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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/18 in all areas

  1. I think its protection tape !
    3 points
  2. I'm sure I can steer myself at those speeds.
    2 points
  3. The Allen key tip saved me. That and washing up liquid.
    2 points
  4. I can confirm that this also works on the Kodiaq. Thanks to @Vectis for the idea.
    2 points
  5. It was very hard to understand what was being offered. Basically it's a chocolate teapot. Android Auto for me :-)
    2 points
  6. I got the link from a 245 Estate thread on here a few days ago. http://www.rearguards.co.uk/index.php?app=gbu0&ns=catshow&ref=skoda
    2 points
  7. I prefer Carbon Fibre on my paddle extensions.
    2 points
  8. Quick picture after collection.
    2 points
  9. And here it is... Getting a bit "variable" with tartan OAP rug in place And the rear piece in place Hearse mode Going to the tip mode And back to normal. Don't be concerned by the black diesel container in a petrol car; it's for weedkiller... I've realised that the floor mat should stop the handle from bouncing around too. So that's it. The £50 TPNQSVBF is complete. Well, not quite. The obligatory "oh bugger" moment was the discovery that the Yeti floor mat wouldn't quite fit in underneath. The cross brace on the forward piece was intended to hold the board in place by resting against the front lip of the boot, but it doesn't need to as the edge of the board rests against the back of the rear seats. As it's now in the way I may remove it. Or trim it down. Or not bother and leave the Yeti mat in the garage and just grab it when I need it. :-)
    2 points
  10. Neat installation of a tissue holder
    2 points
  11. Finally got all of the Audi TTS alloy subframe and alloy wishbones fitted to the car now. Not drove it had a few beers doing the wishbones but I think it will need tracking
    2 points
  12. Suppose that makes my 1.4 an electric toothbrush. If I wasn't doing so many miles I would have liked a v6 facelift
    1 point
  13. I doubt you can provide a single verifiable example of someone being prevented from creating one of the 'cars of the future' by red tape and regulation. The simplest repost to that is a re-post: It won't have been the HSE. It will probably have been someone at the school using 'health and safety' as an excuse not to do anything useful. The HSE was not slow to act when I e-mailed them about a bunch of roofers working across the way from my office, walking around on a pitched roof four storeys up with no sign of any fall arrest systems. (One of them was wearing a hard hat, though, and another had a hi viz jacket on. Neither very useful if you slip and fall 50ft into a paved basement area.) Call me an interfering old busybody but I didn't fancy having to witness one of them dying horribly. I suppose I'll just have to live with the fear that I might have prevented them from creating the roof the future. Sounds like someone who was told to go on the course by their employer so that said employer could tick a box somewhere (quite likely one required by their insurers) when the person came back clutching an attendance certificate, despite having paid scant attention to what they were actually being told.
    1 point
  14. **WARNING** Be very careful just connecting the bulk head connector as even if the rear wiper works there is a possibility that the connectors inside the car are popped open slightly. this happened to me and if was over 3 weeks before I realised the rear passenger side carpet was soaking and stinking foisty. The water runs down the side of the rear sill (as in TMB's picture ) and it diverts at the bottom straight into the rear footwell so it can be a while before you notice this is happening. There are no visible or wet seats until it soaked through the deadening mat and through to the upper carpet. If you are going to connect the bulkhead pipe I would suggest you use the BERRY scented windscreen wash and keep a nose out for the berry smell elsewhere in the car. Mine also leaked under the boot trim but I noticed the rust marks dripping through number plate lights quite quickly and rectified this for the carpet though. I pulled all the trim off and lifted up the passenger carpet to let it air. I then took the opportunity to remove the passenger front seat and give the carpet a good dry out. If you need any pictures of let me know
    1 point
  15. Good job! It's been very interesting watching you get this together. Bargain price as well!
    1 point
  16. Hope it gets on the move soon
    1 point
  17. Super. Nice one Rusty. Posted it anyway just for the knowledge pool.
    1 point
  18. Still pondering the footrest. Meanwhile stirred myself sufficiently to get these on. Thanks for the inspiration Vectis
    1 point
  19. They real carbon ones? Looks good
    1 point
  20. Tried to test drive a Soul back in late 2013. Made 2 appointments to test drive a diesel auto, each time the dealer phoned the day before appointment to say, sorry can't get one. Told dealer(politely) don't bother. Walked into a Skoda dealer, nice diesel auto black Yeti sat there. Told dealer straight off, I'll buy that. 4 odd years later, and 96000 miles, still going strong. The 'FIX' is not done either.
    1 point
  21. I don't think I'd go for the sport, although its the only model to have the wild orange paint
    1 point
  22. Yes they need them so they are tested and the results available so that people can order or buy them, but the legislation does not require the GPF is on a car you buy or lease in June, July or August. Time is really getting on where the order books should be open and people know the C02 / g/km and the VED bands of what will be delivered to them.
