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Battlefield 4 !


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Always late to get on the bus, the release of 4 will make used copies of 3

dirt cheap so I can buy it then. Does it have a 1 player campaign like COD?

I don't do online gaming really.

You should try it mate, honestly, after you play multiplayer there's no coming back to single player - I just can't too boring :). Problem with second hand is that now it is all digital download and not sure how "transferable" activation codes are?

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Been playing BF since BF1942. always the same, release a load of mods / addons just before the next version then release a buggy rushed game that everyone moans about then patch it and never really fix the real issues and hope that everyone will buy the next version....

Don't get me wrong I think its one of the best games ever (if a little dumbed down these days)!!!!

I don't understand why they couldn't wait for PS4?

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' timestamp='1364938493' post='3206696']

Been playing BF since BF1942. always the same, release a load of mods / addons just before the next version then release a buggy rushed game that everyone moans about then patch it and never really fix the real issues and hope that everyone will buy the next version....

Don't get me wrong I think its one of the best games ever (if a little dumbed down these days)!!!!

I don't understand why they couldn't wait for PS4?

I think that is the part of the strategy. They want to release it on PC way before PS4/XBOX720 release so all the "bugs" are ironed out as much as possible. Nothing better than to have a few million strong final release tester bed to test drive your product before the BIG RELEASE on new gen consoles.

I know what you mean re issues and fixes. I was part of the team sorting them out :). They still have problems with hit boxes. Just earlier today I emptied half of the clip MP7 straight into other players head at very close range, could see at least two/three head shots registering and the chap still whacked me after like fourth body hit... Then vehicles STILL hitting invisible obstacles, overpowering attack heli pilot/gunner combos.

But hose are minor things easily overcome and compensated for, I frankly do not notice them anymore...

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Loved BFBC2 but BF3 on xbox just wasnt very good. In theory it was better than COD but in practice it just wasnt. No where near as fluid. Gerneral gun handling and hit detection where just not tight enough. If it handled like COD on BF maps etc then it pretty much would be perfect. It was also quite jaggy looking on the consoles so i cant see a new version doing any better. Needs the next gen of consoles to get the best out of it IMO. I will still probably buy it but not if it comes out on xbox 360 as i actually thought BFBC2 looked and played better than BF3.

COD does get tiresome after a while as its so fast and frantic and you dont get rewarded for strategy. A lot of the time its luck that determines who wins a gunfight and basically how quick you can aim. Dont get me wrong COD is fine for a quick blast but not for prolonged sessions. My BF3 disc hasnt been back in since 2 weeks after the game was released.

Now i think about it though im getting a tad bored of BLOPS2 so for a change i may boot up BF3 again as sometimes a long abscence from a game can re-kindle some lost enjoyment for it.

I just hope the new consoles release something like ARMA as i used to love playing this on my old PC in massive multiplayer sessions. OK it was as buggy as hell and my PC struggled to run it but i loved the concept of that game. Even loved playing the original operation flashpoint on PC. This online in massive RTS or MFCTI games was epic. I doubt games like this will ever get released for a console though as there dosnt seem to be the market for them. Look at the sequel OFP titles on console. Laughable.

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Sure enough. I re-installed Battlefield 3 at the weekend to give it another go. I frickin love it. Not sure how i didnt enjoy it first time round but i had some great games at the weekend. There was a 1.9gig update so not sure what that fixed but for some reason i just enjoy it now. Probably a case of absence makes the heart grow fonder but im glad i gave it another go. I think i had too many other new games when BF3 first got released so probably never gave it enough of a chance.

Yes you still get some games where you get owned by a well organised clan but hey ho i still had a good few games where it was even stevens and it was really satisfying. I seem to play as an engineer more than other classes as i get a strange satisfaction from blowing up tanks and choppers. More bang for your buck.

Have ebeen enjoying the recon (sniper) class which is rare for me. I like the fact i can set an alternative spawn point to prevent my squad getting hemmed in when up against tough oposition.

Havent tried hardcore mode this time round but i do want more bullet damage as it seems to take too many hits to kill someone. I like all the HUD elements though and from memory hardcore mode sacrifices these so not sure what ill do.

All in all bring on BF4 now. Cant wait. Once ive learned all the maps i may have to get all the exapnsion packs before BF4 comes out. Its like having a new game that cost me nothing.

The strange thing is i thought he graphics were a bit pants the first time i played it but now i think there really good. Amazing how perceptions change.

Any other BF3 xbox players or are you all PC guys??

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I am PC only I am affraid :).

I love Eng class as well, it's so versatile with so much diff kit to use! there was a time when Hardcore was the only thing I played but it became too easy so I went back to pumping full mags into people faces and still dying in the process lol. I am into helis an jets now. Can be immensly frustraiting or highly gratyfing depending who the other chap in the heli is or what skill levels other jet pilots have. Some are just sick good !

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I am PC only I am affraid :).

I love Eng class as well, it's so versatile with so much diff kit to use! there was a time when Hardcore was the only thing I played but it became too easy so I went back to pumping full mags into people faces and still dying in the process lol. I am into helis an jets now. Can be immensly frustraiting or highly gratyfing depending who the other chap in the heli is or what skill levels other jet pilots have. Some are just sick good !

