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Octavia 3 and Skoda bashing

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This is has got me soooo angry that I had to share it, I know it sounds silly and I am sorry but I wanted to see if anyone else had any similar situations like this.

I have a few friends who how shall I say this, think they know cars and know what they're talking about, well I don't think that they do to be honest but there you go.

Anyway, back in April when I decided I wanted to get the Octavia I said to my friend I'm getting it and this is how much It'll set me back. I got told why don't I go for a Mazda 3 instead? A MAZDA 3!? It's not even in the same class, A MAZDA 3!? I should add at this point that they drive a Mazda 2.

So anyway as we all know by now I have ordered my car and I got a quote for my current car for part exchange, very happy with it and it's guaranteed so even happier with that, so I told my friend, as you do. She cycles to work and tells me "I don't drive my car that much anymore so the car holds it's value better" (clearly a dig at me always driving my current one as I live too far from work to cycle).

Her and her friends (a couple) and myself went out for a meal the other night, we talked about my new car to which I get "what is it with you and your obsession with Skoda!? It's just a VW but someone has stolen the badge." Errrr, I think there is a massive noticeable difference between the VW and Skoda! I should at this point add that the new Octavia will now be my 3rd Skoda car.

Today, my friend said, "hope you don't mind us taking the **** the other night, we're not taking the **** out of the car just that you're obsessed with Skoda's, you should stop getting Skoda's".

So, because it's a Skoda I shouldn't love them, would it be a problem if I owned three VW's, Audis, Honda's or Mazda's in a row? Would be an issue if I was 'obsessed' with another car manufacturer? It's bad because it's a Skoda, but they can't give me a logical reason as to why Skoda are bad.

My friend who own's the Mazda 2 (horrible cheap car) is obsessed with Mazda, she's been telling me about the tech in the new 3 and 6 and how they're going to change the 2 and how she'd love a 6 but it's too big. May I add, I never do that, I barely talk about my car I just told them about the Octavia cause I'm fricking excited!

I also said to her at the time of getting the Octavia that Whatcar (the only car reviewer I trust) gave it 5 stars and said it beat the Golf (and for me it did) to which she said, "Of course they said that, you're spending more money". It's cheaper than the Golf!? She was upset cause I dismissed the 3, I'm not a fan of Mazda I really don't like their build quality, I mean the 2 feels cheap to me.

Sorry to waffle on but the point of me saying this is, what is wrong with a Skoda? Why do people still have this negative perception about them? They're lovely cars, I love them, yeah I find my local dealer rude when I've been in there in the past but their customer service centre and the quality of their cars more than makes up for that and makes me happy.

If I was in love with another car that would be ok but it's a problem because it's a Skoda, has anyone else found this, or is it just me and I need find some more open minded friends?

Final bit, none of them have ever driven a Skoda! And; I was on a cycle ride tonight with my friend and a 2012 mark 2 Octavia drives past and she goes "oh a brand new Octavia" To which I say "that's the Mark 2 the older version" her reply "Oh not your's then"..... Case in hand!

I've also just turned 26 and have owned Skoda's since I was 20.

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I think you might be reading a little too much into their comments, sounds like normal banter to me, but then the written word is very different to the spoken word.

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I get banter from my colleagues but most know the cars are good. I think most of my banter is from what I do with my Skoda, rather than what it actually is. They are a little baffled by me spending what some of their cars are worth, on just a front brake kit....

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Can't say I've found any negativity around Skoda myself. Among my friends and work colleagues I think they all realise that the build quality is good and they're genuinely good cars.

I did have one person in work suggest I look at a Vauxhall Corsa though when I first mentioned I was looking to change the Fabia for something new/newer. I politely pointed out I didn't really like them :)

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As littleade mentioned, tell your friend she could have saved a grand or two and bought a Ford fiesta.....they are exactly the same car.

I wouldn't take it personally. Anyone who genuinely slates Skoda cars these days are either stupid or completely ignorant.

Marketing is a very powerful tool in the automotive business, demonstrated to me the other day when discussing cars with a work colleague. He is keen to have a car with high safety standards as he was involved in a head on collision a while ago which was not his fault. We were chatting about what car he was going to get next, and he said he liked the Volvo V60.......Volvo's are safe cars. I suggested to him that he just buy a Ford Mondeo which the V60 (and a lot of other volvos) are based on. I got a kind of surprised and annoyed look from him. Surprised that Volvos are Fords (for the moment....Ford sold Volvo to a Chinese company recently), and annoyed that he has been fooled by marketing all these years......Ford bought Volvo in 1999!

