Yes, I'll throw in the mats as well....they are there anyway and........I will also make it look like he's getting a slightly better deal than he thinks he is.:)" type of deal. M
  3. That has to be one rare vRS. Funny thing white on cars though. Make it a standard colour and nobody touches it, make it really hard to get hold of and we want it. As Thomas Hardy suggested in 'Return of the Native' the unobtainable is always the most desirable. Personally I think it looks cool and white is on the way back as a trendy car colour....so I'm told. Thanks for the pics, it looks great! M
  4. Dodgy, I'm on the Wirral but sadly no use to you at all regarding fitting anything.Perhaps a tax disc holder, but no more! That sounds like you have a good deal. Nice one! Will keep an eye out for you....should be getting my vRS around the same time.....but not holding my breath! M
  5. These blasted options keep surfacing again!!! Think of it like a good HiFi and miss the 'bells and whistles'. To my mind you got to go with the best basic car and that to me is the petrol. If you go for the petrol and miss the 'essential' options you will be in a similar position to me. I have checked my cash situation, stood back from the whole thing and thought.....Let's get this into perspective by getting a fairly standard petrol vRS I am getting a brand new, absolute KLILLER of a car. 197bhp and better equiped than my mark 4Golf Gti. It doesn't matter about the options....I'm a winner! I say go for the petrol vRS without the bits and bobs over the (still lovely) but not as intrinsically desirable (IMO) diesel. There you have it, Marwood makes a decision without too much pontification! M
  6. Hey, Sworrall had a good question and I think I'd like to know that too! Is replacing the filter a warrenty no-no? Also are there any potential short or long term problems with doing this. For example I toyed with the idea of replacing the air filter on my Polo G40, there was a small BHP gain in doing so. However, the G40, like the G60, relied upon a supercharger to delivery its impressive take off speed (no breaks though!!). However, after doing alot of digging I was advised to avoid even this simple mod as it could play havoc with the supercharger. The units themselves were hardly robust and costly to replace and even recondition. If you have ever had one of these blow (and if you manage to own a G40 for long enough without crashing it IT WILL)....as I did it makes a really big mess of the engine too! As you know by now, I tend to think matters through.....alot and so are there any problems in doing this? Cheers, M
  7. Thanks for the reply Mo, James was 3 months yesterday. Yep you are right colic lasts about 3 months and can go on to 4 months. We have tried everything with him and I mean everything. The American school of thought (Sears et al) is that colic = gastric reflux and that it much better to go through hell with your baby by holding them all night than to let them cry it out, which is regarded as a possible cause of psychological problems later on. However, some UK experts have argued that colic is a bit 'mythical' and is a manifestation of a sleep disorder, which if not curbed will lead to....psychological problems later on!! We have gone down the American route, but once we feel his 'wind issues' (oh boy has he had wind!) are cured then a version of 'crying down' as described by Gina Ford will be needed to enable James to get to sleep on his own and get back to sleep if he wakes up, without his mother or I having to spend virtually 24 hours holding him! Indeed, James does not cry....he screams and the last 3 months have been hell. However, oddly this evening, and although he has a heavy (non chesty) cold we have just been saying that he has slept much better today and been less windy and screamed much less.....so maybe.......but I don't want to tempt fate. Regarding the connection with Helen, this idea of a collective 'oneness' is interesting. I have one of those faces. I have had lots of people come up to me and ask how are you doing...claiming to know me. The first time it happened was when I was 18 in London, on Oxford St. A girl with her boyfriend ran up to me and shook my hand, asking how I had been. Only 11 weeks ago outside Toys R Us in Liverpool did a bloke ask me if I was.......(Can't remember who). The number of people who have said I have a double out there is very high. This included a very confused famous children's writer Melvin Burgess who came to our school to work with the kids and swore he had met me. He wouldn't accept he didn't know me for quite a while! Thanks, Mo M
  8. Well, I wouldn't say it was merde. Sort of reminds me of an Audi and the silver trims round the fogs are different. Certainly an aggressive race stylee but to be honest certainly something I wouldn't go for. A clear case of: "Love looks not with the eye but with the mind, Thus is winged cupid painted blind." M
