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How Stuff Works - a National Funding Guide. Sort Of.


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By mod/member request, following the mentioning the cost to drop off half a timber shed's worth of timber at my local recycling centre, this thread is to hopefully explain how, in my case, Irish Society is paid for. 

I welcome any other ROI members like @chimaera , @Superb170 to chip in, I am not an expert, so will miss stuff, or badly explain other things..


other countries also feel free to compare and contrast how your systems work too. im mot going to do it all in one big post, ill focus on what was asked already today - waste and water. 

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Water - 

this is easy but complicated.

its FREE for all domestic use. 

there was an attempt a few yrs ago to bring water charges, the water depts of LAs were raided for staff, a new quango established and millions spent installing water meters at every house in the country. 

then the protests started, new poxy, single issue "political parties" were spawned and the charges paid by some refunded (like us) and the plan shelved.

result -

the quango still exists, but is missing 60% of its revenue stream, so cant do a whole lot of work.

i know the main contractor on one major project was considering abandoning the oroject as they hadnt been paid for months.

our water infrastructure is shocking, they turn our supply off when it rains heavily to prevent the filter beds being overwhelmed...


there was 5alk a couple of weeks ago about reintroducing the charges next yr, but thats now been pushed back to 2022 again.





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13 minutes ago, mac11irl said:

a new quango established and millions spent installing water meters at every house in the country. 


The term "boondoggle" comes to mind ...

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Revenue Streams -  the main ones..


PAYE income tax.

3 bands - 

0 % on first bit

20% on next chunk

40% on anything over that.


link has a table that shows the up to date cutoffs


https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/money_and_tax/tax/income_tax/how_your_tax_is_calculated.html#:~:text=Tax rates and the standard rate cut-off point,-Tax is charged&text=The first part of your,tax%2C 40% in 2020.



PAYE is deducted at source then where needed a self assessment tax return is done by the individual for any other income and allowance claims - rental property, stocks/dividends,medical bill deductions etc etc. 


various allowances and deductions available.


PRSI - Pay Related Social Insurance

this goes towards paying your benefits like dole, child benefit, social pension etc


USC - Universal Social Charge.

this was brought in as an emergency measure when the economy imploded in 2008 ish. everyone pays it, its basically another name for increasing income tax. it is hated by all for being sneaky and basically being used to service the debt we were landed with courtesy of the bank gaurantee.


Corporation Tax 

everyone knows how that works and doesnt work globally.


Commercial Rates

paid by businesses to the LA its used to fund raod repairs street lighting public bins etc. ots based on the ohysical size of the shop/business.


Customs, Excise Duty, VAT etc

all colllected as applicable 



essentially all money gathered from all streams aretaken in by central government and the distributed to each government dept and LA prop up money is issued alsi. Currently they get their rates money back in full plus any other capital projects allocated. theres talk of redistributing some LA recenue to less well off LAs (like Dublin City rates being given to Leitrim Co Co to help them out).



thats pretty much the income taken care of.

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It looks like income is taxed differently than in the UK as Irish tax is this:-


and (for each person) UK tax is this:-



So in theory it's possible for a UK couple to earn just under £100k without incurring 40% tax whereas an Irish couple would reach that amount at approximately 2/3 of that income.


Just going back to the refuge scenario from the other thread though, are there multiple collection firms vying for the same rubbish and does the recyclable stuff need to be separated as we have to? Is that chargeable by volume (i.e. a wheelie bin) and not by weight as at the tip?


Regarding water rates - two scenarios exist. Primarily either with or without a water meter. New houses since 1990 have them installed and pay for usage but people who have older houses can pay depending upon the rateable value of the property. This is (mainly) based upon the following:-


People can elect to have a meter fitted if they want (on basically a trial basis) to see if they'll benefit.

If house improvements are done during your tenure then any potential value increase will only start when the house is sold.


This table also reflects how much each house is charged relative to the base band.



Your system certainly seems simpler but would you in your 10 bedroom mansion be paying the same as your neighbour in their 3 bed semi?

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oh I forgot the property tax!!


this is banded according to property value.




your LPT value was set according to your purchase value, or market value when it was introduced, depending on how recently you purchased. on our old house we managed to get our LPT down by valuing it the same as a recently sold neighbouring house which went for 40k less than we paid about 5yrs previously. 


the LPT money is just fired in with all the other tax, its not ringfenced for anything in particular. refusal to pay can lead to deduction at source by revenue on your paye income (not paying it was a big thing at the time as protexmst against yet more taxes). 


landlords pay the LPT on their properties, not the tenants, as it is an ownership tax, and is not an allowable deduction on your rental income.



edit - changed the table, original didnt zoom very well, thats the 2015 table, but LAs have mostly left them unchanged, as they set them within a max alteration allowed every couple of yrs. it was originally fixed for 5yrs by government, so changes are only starting to happen now.

