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Everything posted by nickl0

  1. From reading that I'd say you work for them.... Eh, Al?
  2. I got the bits from APS via mail order and had them fitted in my local dealership for buttons. They know a good few of us locally and are happy to fit uprated bits for us.
  3. Hi all, just a quick question... I had a Sachs 4 Paddle clutch fitted to my car recently and am really glad I did, the standard one was slipping like a biatch. Took a little getting used to on initial take-off but I seem to be pretty much there now, and can pull off (fairly) smoothly. Anyway, with my standard clutch when it wasn't slipping (after doing an italian deglaze wotsit), flooring at low-ish revs would produce dmf vibration, but on my new clutch I can floor it from as low down as I like and there's no slip (hooray!) OR DMF vibration. Why is this? I assumed I'd have to put up with loads of DMF badness after the new clutch being fitted, but it's not the case. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy as hell it doesn't vibrate, I'm just curious as to why this might be...
  4. I just used the cheapest of the cheap 6 sided torx to get my glovebox out in order to fit wiring for an amp. In that respect I'd say a 5 sided torx is useless in that area.
  5. I ordered my stuff from APS. Speak to Paul there, he's extremely helpful and gave me a few different options based on cost and performance - APS - VW Audi vehicle servicing and performance tuning
  6. Mine does this too. It seems to rattle from somewhere near the pocket at the bottom. If I push or pull the door pocket it stops. It's such an annoying rattle it drives me up the wall, and increasing the volume to drown it out no longer works, the rattle just gets louder! I started off by prising the door panel off at the bottom and stuffing a sock in there, this seemed to work for a while then it came back, I tried to reposition the sock but it seemed the anti-vibration tesco size 10 sock had reached the end of it's life-cycle... I then removed the whole door panel and shook it and hit it but nothing seems loose, so I tried running a bead of silicone where the plastic meets the rest of the doorcard... no joy. My next fix (bodge) will be to place a couple of blocks of plastic or timber onto the frame of the door to press against the doorcard so it bends it out ever so slightly, thus taking up any 'looseness' and hopefully getting rid of the rattle. If that doesn't work I'll turn the bass down to zero and get myself a small boot mounted active sub, although this isn't my first choice as I'm not a huge fan of subs.
  7. Hi all, just in case anybody's interested, I have a set of standard vRS springs I'm about to throw away... Obviously as above they're no good for a lower model in the range but I'm sure somebody can make use of them. Free to a good home. (I hope this doesn't get deleted - I'm not selling them, I'm giving them away!) I'm in South Wales.
  8. Just received my Sachs paddle clutch today, should be a bit more hardcore than an organic one, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. Being fitted Friday so I'll report back after a run down to TSR on Saturday.
  9. Just do as an earlier poster suggested and get your self a junior hacksaw blade. Snap it in 2, put the snapped ends into each slot and then wiggle the stereo out, it's easy and can be removed in less than a minute.
  10. Nah, I grew up in Caerleon and then moved to Maindee after I went travelling down under (had to sell my old house to make some money!). I chose Maindee because it's so posh lol.
  11. Too right, I had to put up with the big Clev all the way thru school so I deserve it. We are all best mates now tho so I'll let him off Capitol Skoda do great things
  12. All my work in Capitol Skoda in Newport is nice and cheap as I'm a friend of the family... I'd still like it cheaper tho... lol My sachs clutch is being fitted next week for buttons, at last something in this life goes my way!
  13. Mine's revo'd and it's transformed the car. One thing, I'd factor into the overall cost the price of an uprated clutch fairly soon, the standard one's just not up to the job. My 54 reg vrs is only on 14,000 miles and the clutch slips like a biatch. Sachs paddle clutch being bought later today
  14. lol, my yellow banana's been spotted
  15. Mine was on display on our club stand outside, flying the Skoda flag solo it seemed! I can appreciate the work that's gone into that gold/bronze/orange/whatever fabia, but I really dislike the styling... it's miles too OTT.
  16. Yep, my mate's the service manager in Newport and he reckons on 1k being ok. Do check with your local dealer though.
  17. Nuts to the warranty. Do it!
  18. Fit 21" wheels for more top end, fit 13" wheels for faster acceleration. lol, I'm of no use
  19. 140mph (indicated on the speedo) on the Nurburgring.
  20. Ah, I wondered what you were getting at here, I thought you might've been a bit confused on the switch thing. Yeah, the switch literally just turns the remap 'on' and 'off'. For the extra outlay I simply wouldn't bother with the switch, spend it on something more fun!
  21. Oh, sorry, I thought you just wanted a switch so you could revert back to the factory settings. I have to admit, I've not looked at any remap technologies since getting mine done so didn't know Revo now offered a postal service like the one-click. Oops! I had to go to a Revo dealer to get mine done. I honestly think once you switch it on you won't switch it off again, for your wife or otherwise. The car is still perfectly driveable with everything on, she just won't need to push the GO pedal down so far! lol
  22. I have a revo remap and I wouldn't bother with the SPS switchbox. The MPG can be better than standard if you drive it conservatively, but I can't resist and therefore my average MPG sits around the 43 MPG mark. Not bad considering my car rarely sees the motorway. The power gain is impressive and still makes me smile over a year after having it done. My clutch is slipping occasionally however, but that's my fault for flooring it at low revs in higher gears. I just use the 'italian deglaze' method and that makes my clutch as good as new after (well, it feels and bites ok again! ) I'd recommend the revo remap, I'm very happy with it.
  23. Yeah babs, Rising Sun, this Sunday from about 7-7:30ish.
  24. Top one babs. Get to the Newport Edition meet on Sunday night if you can.
  25. No, it's not really feasible for me to do a brim to brim check, the mileage I do is minute so it'd take ages to do it. A tank of fuel often lasts me 6-8 weeks (sometimes longer) as I use my work van all week... This would probably explain why why 54 reg has only done 13000 miles... lol One thing I have noticed is a small diesel slick coming from under the engine bay in the recent rain... maybe there's a pipe split/loose in the engine bay and it is actually losing diesel...? I don't have the first idea where to look tho!
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