I stay well clear of anything that flies. I tried it and died very quickly. Good fun getting a lift though then parachuting out onto a high sniping spot.

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Believe me, I took REALLY long time to get to grips with flying contraptions! I personaly am an "earht worm" and hate flying - don't mind the huge kick in the back when an airplane accelerates to lift off but this is where my enjoyment of flying ends. On the ground I have no problems at all, I have no fear of speed whatsoever. I also have rather healthy respect for water :). Having said that BF4 is rumoured to have naval battles?

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i play BF 3 on xbox, really have to start playing it again been busy with other games. I cant fly the jets and are pretty average with the Helicopters. My gamertag if anyone wishes to add me is allan1888

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i play BF 3 on xbox, really have to start playing it again been busy with other games. I cant fly the jets and are pretty average with the Helicopters. My gamertag if anyone wishes to add me is allan1888

Good to have somone to hook up with. Cant chat mostly as i only get on when the wee one is sleeping and her room is next door. Thought headphones were the answer but i forgot about chatting and with headphones im even louder. If im on bf3 when u are it would be fine to play in a squad. Gamertag is jockdooshba6. Thats a 6 not a g. Or a 9 i cant remember.

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I play on Xbox, I had a break a while ago when Blops2 came out due to playing it too much and got a little bored of it but then again I am approaching 370 hours playing time. I mainly play as assault or support but do occasionally use the engineers kit. I still seem to get a massive kick outta taking out jets and helicopters with unguided tank shells, still makes me laugh and smile, had a match the other week where I took down 3 jets and 5 heli's lol.

Love flying heli's and rather decent at it and can pull of some pretty niffy moves when it's called for.

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Loved BFBC2 but BF3 on xbox just wasnt very good. In theory it was better than COD but in practice it just wasnt. No where near as fluid. Gerneral gun handling and hit detection where just not tight enough. If it handled like COD on BF maps etc then it pretty much would be perfect. It was also quite jaggy looking on the consoles so i cant see a new version doing any better. Needs the next gen of consoles to get the best out of it IMO. I will still probably buy it but not if it comes out on xbox 360 as i actually thought BFBC2 looked and played better than BF3.

COD does get tiresome after a while as its so fast and frantic and you dont get rewarded for strategy. A lot of the time its luck that determines who wins a gunfight and basically how quick you can aim. Dont get me wrong COD is fine for a quick blast but not for prolonged sessions. My BF3 disc hasnt been back in since 2 weeks after the game was released.

Now i think about it though im getting a tad bored of BLOPS2 so for a change i may boot up BF3 again as sometimes a long abscence from a game can re-kindle some lost enjoyment for it.

I just hope the new consoles release something like ARMA as i used to love playing this on my old PC in massive multiplayer sessions. OK it was as buggy as hell and my PC struggled to run it but i loved the concept of that game. Even loved playing the original operation flashpoint on PC. This online in massive RTS or MFCTI games was epic. I doubt games like this will ever get released for a console though as there dosnt seem to be the market for them. Look at the sequel OFP titles on console. Laughable.

same boat for me kinda.

i bought bf3 after seeing the demos but it was poor on xbox, too glitchy and not smooth, used to give me a headache. sold it after a week - what a diappointment

i `m getting bored with the cod series tbh but they play well and you can play tactically if you wish especially in a clan, not me btw.

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After few games tiredness set in and I got royaly owned LOL. I love BF3, especially the amount of game play types, maps, kit, ways to play. It even has CoD-like mode where you run around in berserk mode with kill counts going into hundreds on some servers - manic!

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Had a great stint on it last night. Tried a few clan servers which was great when i was on their team but a good bit less fun when i ended up on the oppositions team. Holly 5hit they were good. think it was "SKYF" server. They had a picture of the skyfall poster when the server was loading up anyway.

After 5 minutes of getting our assess handed to us i took out a stinger and just spent some time taking out their choppers. Not as easy as i thought, those pilots were very handy. Got quite a few though and ended up top scorer in our team.The losing team that is. There was a tank battel between one of my teammates and the clan guys. Both tanks slugging it out so i popped off an RPG at extremely long range. Wasnt really expecting to hit as i had to aim so far above it. By total fluke it landed on target and they must have almost been dead as it wiped them out. Double kill and vehicle kill. I wish they could have heard me laugh.

Its great fun playing with a good clan though and i got about 3 rounds of conquest while on their side. Amazing how much more enjoyable the game is when everyone supports each other rather than having 12 snipers in your team. For a split second i began thinking iwas quite good but that feeling didnt last too long.

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Had a few matches tonight. Went 29-5 in just using a heli, me and my two mates were MVP 1-3 for the match by a good 2000xp

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Heli crewed by a good team is very hard to stop. If I have a good pilot I am taking it as a gunner. Pilot with laser painter and me with guided missile is sweet. Plus both with flares and you are laughing. Some wicked flying skills needed as well of course. In such situations I love to have a good tunguska at hand !

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I have just unlocked the javelin for my engineer. Its very good. In one game i managed to target choppers with it but since then i havent been able to. Why is this? Was it a glitch or is it just something disabled in the game options? When it first let me target aircraft i couldnt believe it but it makes the javelin so versatile. As i say though it only let me do it in one game. I cant actually rememeber if i changed servers after that game so that may well have been the reason. Any ideas??

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