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Everything posted by TorqueXIsXCheap

  1. I think people are looking abit to deep into that email Doesnt sound like an idiot to me, good resonable responses to direct questions. Looking forward to see who will be the guinea pig! My microwave popcorn is already waiting
  2. At the rate the cars a worth Im very tempted to just keep it! And even when I choose another car ill keep the fabia, for me I would like to consider a MK5 Golf R32 :yes:
  3. looks like a nasty bump. Must say the furby looks to have done a good job of taking care of you though buddy
  4. Very true One of the joys of front wheel drive cars. Possibly the worse front wheel drive car I have ever been in was a friends Astra VXR. I know it got slated by Jeremy Clarkson (Again ) But it truly is an unruley beast. Not just in the understeer and torque steer department. The turning cycle is unbelivable, the steering is numb and the suspension is rock solid but bouncy at the same time. And I can promise on my life that even in top gear how its driven by the ham fisted god that is jezza is exactly like that in real life. He told me to get out on the middle of the m1 when I explained the better money would be on a focus st or a golf gti Still once it does actually stop wanting to take off and the grip is there, the power delivery is savage no other word for it.
  5. I think there is very little people can say about these purely because not many people have baught them. I was going to purchase one but with postage and vat it comes to nearly £90+!!!! Which is a staggering cost. I was going to buy one so I could knock up a similar one, which might still be an option in the future. If you google search jabba cone in box fabia vrs am sure it will bring up some old threads mate.
  6. LSD Are ideal for aiding in putting engine power down. However there true purpose is for cornering. Alot of cars regardless of power levels can really get a bennifit from a LSD. If you hammer it on a track all the time, or go down santa pod all week its certainly worth popping on your shopping list. For the ocasional B road blast for someone like me its not really essential. They can also effect day to day driving sometimes implementing the odd bit of tug! My dads friend Focus RS can sometimes wander even when just driving normally, he explains that is just adds character (One way of looking at it) In regards to the price of the LSD it does seem like great value espically it comes with a LIFETIME WARRANTY...not sure what is covered and what isnt but still thats a bold claim. The only thing in my life with a lifetime warranty is my beloved zippo!! What caught my eye was the price of there intercoolers There is a saying though you get what your pay for. But that doesnt mean that there arnt some quality bargains kicking about. Maybe this LSD could be one of them...
  7. Glad your getting on well with the furby mate, wonder how long it will be before she takes pride of place. Although with your blue oval badges running through your blood that might not be the case
  8. Your also lucky that you have gone for cannon as well buddy there is so many 3rd market lens companys that make some great lenses! As most people will tell you investing the time in diffrent glass can certainly improve your skills no end. As well as getting you more creative! Take your time and take as many pictures as you can. You will also find that some of the best shots are when you least expect them....usually when you dont have you blooming camera to hand
  9. Great starter camera mate! Im quiet big in to photography to, and your not far from me being near the beutiful place of matlock. The best way I think you can learn is good old trial and error. Am certainly not a master but I do love taking photos. Worth investing in a good stable tripod to, and because I love them to a good filter to can really jazz up pictures. There is also some great books and youtube vids as well! :yes: My weapon of choice Pentax K-X :p "My baby!"
  10. I love the mk1 fezza Have to say am a sucker for old fords. Love the old mk1 escorts etc...
  11. I agree 100% I was behind A new golf gti very lovely car, and the tailights were flickering which was distracting. But mercedes led lights seem to flicker all the time for me more than any other car
  12. Or maybe I dont have to prove anything to someone like you! As I said before the op has heard both sides of the story and am sure that they will make an educated choice on there future purchase. Sadly for yourself you paint yourself in a pretty bad light. Most posts which have been on discussion on product or services you have made yourself look rather remarkable. I dont need to "slag" you off, im sure you have your own insecurities, hense your previous bitter posts! As well as this am sure the thread will be locked. What was a rather intresting and productive conversation on the good and the bad of aftermarket filters has been tarnished by your ill remarks. Must be hard to type in a cave as a troll. And yer I do enjoy the F1.... I wonder what filtration they use
  13. I dont fancy typing an essay on this, espically as the f1 is on shortly. Am sure the op understands both arguments to the story.