  9. Yeah, I am a bit like Hamlet, "thinking too precisely on the event" and all that. But cars matter and are far more than just 'getting from A to B' as you will know. Now if I'd had apenny for every time my dad has given me these supreme words of wisdom, I wouldn't be thinking at all, I'd be buying my own factory! I've ordered a black vRS, but as you can imagine that wasn't an easy decision for a man like me to make! lol. I nearly went for race blue but my wife was able to advise me that this was just the throws of the mid-life crisis I have had since my late teens. Her council made the decision easy....no.......joking apart......race blue looks stunning.......but I love black and it has the 'quietness' a man on 6 points needs! There is a black Octy vRS lives somewhere near me (Bebington). It looks stunning, wonder if the owner is on here? The vRS is a big step up from my Golf in many ways. The Octy feels and drives like a proper car and not like the Polos I have had in the past, albeit one being the excentric but fun G40. M
  10. Just for the record, I am a 'crucifix carrying' secondary teacher and it would take some kind of unspeakable disaster to close our school for the day.It simply never happens. No honestly, we never close. Buses or no buses! It just isn't fair! M
  11. Many thanks for that reply dan123. To be honest have paid just a bit over 16,000 for my new car when you knock off the options, from a dealer. I'm still happy enough with the deal I got but you show what can be done. Indeed there is much sense in keeping costs down to a minimum and options do tend to generate that 'kid in a sweet shop' mentality. The likes of Audi and BMW seem to have this carrot dangling down to a fine art! Conversely, I also accept how nice and fluffy havin neat options can make me feel and this is my first new car ever. I never dreamed I would get a 200bhp car and be able to afford to make a choice of any options. I have had lots of time over the years with used car dealers. I have come out even in some battles, lost one or two and even managed to convince myself I have won one or two too! I know that extras bought at time of purchase are a cost carried buy the new owner and only really help to make the car more attractive to a second hand buyer as opposed to demonstrably add to a car's intrinsic value. My Golf has Utterly lovely black leather heated recaros, black metalic paint and a sunroof. The original buyer speced this and paid for it. I strongly suspect hat these options had little sway with the Skoda dealer on part ex.....I know for example, that when I bought the car I argued over the price because it didn't have air con......of course it made no difference and seems to have made little difference now, given the price I got from Skoda compared to the guide for it's age and miles. The crux appears that some how an options list and it's inherent facility for comparing your car to others plays a clever little pshchological trick on the new buyer. Some how I have been over the course of two weeks slowly come to the conclusion that I will be missing out if I don't get the jumbo etc. Perhaps it is because everyone else talks about it and I picture my car without it and somehow it feels inadequite (Freud would have a field day here! LOL).......but then this doesn't work for cruise, control in my mind. At the end of the day I suppose you want to get the most from your lovely new toy and if spending the £450 makes me feel I'm not 'spoiling the ship for a hapeth (SP!) of tar' it is worth it. Problem is dan123, that's alot of cash to me right now and there is also another little voice in the back of my head......that sounds a bit like my old dad, telling me you have a very good point there mate! Your advice is greatly appreciated. As have been all the replies to this thread I hyjacked! Sorry! I told you I was long winded in my first post which ended up in the other Octavia forum bit! Lovely people there too! Cheers, M
  12. Many thanks for the replies! Well, it boils down to finding the reddies, when I'm already skint (and Alex my wife knows this and will remember it is her birthday this month). However, if there is a long delivery date.....I might have time to find the cash. The only other obstacle is ringing the dealer and asking to change my order. I know it has to come from the factory and that the sales person said they would put the order in on TUESDAY 30TH FEB so, for once, I hope the system hasn't moved to quickly if I give them a call first thing on Monday! Thanks again, M
  13. tfboy, You have reminded me of something that I wish I could explain. About 10 years ago as a single man, I rented a small groundfloor flat. The landlord was a great bloke called Paul, same as me. When I first met him, I was introduced to his girlfrien, Helen, also lovely. At once I felt we had met before. To my amasement, without any prompting from me, she asked Where do I know you from. Nither of us knew but we both stated we must have met because our brains were somehow shouting something fron our long term memories. The next time I called round, we both had to wait for Paul to arrive home. We took the opportunity to run through our lives. The places and the people in great detail......everything that sprung to mind.......childhood hols.....little details.....just brainstorming in the end. Nothing.....there was no way we could have met before, yet to this day, I swear....Ihave met her? Iam a sceptic but can't explain the connection. Haven't seen her for years. Did fancy her a bit if I'm honest, but no idea if this was reciprocated. Incidently the errors in my posts are being caused by one handed typing, in my left arm I have my new son James....he has colic and wont sleep! May have to start a thread on this soon! M
