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Everything posted by match14

  1. This picture is from an A4 but there maybe is symbol similar to this in the cubbyhole. https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.cdn.autocar.co.uk%2Fsites%2Fautocar.co.uk%2Ffiles%2Fstyles%2Fgallery_slide%2Fpublic%2Faudi-a4-rt-2015-0037.jpg%3Fitok%3DsBwhwVAX&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.autocar.co.uk%2Fcar-review%2Faudi%2Fa4%2Finterior&docid=xNsmA0ZGyMxtUM&tbnid=-nF917B7zl74gM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwis-pe1u6TWAhXLJ8AKHdHuDioQMwg9KAUwBQ..i&w=900&h=596&hl=en-gb&safe=active&client=safari&bih=325&biw=667&q=skoda phone box wireless charging&ved=0ahUKEwis-pe1u6TWAhXLJ8AKHdHuDioQMwg9KAUwBQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
  2. My near side Xenon head light does not seem to have as focused a beam as the drivers side. The slight kick up to the kerb side does not seem as well defined. Any one else had similar?
  3. Do the drive belts not refer to the drive belt for the alternator not the timing belt?
  4. Interestingly I had a genuine apple cable stop working in the car but worked okay with my PC.
  5. Look for cables that are MFi certified. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MFi_Program
  6. Update: Aircon compressor replaced everything fine, no rattles.
  7. It's not closing properly so just going back and forth quite loudly
  8. Having to get the air recirculation flap replaced
  9. Any one had there entire dashboard taken out by a dealer, mine is going in on Monday for warranty work and I have been advised that the whole dash has to come out. Worried it won't go back properly and will rattle like hell.
  10. How do you adjust the boot stops on an estate? Can't see any screws.
  11. I had a 2001 Saxo VTS that had a digital oil level display. Not terribly accurate though.
  12. Log your map changes here https://mapcreator.here.com/mapcreator/52.4667,-1.9167,10,0,0
  13. There seems to be two versions in the uk configurator led rear lights and led rear lights (high). Not sure of the difference.
  14. lol :-) however I probably should have stated at the beginning that this noise in question was intermittent and has now ceased probably due to a change in the weather.
  15. Radio has to be turned up a fair bit to drown it out
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