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Waste Disposal...


Right, this varies a bit LA to LA but mostly follows a trend outside of Dublin.


As we dont pay a Council Tax, there is no "Free" Council waste collection. 

waste collection services are a private enterprise affair with various different companies available depending on your location. their charges vary depending on on what you get. Councils used to operate their own collection service for which you also paid the council directly. people on social welfare or old age pension could get a heavily subsidised rate. this may still be the case, but if it is the collection is carried out under contract by a private firm on the councils behalf. this is definitely what is done in the Dublin City Corporation area.


all the private operators charge a flat annual/monthly fee, and then a pay by weight charge is applied on top. 

recycling collection is "free". then general waste has a charge. some operators offer glass collection and composting collection cant say i know on the costs though.


Local Authorities also operate recycling / civic amenity centres. The Tip. 

you rock on with your various separated types of rubbish, tell the lads what you have and pay them for access to the yard to do your drop off.

a rough comparison..

1 local collection company costs approx €35/month for

weekly recycling pickup

fortnightly gen waste*

fortnightly compost

the fortnightly ones are alternating weeks. 

*gen waste is a wheelie bin up to 24kg iirc. over that is €0.50 per kg.


LA drop off costs -

black bag gen waste €5

clear bag recycling €1

composting, i cant remember.


now, heres the thing. there is no weight limit, its volume.

i set up a recycling bag by lining the bag with cardboard cereal boxes for reinforcement. this allows me to crush in 2 weeks worth of stuff per bag.

i use heavy duty 120l black bags so we produce on average 3 bags per month.

i weighed a couple of our monthly bags at the tip one day out of curiosity. they were 17kg, 19kg and 16kg so about 52kg which wouldve cost around 37quid for a pick up service. 

instead it cost me €17.

have a compost bin so theres no charge anyway.


i said it to the lads in the yard who were shocked. they told me if someone comes in with a wheelie bin they charge it as 3 bags - 15quid. 



i think thats the waste disposal issue covered?

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There are many more -


You have two cows.
You sell one, lease it back to yourself and do an IPO on the 2nd one.
You force the two cows to produce the milk of four cows.
You are surprised when one cow drops dead.
You spin an announcement to the analysts stating you have down sized and are reducing expenses.
Your stock goes up.

You have two cows.
You go on strike because you want three cows.
You go to lunch and drink wine.
Life is good.

You have two cows.
You redesign them so they are one tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk.
They learn to travel on unbelievably crowded trains.
Most are at the top of their class at cow school.

You have two cows.
You engineer them so they are all blond, drink lots of beer, give excellent quality milk, and run a hundred miles an hour.
Unfortunately they also demand 13 weeks of vacation per year.

You have two cows but you don't know where they are.
While ambling around, you see a beautiful woman.
You break for lunch.
Life is good.

You have two cows.
You have some vodka.
You count them and learn you have five cows.
You have some more vodka.
You count them again and learn you have 42 cows.
The Mafia shows up and takes over however many cows you really have.

You have all the cows in Afghanistan, which are two.
You don't milk them because you cannot touch any creature's private parts.
Then you kill them and claim a US bomb blew them up while they were in the hospital.

You have two cows.
They go into hiding.
They send radio tapes of their mooing.

You have two bulls.
Employees are regularly maimed and killed attempting to milk them.

You have a black cow and a brown cow.
Everyone votes for the best looking one.
Some of the people who like the brown one best, vote for the black one.1111111111111111111111111111
Some people vote for both.
Some people vote for neither.
Some people can't figure out how to vote at all.
Finally, a bunch of guys from out-of-state tell you which is the best looking cow.

You are associated with (the concept of 'ownership' is a symbol of the phallocentric, warmongering, intolerant past) two differently aged (but no less valuable to society) bovines of non-specified gender.

You have two giraffes.
The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.

You have a cow and a bull.
The bull is depressed.
It has spent its life living a lie.
It goes away for two weeks.
It comes back after a taxpayer-paid sex-change operation.
You now have two cows.
One makes milk; the other doesn't.
You try to sell the transgender cow.
Its lawyer sues you for discrimination.
You lose in court.
You sell the milk-generating cow to pay the damages.
You now have one rich, transgender, non-milk-producing cow.
You change your business to beef. PETA pickets your farm.
Jesse Jackson makes a speech in your driveway.
Cruz Bustamante calls for higher farm taxes to help "working cows".
Hillary Clinton calls for the nationalization of 1/7 of your farm "for the children".
Gray Davis signs a law giving your farm to Mexico.
The L.A. Times quotes five anonymous cows claiming you groped their teats.
You declare bankruptcy! and shut down all operations.
The cow starves to death.
The L.A. Times' analysis shows your business failure is Bush's fault.