  14. Oh VRStu, Please don't tell me that the jumbo/dual c option is a must. Ihave ordered mine without and it's still bugging me! :( Just to clarify my reasons: 1) Financial......hope it wony bugger my resale too much. I went for 18s and maxi dot instead of the jumbo/dual c 2) My young son will, if I run the car for a while, really annoy me if he starts to mess with the electric windows. Winders will slow him down. 3) I hve never even had Air con in a car, let alone dual climate, so figured, it wasn't a must have. 4) I think the jumbo box might impead my gear changes. BUT I must admit I am basing this on trying out a BMW. The vRS I test drove and sat in in the showroom had no box so only really a suspicion. IS THIS A BIG MESS UP? Spent the last week WORRYING about this. Ordered two weeks ago so don't know if I could request it now anyway plus would have to find another £450! SORRY TO HYJACK ANOTHER BRISKODIAN'S THREAD! HEEEEEELLLP! M
  15. storm monkey has it spot on in his second paragraph! Human nature is such that we look to interprit the coinsidental or the natural with some wider 'special' meaning. things need to happen for a reason and without this we move closer to the assumption that our existance is meaningless. For an individual to assert this would undermine biological and psychological drive forces. To not try to give a wider significance to our thoughts and deeds would also tend undermine our need for order in a chaoic system. The Greeks bought into fate and this is a recurrant theme in literature. Of course this, many would argue, is God's will, however perhaps God and his mathematical genius is just another way that we seek to give meaning to what we don't quite understand. It wolud be lovely to have conclusive evidence that people can connect, however there is little such evidence other than the annecdotal. Telepathic communication, as seen with ziener card experiments is utter tosh. However, having sais all the above I saw a very compelling tv programme on the'connection' between pets and their owners, however storm monky's analysis seems apt here too. M
  16. I am going to use her passing as my reason for not going to work tomorrow. I got away with this on a previous occasion when Gary Gliter was arrested for the second time. Claim you are in trauma or that the news has 'tipped you over the edge'. Always a winner, everyone at work will understand.
  17. Thought I'd add my views on the vRS option list. My vRS (to be delivered) will only have the 18s, Black paint and the Maxi Dot. I really wanted to keep costs down to a minimum and coming from a Golf that has no aircon, just a sunroof (that leaks a bit) I didn't find it to hard to miss out items that may be essential to some. I put the alloys on because, I suppose, psychologically they help fill up the wheel arches. However I agree in practice (and also in the view of my wife) they have little measurable affect. I have never had parking sensors so I wasn't bothered and cruise, well I do some motorway mles, but I have always questioned (probably in error) the contol taken away from the driver with cruise. Brighter and more efficient headlights would be nice but seem a bit pricey. If light assist is what I think it is I can manage to do that for myself! However, there are two things I wish I had gone for and regret not doing so. The curtain air bags, because a have a new son and well, you want to do your best in terms of safety and the heated seats.....only cos I love them on my golf. £250...I could have pushed the budget I suppose (or rather borrwed more from my Dad.........buy at what point would I have started taking the p*ss) Perhaps the biggest niggle and it is really bugging me now is not opting for the Jumbo/Dual Climate/Rear Electric Windows pack. Bloody winders on rear windows in this day and age....doesn't seem right somehow. BUT the Jumbo box (although it contains an aux socket for an MP3 player and gives a more 'finished' look IMO) was actually a bit of a pain for me. I tend to drive sitting as low as I can and have my seat really quite far back (I am only 6 foot, not massive I know). This I am sure would cause problems for me when I change gear. When I drove a mate's BMW before ordering the vRS this was a really annoying thing as it just kept getting in the way! I guess I could be one of those people who is never quite satisfied and like to worry about what they should have got instead of celebrating what they have got! On the other hand with or without those teasing optional extras the vRS seems a fantastic car and even better value if you just order one in standard form.....well perhaps if you just put on the rain sensor and the........LOL M
  18. Congratulations mate. You have bought a great car and that IS A KILLER DEAL. much better spec than I got and better than many current internet deals. Makes ownership all the sweeter! I can't wait to get mine and I've only spec'd paint alloys amd the maxi dot! M