    1 point
  23. Absolutely. Not a proper hybrid in my view unless it do 50 miles or so on lecky ie do the North and South Circular without firing up the death inducing ICE component. Think that EVs will really lift off when battery pack hits 60 kWh which is the LEAF 2b and Zoe R110 extended. Just make estate versions of these two cars so it has the floor space for the extra 20 kWh to add to the existing 40 kWh. Be a bit heavy ie 1.75 tonnes unloaded but hey-ho. 450 km range summer, 300 km winter should do for 95% or so of people and very cheap home charging most the time. Reduce charge-gate issues to for Nissan.
    1 point
  24. I would certainly hope it is just some of the protection tape. Only time I've seen anything like that happen with paint on a relatively new car was years ago when someone used a jet wash on a company van and took a layer of paint off ! Needless to say I've never used a jet wash since to clean the car, bucket and sponge works just fine
    1 point
  25. Thanks Vectra, the original intention was to grab some shots of the daffodils, and then bokeh the rest to set them in context... Shot was set up on a tripod, then the mini came along. Probably would have been better to close the aperture but no time to do anything. All a learning curve. lol
    1 point
  26. Wow! That 3M adhesive is REALLY on there, then!
    1 point
  27. Just put a set of Uniroyal Rainsport 3's on mine - just over 70 quid per corner.
    1 point
  28. He may need that soap to be on a rope. He won't want to be dropping it in the showers of a US prison..... he'll be having a whole new tailpipe problem soon enough! (The US justice department on Thursday disclosed the filing of criminal charges against former Volkswagen chief executive)
    1 point
  29. I said having test rides was dangerous......
    1 point
  30. Sorry poor photography on a perfect night. Nikon KeyMission 80 miniture camera.
    1 point
  31. Sorry no, I do plan to go skodafest at end of the month. Outwardly the looks no different apart from the lights.
    1 point
  32. Little foambath for Vera tonight! And a run round with Autoglym’s Rapid Detailer Spray afterwards.
    1 point
  33. I think I'm done. The carpet is glued down. I've done a better job of wrapping and gluing the (new) front piece than I have of the back but it should be fine. It's all drying in the house tonight and will go in the car tomorrow. As the edges are glued, and it's a snug fit between the sides of the front piece and the boot sides, i didn't want any glue seeping through. I'm not totally happy with the lifting ring (not quite straight) but it'll do until I come up with a better solution. Assuming it fits fine tomorrow I'll take a final couple of photos in the car and job done! If not, then I'll take it to the tip, delete the thread and pretend it never happened :-)
    1 point
  34. It started raining just after washing. My typical luck.
    1 point
  35. I did try it before I ordered it... I was offered a three - four day test ride but was going on holiday so couldn’t take it for that length of time to had a decent demo ride. i loved my e-bikes but I felt although it got me cycling after approx a 50 year break it was too heavy to ride without assistance, especially the Cube. I will start off on the flat with the Brompton and build up from there.
    1 point
  36. Not even that complex - just connect the Park Cam Switch + to a Permanent B+ Supply. All the Construction and Materials Handling Equipment I ever developed had this feature and people thought it was witchcraft.
    1 point
  37. Use the products they only cost £50 or so, no need to pay £300 plus unless your time is worth £200 an hour.
    1 point
  38. I haven't done much recently apart from car photos but I really liked this one. I've finally started using my Canon 70D in full manual mode. Also this one. Tyre smoke
    1 point
  39. Yes but not from a Dealership with them profiting & then the commission to the salesperson and applied by a subcontractor making a living. Buy it from a trusted supplier, 'much cheapness' and apply it yourself. 'Much Cheapness'.