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+1^^^^ trouble is not with Skodas, but the ignoramus's that have never driven one but still have an 'informed' opinion.SWMBO took the p1ss out of me something rotten when I had my SE+ after I'd pointed out just how big the boot was, which is ironic as I take her golf bats and trolly to the club! 'I'd be more interested in what'under the bonnet than how big the boot is' she used to say. So I got fed up of the jibes and got a vRS! Ask her where Mazda are in all the consumer reports, JD power and which, then tell her who's top of those lists. Just keep on smiling mate an take no notice...

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...I occasionally get blank stares when I say that I drive a Skoda. So many people still relate to the old Estelle and Radid models from the 70s and 80s. I just tell them that at least my hands will be warm when pushing it cos it's got a rear heated screen or that it's a good tip car cos it's got a sunroof! :giggle:

Seriously though, even the badge snobs that I work with are impressed with them, to the point that there are now 2 more Superbs in the directors car park at work, I was the first to get a Superb at our place, and now the Octy III is starting to raise a few eyebrows too amongst the BMW and Audi owners!

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I chose skoda for many reasons:

- I have a Clio Symbol from 2008. Expensive costs with the maintenance and small class

- skoda is the newest car on the market here

- best fit to my family purposes

Now I have to face my work coleagues with loads of offensive words:

- octavia drivers are a mess

- I am frustrated passat wanabe and since I could not get the passat I compensated with octavia

- why buy new car because it's value is deprecating so quickly

None of these are logic arguments. And I like to congratulate people on things they buy. Everyone is so enthuziastic with a new buy so why ruin their joy? Respect for the others is something we all should have.

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Im old enough to remember the pre VW ownership era of skoda and the bad jokes that were some how interchangeable with the Lada's of the time.

Rear Heated Windows for keeping your hands warm while pushing the car etc. This stigma as a child gets imprinted on the brain and for some lessar mortals it gives them unfathomable hatred towards the brand and those who drive them. I take a different view though to the OP it doesn't upset me because my analytical brain is just working out that the stigma directly affects the price of the vehicle meaning i can buy amoung the best cars on the road for much less than what they would cost had they not still got a brand image problem. So in future when people are banging on about Mazda's etc let them think they have social superiority and quietly know that you have moral and financial superiority.

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When I get questioned on my car choice, which doesn't happen a lot now, I reply with that I bought a car, not a handbag. I look at what it can do, not who's name is on it. We also have a Kia now, so we get it from both barrels :)

Also re: Mazda owners. I know someone who had a 6 diesel, which suffered the common oil problem and the engine blew up. What did they replace it with? Another Mazda 6 diesel 2.2 I don't really need to say any more...

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I get the same thing at work but I expect it being the only girl out of 6 that knows even a tiny bit about cars, if they liked a car it would be "oo that red one is nice" so if I go to a local Skoda meet they tell me it's "dogging" and really don't understand why I like Skodas so much :) obviously it's playful banter but one of the girls the other day said "I do like your new car, but I could never have one myself... it's a Skoda!"

I couldn't give a toss what the general say so is on Skodas, I love my little Fab and will continue to do so for many years to come :)

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This is the first Skoda I've actually owned, I warmed to the brand in a previous job when I was given an 05 plate Octavia 105 diesel estate as a company car previously driven by a manager that had eventually been sacked. The car was horribly abused, I don't believe it had been washed since new (car had done 50k miles), the imbecile had put a car battery on the back seat which had tipped over and spilt acid over it and wrecked it. I got the firm to buy a new rear seat, spent a whole weekend washing it, waxed it and brought it up to an acceptable condition. I did another 20k miles in it, not a rattle, squeak and nothing went wrong with it. A real eye opener. A colleague had a brand new VW Passat with the same engine, it was sluggish and had all sorts of minor niggles with it.

OK, taxi drivers use them which is as a good a recommendation as you can get, no way would it survive as a taxi if it was expensive to run or unreliable. I've had nothing but compliments at work this week!