  19. I ordered an Octavia vRS from Mitchells last week. I had read most of the above posts before I went down and I was actually quite keen to meet Fred, he did sound interesting at least. Sadly, he is not very well at the moment, but I hope he feels better soon. As this was the first time I had bought a car new and given my history of 'bartering' with second hand auto dealers (I normally get a reasonable deal but find the whole experience a bit of a battle, taking any joy away from the purchase, often leaving with the feeling I missed something) I was a bit nervous. I really wanted to have a positive experience with this car especially as I am a new Dad! I did alot of research regarding prices and options before going down and had a figure in my head for what I wanted to pay and what I wanted for my part ex. I must say that my wife and young son were treated brilliantly by all the staff who were couteous and extreamly helpful. I was given plenty of time to think about things and was made to feel at ease. In the end I was given a deal that I was very happy with. It was competitive and in some ways a little better than expected, given the prices I had been quoted form various internet dealers. The whole experience was great and made buying the car (which let's face it is a very big decision) a pleasure. This was wholly due to the attitude and professionalism of Zdenka, who has an excellent understanding of customer needs. I can't speak highly enough of her, and on reflection, it is a pity that all car sales people do not share her product knowledge or people skills. Zdenka was great during negotiations, the test drive and then sorting out the details later on. Now don't get me wrong, I am the first person to make a fuss and complain and am well capable of 'playing hardball' or walking away from a deal, however I have to be fair and say that I have been delighted with Mitchells......so far. Marwood
  20. Regarding a good choice of 'quality' oil. What specific brand or type is best. when I was driving my Polo G40 and other VDubs it seemed 'Quanta Syntha' (SP?!) was often recommended. Haven't got a clue what my present 1.8t Golf is using (although I should know!). Please excuse my ignorance, but I recon I'd like to do it properly with my new Mk2 vRS when it arrives. Cheers, M
  21. Thanks VRStu, Yeah, I will do that. Will give the dealer a ring next week to check on expected delivery date and mention that as well. I have already suggested that I am willing to accept a vRS with 'extra extras' at no cost to myself should it help them (!) source one a little quicker.....I would hate to jam up the system through a lack of flexability LOL! Indeed I was starting to wish I had speced the dual climate pack and heated seats today...however I really wanted to keep costs down. My wife thinks I shouldn't have bothered with 18s as she felt the made little difference to the stance of the car. Mater, I bet you really can't wait. I am tempted to go and ask for another test drive at another dealer just to remind myself of how good it feels! I hope they don't keep me waiting past the 5th of March cos that's when the MOT runs out on my present part ex. I suppose I could argue that delays at the dealers end should not cause me to incur 'unexpected and highly unpalitable' costs. perhaps I should bandy round the term 'goodwill gesture' in my conversation. However, I don't think they will go for this given the part ex Golf is still in my ownership and has been assessed in value as having a current MOT. Given the fact the offered me a car with a shorter delivery time, albeit without maxi dot, may also balls up my attempt to argue a case. On balance.....I'm not that concerned because of what I will eventually gain......unless of course the Golf fails the MOT big stylee. M
  22. Thanks Makefish, Will probably stick to the Zenith 18s for now. Got to get my car first and get used to it I suppose. Then I can have a proper think about wheels. Bet my Insurance company will love me!
  23. Congratulations Mater! I can't wait either! Ordered a Magic Black vRS last week. Will be here in March, but I have no date yet. Apparently it has to be built to accomodate the Maxi-Dot I spec'd. What's more this will be my first Skoda and my first new car. Driving a 1.8T Mark 4 Glf Gti at the mo, had a Polo G40 before that. Great, isn't it! M
  24. Opens the 17s vrs 18s can of worms. Looking at the difference between the two at the dealers on Saturday the wife and I coukd tell little difference between the two. In terms of asthetics, paying the £450 for 18s was more down to psychological factors that actually filling out the arches properly. I think these B14s look well cool. Thanks for the pics, was wondering what they looked like. Still even 19s would only go some of the way to sorting the gap....or so I imagine. Do the dealers sell 19s and if so how much would they cost to stick on my new vRS, which has just gone on order?
  25. Spoke to Mitchels today. Looks like I'm going to have to wait for my new Octy. There is a black one knocking about but it lacks the Maxi-Dot so It will have to be ordered from the factory. Still at least it means that it will be on an 07 plate instead of a 56. Had a bit of a panic on last night cos I was wondering which part of the seats are leather. I had irrationally supposed (due to my 10 week old son screaming all the bloody time!....perhaps he wanted me to buy a Roomster?) that the black bits on the sides of the seats (boulsters..SP?) were made of some form of plastic material. This type of error is quite common at 3 in the morning...apparently! Coming from full leather recaros in the golf I was thinking the worst. Incidently, on the subject of leather perhaps Skoda will release a limited edition of the Octavia with full leather (like the Fabria soon) which will allow retro fitting on 'older' cars. Thanks for the welcome pdhealy!
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