    1 point
  40. Donbrig: At the risk of repeating myself, it's worth going over the "normal wear and tear" point again. As a Chatered Engineer with thousands of metallurgical failure analyses under my belt (including my own Skoda, as above) I feel well-qualified to comment, but actually, this is a very simple situation. I would be very sure that your failure, and all the others, would, like mine, show "beach mark" striations on the spring fracture faces, and any first year metallurgy student will tell you that this is the definitive symptom of a fatigue failure. At this point, it's game over, because we have a major transmission part that fails (with no possible input or contribution from the driver and with disastrous consequential effects) at an unrealistically low 40K miles or so. In or out of warranty, that's clearly unfit for purpose. If you wanted to go further and say why it failed by fatigue, then the operating stress/fatigue limit, as in my posts above, has to be a prime contender. Another possible contribution is the "fretting" (micro- welding) I saw between the diaphragm spring and its retainer, which can initiate fatigue cracks. What didnt cause it, at least in my case, is faulty heat-treatment of the spring, which looked absolutely fine. There's no doubt in my mind that the most basic metallurgical analysis would prove to a court's satisfaction that this was an original, inherent fault that is totally outside any influence of the customer. For reasons I've already explained, that person isn't me, but with the multiple failures of Skoda, VW, Audi, and probably others, my feeling is that this surely is within the remit of Motorcodes as an industry regulator and consumer champion. Why should us minions have to take the fight as individuals to a global conglomerate with massive power and finances behind it? Why do we have to scramble for tenuous safety links? Why are they allowed to blithely ignore obvious OE failures, hiding behind passive threats like "so sue us"? This is not only unfair, but is also willingly deceitful and completely immoral. We need US-style consumer-protection laws! You got a much better response from Motorcodes than I did, but I wish someone would ask them to read this thread in detail and explain their inaction. I think it would also be good if Audi, VW and other owners who have found this thread could join forces somehow. How many cars, at what cost, have failed, and how many are yet to fail? All in all, a disgraceful situation
    1 point
  41. I've had a look around to see what was on offer and opted for the virgin sim only deal mainly due to them hopping off the EE network, from what I remember, which provides fast speeds and enough data per month. The added benefit of data rollover is equally handy if your not using it as often: http://www.virginmedia.com/mobile/sim-only/pay-monthly-sim/ I opted for the 5GB a month deal which is on offer at £9 from £13. I think this should be more than enough for what I need and don't imagine the google maps to utilise too much either.
    1 point
  42. Had a nice run today (warm dry weather) with the Michelin PS4 the grip in the dry is phenomenal, straight lines feel planted on the road & turning corners is were these are really grippy, I had a few moments were I really wanted to push them but thought I need to chill & wear these in gradually, definitely a comfortable ride as dcstuurman mentioned above & they do seem to have decent rim protection especially on the 225x40x18's, definitely no noisy than any other tyre, my previous Nokian tyres are 69-db with the Mitchelin's being 71-db & I can't hear any difference, the db seems exactly the same, no different & I had the drivers window fully down, stereo off but I can say from the off that I've noticed/feel these tyres are far better than when I even first fitted the Nokian's & I liked them. I will update with a tad more info once I've worn them in the way I want too & see if any of the characteristics change etc...
    1 point
  43. It's legit, but not for the faint hearted. Water (or rather steam) does a good job of cleaning up the cylinders. If you've ever had a headgasket leaking coolant into a cylinder for a period of time, you'll notice it's lovely and bright and clean. However, the amount of water you'd need to feed into your engine over a period of time is probably a lot more than you'd manage in one sitting. Not to mention if you overdo it, you risk hydrolocking the engine and bending conrods!
    1 point
  44. Am I reading this right? The OP has a 10 year old Superb and is unhappy that it needs discs, pads and a couple of springs?
    1 point
  45. Disclaimer - don't get mad at me if this ruins your car, it worked on my car, I can't guarantee it will work on your car. According to my notes I set bit 7 (to 1) in byte 17 in 09 Central Electronics module. Help text was "License Plate Light w/o Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) [LED Light]" This was in an older version of VCDS. Help text might have changed in newer versions. You can try this without buying the LED lights - set code and disconnect one of the old lights - if there is no bulb warning it should work with the LED light. Good luck!
    1 point
  46. Those K&N style cone filters and their performance gains are a bunch of baloney. Engineers spend countless hours to design airboxes with favourable performance characteristics and then some dunce comes along and tells you that ya should put a cone on it instead for mad gains. Without meticulous maintenance (cleaning with air filter cleaner and oiling with air filter oil) they flow so well that they suck dirt in as well. Even in ideal conditions regular air filters are better at filtration. Factory air filters have more surface than the engine requires. Even for a commuter car, so it would take longer to clog up thus has a longer service interval. Those filters are used in racing applications because instead of a large airbox you get a small cone that attaches with one clamp. Lighter, smaller, faster to replace. One thing you might like about those filters is increased induction noise. Throatier exhaust and/or increased induction noise fool people into believing they've got more power because more vroom, but without a proper remap you may even lose power. If not peak power, probably across the rev range, especially low rpm torque.
    1 point
  47. And that is why no company has ever retained my business by giving me a "better quote" after someone else has beaten their renewal quote.
    1 point
  48. can't find, somewhere there one member wrote about his doubts Windscreen's Heater works or not - mine works on the morning made uncomplete Windscreen heater test air temperature 15°c Windscreen with heater On 0min - 14°c 1min - 15°c 2min - 17°c 3min - 19°c 4min - 21°c 5min - 22°c 6min - 23°c 7min - 23°c had to drive measured by cheap infrared thermometer
    1 point

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