  14. Next time I speak to a race mechanic with there race prepared cars ill explain that they will have to remove that part of the induction cycle. And as mentioned the "unnecessary level of risk" is UNFOUNDED!! Reduced filtration efficiency?? Does this translate into how fine the filters can extract unwanted foreign objects? Or how much extra air can be extracted from the same flow? As last time I checked they improve both these things which is actually PROVEN!! Its clear that I will disagree with you on this matter, but in a polite factual way. What I dont agree with is comments aimed at other members as mentioned above! Also for your knowledge along time ago I worked for a very large electronics store not comet. And you will find recommendations from staff are usual made on facts about the products! Usually catered to what the customer would require from there tv. And is in no way any bennift that one recommendation is made over the other. I also think if you would see the actual margin on tvs now days, you would from my shoes see once again how that comment showed no constructive value what so ever.
  15. Would have to add my 2p in with this! There is NOTHING wrong with adding a non oem filter to your car, so pipercross, green, k&n or any other brand of aftermarket filter. As long as there cleaned when the need to be and the "oil" based ones are oiled lightly and I mean lightly there is no reason what so ever why it would cause half the problems people make out that they do. I know an uncountable amount of people who have aftermarket filters in there cars and not ONE!!! Has ever had a problem with there car once fitted or serviced! I myself have had aftermarket filters on all my cars I have ever owned and again I have not had a single problem! If you also consider the high amount of motorsports that use aftermarket filters in there HIGH POWERED RACE CARS!! Again with no problems. These mechanics are in some cases the worlds elite and engineering. people who strive for, power, reliabillity, longetivity etc... What seems to be the case is people who have started reading threads here and there on UNPROVEN results! And base this on fact and truth! This then gives you a case of "Armchair Experts". Matt if you want good advise we are blessed in this country for having alot of excellent tuning companys who will give you some great advise. This forum also has some members whos knowledge is exceptional. But sometimes with topics like thi,s take them with a pinch of salt mate. I find it insulting that some one has the nerve to comment on another member who is trying to give you advise and remarks on hoe he is "free to damage his own car" And to also make the comment about comet selling a plasma tv is ANY relevance is again remarkable. Unbelivable....
  16. Nice pictures there mate, Love the face of pure 100% concentration :yes: The car looks tidy as well!!
  17. Ive read threads like this before and they really do make me laugh. "FOGS DAZZLE OTHER DRIVERS!" I certainly im not one of these people who puts there fogs on in a bright summers day to highlight how cooool I am. But with the other drivers that do! I couldnt care less!! It does not dazzle me in the slightest and if they want to put them on the middle of the day when the suns beaming down then fine. If anything they look more stupid that they have them on for that reason! Even when its very dark and the skys are clear and people have there fogs on, does it dazzle me?? NO! Not in the slightest! What does dazzle me, is people who do not have there headlights aligned, STUPID DRL'S!! People who leave there full beams on, Xenon kits and people who stick bluey greeny white H.I.D's. But does a standard halogen bulb below the bumper dazzle me ummmmmmmmmmm no..... The rear fog though thats a diffrent story am sure the bulbs harness the power of the sun!!
  18. Not quiet......... http://briskoda.net/forums/topic/13019-fabia-how-to-fit-a-seat-strut-brace-on-the-fabia/ Google is a magical tool
  19. Yes take it to a body shop As you can imagine the engine bay isnt a pleasant place for paint. Hense the lack of paint in the engine bay. Some alloy refurb companys will powder coat the brace for durabillity. Regardless ether place you will go the finish will be excellent. Unless your very handy with the old rattle cans. Your first step would be to strip the orginal paint off, make sure there is no blemishes so bumps etc.. put down a base coat of suitable primer, again sand down for smoothness, repeat until you have a good "canvas" and then begin spraying with paint. Up to you if your looking for normal paint or high temp from what ive seen normal body panel paint over time will flake, crack, bubble and any other rice krispie termanology I can think of. Once this is done you might want to pop a few coats of lacquer on for some extra shiny shiny!! Then give it a wax and fit..... I think thats about right..
  20. the pd160 is an intake mate from seat. so.... with that said seat would be the best place, however its "supply and demand" so what has turned into a bargain performance part has turned into a £90 luxury spend. And green cotton filters can be had from demontweeks to ebay.
  21. God that looks lush!!! Makes me want to keep my standards on and just get them refurbed!!
  22. Not to sound really stupid but ive heard mixed reports on the allard system. Not dude to quality ive heard its very good. But what fitting the kit does to the cycle of the engine. Espically the emission side. I wouldnt mind one though if it makes a non risk modification that aides performance plus its SHINY!! lol, but then if thats the case why do they bother fitting an egr in the first place. Sorry to do a small hijack am just very curious
  23. Really nice fabia, really like the engine bay idea, really new and orginal. Nice one mate
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