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Healyhcare... phase 1...

GP Care -

if you are on a low income or benefits you will qualify after means testing for either

a medical card which covers all medical expenses through public funding systems.


a GP visit card, which covers your GP visits, but (i dont think) any additional charges like blood tests etc.

we have an under 6s GP Card also where all kids under 6 get free GP care. This was recently extended to under 8s. and i think plans to extend to under 10s/12s at some stage.


if you dont qualify for the GO cards, you pay anything from 50 to 80quid for a visit to the GO, depending on your individual GPs rates, ad then any additionalin on top.


Officially they are independent self empmoyed doctors who work on a contract to the HSE. 


vaccinations programmes for kids are free.


out of hours GP care is regional, and is operated by participating GPs working on a Rota. it also cots 70quid per visit unless you have a GP/Med card.

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8 hours ago, mac11irl said:

Healyhcare... phase 1...

GP Care -

if you are on a low income or benefits you will qualify after means testing for either

a medical card which covers all medical expenses through public funding systems.


a GP visit card, which covers your GP visits, but (i dont think) any additional charges like blood tests etc.

we have an under 6s GP Card also where all kids under 6 get free GP care. This was recently extended to under 8s. and i think plans to extend to under 10s/12s at some stage.


if you dont qualify for the GO cards, you pay anything from 50 to 80quid for a visit to the GO, depending on your individual GPs rates, ad then any additionalin on top.


Officially they are independent self empmoyed doctors who work on a contract to the HSE. 


vaccinations programmes for kids are free.


out of hours GP care is regional, and is operated by participating GPs working on a Rota. it also cots 70quid per visit unless you have a GP/Med card.

The UK has free access to GP's (actually limited by not usually being able to get an appointment) with prescriptions costing £9.15 per item.





Most vaccinations are free but travel ones may incur a cost:-



What's your dentist costs?

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prescription renewals vary, some small gp country clinics dont charge. ours charge a tenner for renewal.


there is then a dispensing charge applied at the pharmacy (government mandated tax really)


we have a Drug Payment Scheme which all citizens can apply for. then if you spend over a certain threshold in a month on medications the balance is picked up by the dept. i think the threshold is around 125quid, but i may be wrong.

whats really annoying is the dispensing charge applies for every time you pick up, but its not covered on the DPS. but on the DPS you can only pick up a month suppy at a time, so every month you go for your meds you get caught for another dispensing fee, whereas if youre not on the DPS you could pick up a 4month supply and only pay one dispensing charge.




dentist fees, 

average for an inspection is ... 0

we get 2 check ups per year free from our prsi contributions 

but its literally just to open your mouth and look in. 

a clean and polish will cost.

filings cost, crowns, etc.

orthodontics cost massive, inless you go fully public system which could take years.

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Great thread, Mac.


I see Japan mentioned a few times.


Can I give a plug to one of my favourite YT channels 'Life Where I'm From' ?


Its ( just about ) all about life in Japan




Now Mac, about the deadlocked rear driver side door on my Octy  ......



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4 hours ago, olddog said:

Now Mac, about the deadlocked rear driver side door on my Octy  ......


ill have a look for your post in a few mins



4 hours ago, olddog said:

The LPT does go to the LAs


Whats in a name ?  :biggrin:


well, your council tax goes to the LA and covers the costs of waste collection street lighting etc. ours just goes into a big pot and churned up. the reality is before LPT came in the council got the same budget they do now. it hasnt increased with the LPT, it was used to service the national debt....

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37 minutes ago, mac11irl said:


ill have a look for your post in a few mins

No post - leg pull - I have problem and plan to follow your great posts on the topic

37 minutes ago, mac11irl said:




well, your council tax goes to the LA and covers the costs of waste collection street lighting etc. ours just goes into a big pot and churned up. the reality is before LPT came in the council got the same budget they do now. it hasnt increased with the LPT, it was used to service the national debt....

Hmmm....  Thats how it is for stuff like road tax but my impression is its not like that for LPT - otherwise why would any region choose to vary higher ? Dublin City manager recently pleaded  for the Dublin LPT to be varied higher to help cover some of the CV-19 fallout shortfall in the city.   ( what planet is he on to think its a good idea to increase taxes the very time individual incomes have nosedived ? )



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On 29/09/2020 at 01:38, Lady Elanore said:

The version of that I used to have of that ended with


UK Corporation

You have two cows.

They are both mad.

Not mad, they just think they are sheep. :blink:

As for JTB on UK free prescriptions, there's also an under 65 class of free prescriptions for folks on long term medication ( diabetes is one) , where exemption for charges is given.

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