My wife had a Mazda 2, brand new, it was so uncomfortable that we got rid of it after only a few weeks for the Honda Jazz she drives now. And yes, a Mazda is only a badge engineered Ford, whereas a Skoda is a badge engineered Audi! :sun:

Edited by Timoctav
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I get this from the ill informed people amongst us. When I first started here I took an Octavia back to get used to it, pulled up and my neighbour immediately laughed and said "you're driving a Skoda, that must be painful"!?, the swift reply was, "I'd rather drive this than your 3 year old Mondeo that has had more trouble than the Gaza strip"!! - No comment was heard after that.

Some 'acquaintances' (definately not friends) still comment in a rather loud voice as to how are you getting on at Skoda as if it's some big joke! Better than their other manufacturers are!!

Just point to WhatCar?, JD and the likes, don't take it to heart, at the end of the day, it'll be you having the last laugh.

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I'd heard I'd have no chance of getting a Skoda as a company car (by a colleague who tried to get an Octavia vRS) - based on stigma, I think. I have one now, and the "new" list has the whole range available, Citigo to Superb.

I had some funny looks after my last car (VW Scirocco) but when I mention its the same engine and box, but with 5 doors AND I can open the door in Tesco carpark, it makes sense to everyone else. As our (the company) work is heavily in the Automotive industry, we all know where the cars originally come from.. Even the newer guys who have driven mine are impressed.

I like to be different - in a company car park of mainly black and silver Audi and BMW products with the odd VW thrown in, I like parking the race blue Fabia in the middle...

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..and as for your "friends", I'm afraid they're simply badge snobs; their favourite car is the best in their eyes and nothing will ever change that.

You can try and tell them the "2" is an overpriced Fiesta (hell, they never even tried to disguise the 121), the 3 is last years Focus and the 6...I think its the Mondeo platform? Whichever way, they will put the proverbial fingers in their ears and not take any notice. I think Kia and Hyundai drivers now get the stick that was reserved for Skoda drivers - and soon it will be Perodua and Dacia drivers getting it. Someone is always at the bottom of the tree, Rolls Royce is at the top. Everyone else is in the middle.

Some people I know have an Audi obsession - I've not driven one I like yet. Same with Nissan (apart from an aged Patrol). Mazda? Don't think I've driven one. Ever. Horses for courses..

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Don't get worked up about it.

Those that know cars, know the truth, and you are part of this knowledgeable group.

I've owned many differant makes of cars over the years, but only 2 manufacturers appear more than once in that list.

Skoda and TVR.

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The Skoda reputation comes from older days, before the joint venture of VW and Skoda. Back then the cars were rubbish and broke down constantly hence people saying, that Skoda is a band brand. Some don't even know, that Skoda uses roughly the same parts as VW, but it's becoming more and more known. Today i would put Skoda as the same build quality as any VW.

More story reading here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%A0koda_Auto

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Yet furthur "proof" if any were needed as to the ignorance and stupidity of most of the population.


I tink I may bid for a slot on yon Mars mission.


Why worry what others think?


We reared our children simply to be themselves, explaining that no "one" could be, or was "normal"

Normal is merely an average across a population.

Therefore simply be yourself.


From a now accepting non-conformist, who used to desperately worry about what others though.



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It's just a bit of banter. There are much greater things in life to worry about than a bit of Skoda bashing!

Indeed. Just sit back, relax and count the money they spent on a fancy badge for their Ford Fiesta.

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She cycles to work and tells me "I don't drive my car that much anymore so the car holds it's value better" (clearly a dig at me always driving my current one as I live too far from work to cycle).

Sums it up to me - Doesn't use the car so it doesn't depreciate as much. If she's that worried about saving money, don't have a car in the first place.

We did the sums and it's actually touch and go if wifey had a Citigo or just kept taking taxis everywhere. Acquaintances have a new car every 2 years but take the bus everywhere. It doesn't do near 1000 miles a year. What is the point? £3k a year (depreciation alone) buys a lot of taxis...

Sorry - pet hate...

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Indeed. Just sit back, relax and count the money they spent on a fancy badge for their Ford Fiesta.

Quite. I picked up my rapid for the same cost as a basic spec fiesta. Very happy with my choice no matter what badge/plastics snobs think or say :-)

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

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